Repost from UE4 forum.)

Hello all,
Recently I decided to start work on a personal tool that would help me achieve high quality renders from UE4 like I would typically get from Marmoset. I first ran across the "Showcase" blueprint by Osman. After seeing this in action, I wanted to see if I could create a fully featured version with an interface included. This would allow me to setup pre-calibrate environments and create master materials for different asset types (skin, prop, cloth, etc) and allow other artists to simply use the tool to achieve the best iteration. I thought this could be useful for 2 things primarily:
1) Create beautiful renders for portfolios/forums in an actual game engine with little effort and little required setup.
2) Create pre-calibrate conditions for outsourcing and art direction.
I have worked up a very quick prototype and thought I would share it here to see what people think. Nothing is set in stone and I look forward to community feedback to help me create a tool that UE4 users would enjoy using. (Its worth noting that Epic apparently has plans to upgrade view-port rendering options for at least the static mesh editor as soon as 4.13)
Here is a list of current features:
- Load any actor for rendering
- Switch between hdr environments (similar to Osman's version)
- Add lights and adjust settings
- Select from multiple view modes. (Lit, Wireframe, Base Color, Ruoghness, Specular, Metallic, Normal, Material AO, Subsurface)
- Adjust env brightness
- Rotate env
- Setup turn table for lighting, env, and assets
- Set sky to color
- Fully usable ui. Hide-able panes, drop down menus, revert icons, etc.
I have a Trello board with a TON of features I plan to add. But before I get too far I wanted to share this and see if the community has any interest in helping me mold this for the market place. Here are a few screens. I will upload some vids soon so you can see turntables in action. (UI is probably a temp look. I may make it a bit more typical eventually.) Here are some of the big ones:
- Post processing pane with sliders for most all pp options
- Dynamic sliders from dynamically created material instances based of master material selection (skin, glass, cloth, etc)
- Rendering outputs. Pics, vids, etc.
- Camera settings

Hope you all like. I will be finishing this up and maybe releasing to UE4 market place. (Depending on how much interest is generated.)
Something with Marmoset's user friendly design aesthetic in UE4 would certainly help many newer artists.
So far I really like your setup, the panes will make it way easier to adjust things than hunting down the right parameters in UE, big time saver for me. I'd love to be able to change the backdrop, so you could have the lighting effect with, say, a gray background etc. Not sure if thats doable in UE4, I haven't dug that deep yet. Were you planning on having render/screencap buttons as well? If I could render the model with a transparent bg easily, that would solve that issue for me.
Please try to sell it on Gumroad as soon as you also submit to UE4 Marketplace. The UE4 Marketplace takes 1 to 2 months to publish an item and it's really hard to wait for this to come out!
You can also use the Post Process Volume to tweak the scene. Thats like Marmoset
I used this technique for my UMP and Super Shorty on my Artstation.
For better Anti Aliasing, use the High Resolution Tool x 3 and later scale down in Photoshop.
(Art provided by AlexThrelkeld.)
Keep up the great work dude
For example I put a specific HDRi image in there, a directional light with a value of 3.14 and a skylight with a value of 0.25, maybe a couple point lights here and there then save this as a preset. When loading the preset it'd set the same HDRi and other lights with their values automatically so we wouldn't need to redo it.
Just like we do it normally in engine. We can have multiple lighting setup for an environment (for example 6 suns and 6 skylights) and only have 1 sun and 1 skylight active at one time by turning the rest off. I know this is probably too much to ask but it helps for fast switching between different lighting setups. It's totally fine if you're not going to include it. The tool is already very valuable as it is.
I really want to make sure to pack all that I can into this before release so the community we be able to utilize it for a wide variety of purposes!
Are there any problems or everything's fine?
It's scary to find this thread going silent haha.