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Squaring up Scan data

polycounter lvl 6
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Three65 polycounter lvl 6
I was wondering if anyone knows of a good way to square up a 3d scan in 3DS Max I have so that I can find the center line. The scan data comes in with a random pivot point and I am doing my best to rotate and move it so that my center line is along the 0,0 axis but its always a little off with every adjustment I make.  I need to get it as close as I can so that I am able to retopo it in Topogun. Anyone know of a good way to square the model up and find the center line?


  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Your scan data isn't symmetrical so you can just centre the pivot to the model from  the hierarchy tab in the command panel and zero out the xyz to world space.
  • Three65
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    Three65 polycounter lvl 6
    Ya but zeroing out the pivot doesn't make it so that the symmetry in topogun even comes close to lining up. Also what makes you think that my scan data is symmetrical?
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    I said isn't symmetrical. Because if a scan of a real world object came out 100% symmetrical I'd be very surprised. What is your object? If your pivot is centred on it then how come it 'doesn't even come close' in topogun?
  • Three65
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    Three65 polycounter lvl 6
    Its of a UTV and it isn't close because the origin basically originates in space where you begin scanning the object at. When you open the scan data there is no rhyme or reason to it. What reads in max as the top could be the right the bottom the top...etc. Not to mention the model is rotated in arbitrary angles in the XYZ axis. Centering the pivot in the middle of it does not correct any of the rotation of the model to get it level in the xyz axis.

    In order to use the symmetry in topogun your center line has to be on the 0,0 mark. I know there is a way to adjust the symmetry in topogun but its a nightmare to do. It would be easier to adjust it in Max. So if your model is rotated on the x and y axis a little then your symmetry could be on at the front and slowly drift off in the back. 
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    I'm with you now. Sounds like you might have to manually align it in Max to the respective ortho views and collapse an xform mod. You could also align the pivot to the world or use the working pivot plus the different rotation coordinate systems to aid you. Btw what is a UTV? :smile: 
  • Three65
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    Three65 polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the reply Musashidan, that is what I have been doing so far and its close but still a bit off. I was hoping that someone had a way I hadn't thought of yet to get it all aligned. A UTV is like a side by side ATV if that makes sense...lol
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