Latest Update:

Hey everyone,
started a new personal project, most of it is still dynamesh so trying some things still.
Mainly working from this
concept by I think Sia Kim (?) and some general references from the actual WoW gear.
Let me know what you think!

Also started out the dagger.
C&C very welcome.
Alright changed a bunch of stuff, boots, broke the symmetry for the shoulders a bit, polishing here and there.. here goes, any C&C very welcome.
Not to sound nit-picky, Blood Elf ears point more toward the sky/sun and are smaller according to the lore. Seeing the concept though, his ears are more akin to Night Elves as they are more parallel to the ground, not sure if the artist intended this so you may want to keep this in mind if you want to be accurate.
And nice model so far !
looks great! my only crit is the feet/legs could be a bit less stiff.
I made a thingie for you, hope u dont mind : )
@lotet Thanks man, actually I had just changed the whole lower leg area because I had exaggerated those curves too much and went too stiff with the new version, hope I'm more towards what you pointed now.
@Burpee , @jose.fuentes Thanks for the kind words guys!
Lower legs is still in dynamesh mode the rest has been z-remeshed and started on details, except the face/hair.
Update, done with the bakes except for the dagger.
Normals, AO plugged in the diffuse and spec/gloss just for a quick show.
It's still a bit all over the map, a lot of things don't communicate well yet, so any feedback is welcome.
Hair is still the decimated model from ZB as I haven't decided how I'm gonna go about it.
Also here is a little thingy about the Dagger straps, if it's useful to anyone let me know!
I may try to add some more color variation to the armor and then comes the dreadful posing!
Thanks everyone for your feedback and any more will be very welcome!
Check out my ArtStation & SketchFab for more if you'd like.
@Sixshot , I usually work in Dynamesh for the first half of the sculpting until I'm more confident in my proportions and forms, then Zremesh>Re-project>Subdivide for higher details.
Hi! Great work!
I have a question as well. Hope you don't mind. Do you ever manually retopologize, or is it safe to rely on zremesher for the retopo stage? Have you ever run into problems while using it?
To clarify I use Zremesh inside zbrush to move from dynamesh to a subdivided mesh once I have settled on my proportions.
This is done to allow for higher details, you could do this by amping the dynamesh resolution but it becomes heavier to work with compared to a subdivided mesh, also a subd mesh can generally achieve clearer details with sometimes half the polycount.
That actually explains a problem I've been having wit dynamesh. Totally makes sense now
Thank you for replying.
Hey man, how did you do the hair? It's really stunning
congrats either way, any time frame on all of this? I am curious, i have a problem staying on things longer than 3 weeks it just erks me.
@jose.fuentes, @Jakub Thanks guys!
@Maxilator Thanks man, I agree, I did some experimenting on this but couldn't settle on something that looked good so just decided to desaturate increasingly towards the bottom and left it at that.
@DavidCruz Thanks, certainly took longer than 3 weeks but as a personal project was not always working full-time so not sure overall.
@Tits, Thank you fellow bannerwoman
@Pomb Thanks man, ah yes haven't even seen that with the nostrils! It's visible on the sketchfab but gets smoothed out on marmoset because of the skin shader, anyway it's far from perfect everyday passes I see stuff wrong with it especially on the normals, but I've been doing my homework on that :pleased:
@manilamerc Thanks, I did pose him in Zbrush as a single subtool, just lassoed mask stuff and moved them around, not the best method but worked ok to some level.