
i wanted to make a custom item set for a dota 2-character (the one who rides on a tiger).
i came up with an idea for an armor design where the... mammaries had the shape of a cat nose :poly136:

later i realized that the custom equipment was more restricted than i first though and decided to just do my own model instead.
i wanted to do a diffuse only character simply because it's FUN!
the model is about 6800 triangles and a 2048 texture for the moment. this will probably change since i tweak the model and edgeflow as i paint the texture.
here's an earlier version of the model:

i have revamped several things i didn't like; too plain, color scheme and proportions.
she was suppose to wield some weapon, like a whip or something similar but, later changed it so she have symmetrical claws instead.
i will probably come back and go for another hairstyle later - something less flat.
not sure if it will look funny when posed since it's so "directional".
however, that's something you can't really escape when doing handpainted characters.
the lighting will always look weird at some angles.
i started with doing a more "regular", flatter leather pieces but i wanted to try something diffirent, so now she looks like a piece of furniture LOL
However the quality of the face is really not as good as the rest. I made a painover to show you how you could improve it.
I hope it helps and keep up the good work!
Spiky hip... How does one lay arms to side?
You could fix it by making the spikes shorter like short metal studs.
Also what almighty_gir said about teeth. Maybe add more harder armor around it if you want to keep it instead of the leather.
The spikes and teeth are what make your armor design stand out. I especially like the spikes as they give your character a nice silhouette, keep them
The hair though. It's very normal. The armor is so interesting but then you arrive at the head and it just feels a bit uninspired.
now i realize that i should have provided a rear shot! the teeth-into-stomach-thing was actually the first problem i got.
-prevent the torso from bendning by covering the whole back with armor. bending forward may only be done by the hips.
i thought there was a function for that wtf
glad someone didn't think my design was too wacky lol!!
thanks man!
thanks a lot for the paintover!! i appreciate it!
i will definately take this in concideration when doing the next iteration on the face:poly121:
you know what? i agree!
i'll look into something more interesting that just a flat bob-cut.
i don't know what i should do at the moment though.
i'm open for suggestions with these exceptions:
shaved/partly shaved, mohawk, dreadlocks, cornrows, or similar hairstyles.
good points!!
i think the contrast between cute girls and rough surroundings is really appealing, so i'll definately keep that.
however, the furry parts are mostly there because i wanted the material variation, also because i wanted to paint fur! lol!
i'm not afraid of reworking parts of the model/texture if it grants better results
i did some quick tests to see what it could look like without the fur parts:
the symmetrical pauldrons kind of looks like a pissed cat!
i think it fits with the theme too!
Keep it up!
-I like it more with the non-symetrical gloves. Like gauntlet on one side and bare hand on the other.
-Maybe if her hair didn't look quite so proper at least sorta like this:
or give her some spikes on that hair clip thingy? haha.
Painting is looking real solid tho!
hey man thanks for the comment!
i'll do my best!!
great input!
i had actually kept the regular gloves and i figured that the claws could be one of several weapons!!
so i'm thinking of making a handheld weapon later after all. then she can have several combinations of weapons :poly121:
i did an iteration on all the leather parts. i had trouble getting the right look - especially the croch area.
i first tried to follow reference pictures for leather pants but it just didn't look right. the wrinkly parts didn't fit with the rest of the leather parts.
i ended up with just sacrificing some logic in favour for concistency and made them puffier.
new (don't mind the arm seams lol)
i also did some rework of the butt. there was a seam gong at the top of the butt earlier, but it made it look squashed (hank hill ass).
also i wanted to keep it as clean as possible for reduce obvious streching when deforming.
from now on i will do some iteration on the face and hair.
see ya:poly124:
But it's really coming long so far!
good to hear!:)
cool! hope you'll like the finished model!!
i'm not a fan of buzzed hair...
however, i like the comb-over thing!!
it gave me an idea!
when i first started with the character as a whole, i was just going to make a static face.
as time went on, the more i wanted to play around with facial expressions.
so i decided to rework (almost) the whole face since i needed to do some better edgeflow suitable for deformation.
i also added eyesockets + eyeballs!
the polycount ended up a bit higher than what i'm aiming for so i will reduce it later.
i have to let it rest for a while to figure out if there's some quirks.
is the mouth still too small?
meanwhile, i will play around with some hairstyles.
i think it will come out better overall compared to just a bob-cut.
it has interesting and more "wild" look to it without coming off as tryhard.
i blocked out a mesh and texture of the hair.
the next step will be texturing the face - the most fun part :smokin:
daddy finally has some time for art!!!
i've done major rework of the face and starting to end up with something i like.
i recieved some great feedback from my boyz Marre and Lurre!
i have also played around with shaders. first, we have the rimlight shader - nothing you haven't seen before, but i did however combine it with an alpha map so i have better control of the intensity. for example, i can have 0 intensity in armpits, mouth and eyeballs, medium for the leather and the gold parts are shining bright!
while at it, i also experimented with some fur again and at the same time a shader. my intention was to make tiger fur so it slighty fussy, but not "chunky" and messy... i also wanted to avoid using 100000 planes for the strands, as well as the other technique with "noise shells" extruded from the mesh.
my experiment is also using extruded shells, but a frenel shader combined with a special alpha map instead. the results are allright but i think i'll need some additional alpha planes as well to make the sihoulette more interesting...
i like the new head, mind to post the wire? i'm curious about the hair.
reanimate said:
this is what the wireframe looks like at the moment:
i am currently doing another iteration on the armor and will probably post an update later this week!
i've been feeling my way around metal texturing and i think i found a way to make it look worn and used without having it look like it's been completely demolished.
still not 100% sure about the fur. looks too soft and clean compared to the agressive look of the armor pieces.
maybe it's a nice contrast? hmm....