It's up on Sketchfab now.
Texturing is done, I'm happy with it for now. I still want to lower the poly-count a bit, but it's time to move on.

*First Update*

Hi Polycounters!
I've started a small knife to practice with and I could use some feedback.
Here's reference(all photos taken by me so they may not be the best):

Here's my current progress, most work was done in 3DS Max(A little ZBrush on the cord wrap, and a little Blender for retopo):

My plan is to use the UV mapping on the spline for the cord to wrap a good braided cord texture on it and bake that out to the low poly. The high is about 600k tris, and the low is a but under 2000 tris. I could probably go a either little higher or lower on the low-poly, but I'm happy with it for now. I left the "tail" as tubes still, I think I'm going to make the knots as solid geo to bake onto rather than leaving them.
As far as the edges not reading well... I suppose I could use to soften them up a little, but they seem to read well enough as is. Here's the results in 3DO:
And a quick bump map on the cord wrap:
Even from a distance it does break down, but so does the whole model:
I'm going to start texturing it for now, see how it turns out.
Now that I got that out of my system, time to start some real texturing.