Hey Polycount!
I have not done a wip in forever, so I think I'm going to jump on this now...
I'm aiming for the middle of Blade Runner and Cyberpunk 2077.

Heres a reference board that happened:

Started last weekend past so I have done some bits.

I'm thinking I will throw all the assets into UE4 so I can get a refresher in that as well. Should be able to get some nice results! (....I hope....)
Current goal is to get half the street looking mad so I don't go "mad" from all the modeling before I start the other. Also might give me some ideas on how to go about designs and such. Should be pretty fast to set dress if I have some small props ready to go too!
Cant wait hear peoples Ideas!
I'm super excited to see what becomes of it, as I've been meaning to do a Cyberpunk environment for ages.
Make sure to check out the Blade Runner artbook by Syd Mead.
The blockout looks great already, can't wait what you will do with the lighting and shaders.
Definetly keeping an eye on this!
Started to break up the scene into modular blocks yesterday, I got distracted by Ace Ventura movies and didn't get much else done...
I have updated ue4 to the latest so I should be able to chuck everything in there soon and build it with my block out assets and just replace them as i make them.
I Modeled the highpoly for one of the pillars on the newer building tonight. Might add some more panels/cables and such on my lunch break tomorrow not sure yet.
I finished(for now) texturing the pillar
Here is a link to the art station post if you want to look at it in 3D: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/blade-runner-cyberpunk-pillar
From block out to highpoly..
Started a highpoly asset of the other older building. I guess you could say it's a pillar???
Any Crits?
just a random shot?
I suggest that you settle on the blockout, perhaps apply some basic colors to the meshes,
play with lighting etc.
Then move on to detailing and then texturing.
I think the first pillar looks good, but I'm not sure about the brownishness.
I have another in engine that I'm working with at the moment.
I have pretty much nailed down on the colour pallet for the buildings, all of the colour reference has come from Blade runner, Lighting will be very similar.
I don't want to lock myself down to lighting just yet as the scene evolves once you throw down some texture.
Colour is super flexible in my pipeline.. I have a toolset that I have written to change the colours. Its suppose to be that gross beige colour. that's everywhere in Blade.
I'll post a screen of in engine once I have the week cleared so you can see
Here is another update. had some fun working on this guy. held back on alot of details as i want to add them in engine later.
EDIT: on marmoset viewer u have this ugly line....on the first picture here on PC.
In general, what Program/Workflow are you texturing with?
Subscribed and curious for more progress
@dvids Yeah, first sub-d a base that i then took into zbrush. then made the low poly from that. The texturing is a mix of my own home brew of procedural texturing, photosourcing and hand painting. 100% done is photoshop.
So between work being sick and my computer dying I have not managed to post anything. This makes me sad...
Unreal engine is not behaving at the moment and won't install to my new SSD so i can't show any layout renders YET. Need to figure that one out.
Here is an update of what i have managed to do:
As per usual: High-poly(Maya) > Low-poly(Maya) > Sculpt(Zbrush) > Bake(Knald) > Texture(Photoshop/Quixel)
Playing around with lighting in the renders so you guys can better see them
Sorry for crummy phone camera footage.
little update as to what is happening in engine land.
Looking at these renders i realize that i need to bend a lot of these assets to make them look a little older.
Contemplating redesigning the building in the background as it's the same as the building on the left even though you can't see it in these shots.
So much more to do!!!
I would say that the composition and lighting on your final shot needs alot of work. The lighting seems flat and doesnt help to lead the eye anywhere. Everything feels very claustrophobic and cluttered. Try making your composition much more intentional. Where do you want the audiences eyes to go?
Your camera also seems to have a pretty low FOV. (I think it's low..i'm not super knowledgeable on cameras ha). I would say push the camera's FOV down (or up) to give it more dynamic perspective instead of almost looking orthographic.
Here's a good example on what I mean. The street is wide, but still cluttered. The lighting goes from warm to cool, warm in the foreground and cool in the background which helps to separate the two and create some depth.
Hope this is helpful!
Lower FOV would help, Agreed! Will play around with that more!
The Scene its self is looking way different from the renders that are shown here. I haven't posted any of it in ages.
Will get some proper pics in the future!
It's finished!!!!!
Thanks for helping guys it helped a lot and the project would not look the way it does without that feedback!