Hi Polycount! First time posting here.

I'd like to share an environment I finished up recently. The idea I had for this was a futuristic antigravity craft pitstop or a servicing area/bay. The concept for mood and atmosphere is inspired by the talented Fabio Barretta Zungrone, however I ended up reinterpreting most of the props. The main tools I used for this were 3ds Max, Zbrush, Substance and UE4. Most of the modeling done using the
proboolean dynamesh workflow.
A little cinematic I put together for this:

Here's a small breakdown of different elements used:

Would be great to hear your thoughts. Thanks for checking this out!
@shabba Glad you like it man, means a lot.
I think you just have a lot of fun shapes going on in here. I'm a big fan of the video. Some great movement in there, and the music really helps set a mood. Very impressive.
Few crits for ya:
I don't immediately get a good sense of scale. I think the bridge with the railing helps, but particularly in a few shots in the video, it took me a minute to get an idea of scale. I would suggest getting some smaller scale things at ground level to really sell it. Maybe some doorways, maybe some boxes/crates sitting on the edge of the platform. Will just make that initial read much clearer.
In the video, It would be nice to have some subtle swaying of the ship. The fact that it stays completely still is a little jarring.
The front end of the ship maybe comes off a bit unrefined to me. Specifically in the first shot, where there isn't a Zero G Corp decal..it looks a bit plain. maybe another decal on that side, as well as some other small ways to break up the large carbon fiber surface will add a bit more sophistication to the ship.
@gsokol Noted! Thanks for the constructive feedback. Regarding the ship, it is actually floating up and down a little bit, and has some heatwave particles coming off of it, but this a bit difficult to see in the video and could be more apparent, and I completely agree it could use a bit more detail, however this was not my primary focus of the project, but I am hoping to do some studies to get better at these. Thanks again, stuff like this helps me improve.
Also it does not look like a pit stop, more like you put the car in a random future back alley, there are no tools, no machines, no 'tires' no engines (no pitstop people) etc that would give any indication of a pitstop. There is not even a ladder to mount the vehicle. Its also a very thin alley to race. The backdrop looks cool and atmospheric but the vehicle design does not hold up so well imo, it feels very plain, all in all it looks nice still and I like the camera angles.
You could sell the content at the unreal marketplace: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace
All in all, I believe this scene is still successful, but without those details it looks more like an awesome parking bay rather than a pit stop. I can still see this succeeding as a level or an environment for an awesome animated short. Great Work!
How long did this take you to do? (The scene setup and cinematic?)
@macoll Good idea! Something to look into for the future. Would probably need some more assets to make it into an actual pack though.
@AnimatedStruggle Thanks man! I appreciate it. The metal arms idea sounds cool! I am thinking of revisiting this as mentioned, getting some great feedback! To answer the time question, I was given around a month to do it from scratch, but that's working on and off and in between my other courses.
@Cav73 Thank you!
@Snefer Thanks!
Only tiny little thing I would say is that in your video you go from standstill shot to standstill shot, it's better if the camera is already in motion when you switch to that shot. But this is me nit picking, I think it's brilliant.