Here's what our team of 3 guys has been working during this
(very short) 2nd semester. The basic concept is a fighting game where the player has to lose in order to win the game:
Beat the BotLogline
You control a robot fighting against your best friend - help him win!
Unreal Engine 4 on Android
5-10 minutes
Single player
2: One tutorial level + one full song.
Character Descriptions
Main character:
A lean young man with glasses in fighting armor that is way too big for him
Organic modeling and hard surface for his equipment
A training bot modified to be controlled manually by another person
Strictly hard surface
A skilled engineer who’s wearing transmitters and carrying a control device to direct the robot’s movements
Mostly organic modeling, minimal texturing / polishing as she will only be seen during the intro sequence
Team roles
Carl (Me): Character Pipeline, Particles, Lighting, Intro sequence
Jakob: Environment/Props, Animation, Tools
Felix: Programming, Sound, Music
Everyone: General support and engine/performance research
In two weeks.

I apologize in advance if the pre-production part gets a bit spammy. Lots of 3D to come after that.
Character stuff by myself:
Influence board:

Some story scribbles:

Character concepts:

Environments by my pal:
Influence board:


Blockout + quick render:
Ingame mockup by myself:
3D stuff to follow!
Some work on the dude. He's joined an academy where cadets are trained to fight off an impending robot invasion (in space). Because of his sub-par fighting skills, our lad gets bullied a lot. However, he seems to enjoy music and dancing.
And a turntable that's spinning a tad too fast (insert speed-metal-demo-reel-music here):
Early Prototype Gameplay with placeholder characters. It wasn't very obvious at this point that you were, in fact, controlling the robot on the left. We've improved on that since then:
Apropos Robot!
Concept Sculpt:
Quick retopo and cleanup tease (process is similar to Mike Jensen's hard surface techniques):
@3dshay, glad you like it! It's too late now, sadly. Should definitely have gotten off my butt and started this thread earlier.
Meanwhile, some progress on the girl.
She's a robotics engineer at the academy who picks up our male protagonist as he's having a particularly bad day.
Having suffered her own share of bullying before earning her stripes, she decides to help him by taking control of one of the training bots.
And so, they both set out to prepare an amazing fight scene for the audience:
Preparing her for rigging right now. Unfortunately, there won't be enough time for fancy suit textures.
Cleaned up high poly base, mostly done inside ZBrush:
Baking done inside Substance. Split it up into separate parts so there was no real need for a cage.
Here's a tool one of my team mates is writing. With it, we can set up beat patterns for the individual songs. You can change the playback speed as well:
These are two plugins we're using within Unreal 4. Swipe helps with the Touchscreen controls (and works with Mouse as well).
The Victory BP Library is can actually read out txt files which is pretty useful. We use this to import the beat patterns into our game:
Also some early texturing tests by the same guy:
Visor for the girl:
And some texturing work on the robot. No time for details, sadly:
Here's the dude:
More gameplay coming soon.
I'm not sure I like the robot's design... Somehow it feels very generic compared to the other characters. Maybe he could have more character if you played with the proportions a bit more.
@bummer6: The "robot Crogs" are the worst part about it.
@lolet: "Real" gameplay coming later. For now, our buggy Android one will have to do. We removed the shadows because they were too expensive. This one exhibits a bug where the beat pattern isn't packaged onto the device. Hence, the characters aren't doing much. We've since fixed stuff and moved to Windows for presentation purposes:
Also, moar characters:
Jumping ahead quite a bit because of lack of WIP-material here. Hope, you don't mind, guys. I'll gladly answer any questions.
This is from our most recent build. We presented it yesterday:
Main Menu
This has some UI (widget) in front of it which Unreal didn't capture for some reason:
Floor and wall texture is made with Substance:
also those last ingame screenshot lots amazing, hows the performance?
@lolet: Silky smooth 60 fps on a GTX965M. This is with "Smooth Framerate" on, however, and I didn't run any diagnostics/profiling, so I don't know the actual performance.
Bear in mind, we switched from Android to Windows as a presentation platform during the last week, so the assets are pretty low poly and character textures are 1k each.