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Star Wars Mania: Docking Bay 94

polycounter lvl 3
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Jay-Lew polycounter lvl 3
Hey there everyone! I am a long time reader of Polycount, this is my fist post on the forums however. So I am a HUGE Star Wars nerd like so many others, and I have wanted to do some Star Wars art for a long time, but just never seemed to find an appropriate time to dive into a Star Wars themed project. Well, with Force Awakens coming at the end of the year, and just general Star Wars Mania going on inside my head, I stopped playing Diablo 3 and World of Tanks on my lunch breaks and started doing something productive, i.e. started my first ever Star Wars project. So my goal is to build out the Mos Eisley Docking Bay 94, with the Falcon sitting in it and a small part of the surrounding city ( maybe even the Cantina if my limited attention span holds out ) and Drop the whole thing into UE4 so you can run around in it. ( I was originally thinking about using Crytek instead of UE4 since I am more familiar with it, but ultimatly I think UE4 is prettier, especially the lighting, than Crytek )

Film Reference of Mos Eisley:

So I am doing this Pretty high resolution, on-screen poly counts will be right around 2 million give or take 100K or so. As long as I can keep the draw calls down, the poly counts don't worry me too much, especially since I will be running the scene on a Titan Black, or maybe a Titan / Titan Black SLI combo if I want higher frame rate. SO I have started with building the Falcon and it is coming along, slower than I would like since I only get lunch breaks during the week to work on it, but it is progressing non-the-less. I am just hoping that my attention span holds up long enough to finish it. I am trying to have this done by the end of the year when the movie comes out. For the Falcon itself, I am shooting for right around 500K tris for my poly budget. I will continue to post as progress continues. Critiques are always welcom, thanks!



  • Jay-Lew
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    Jay-Lew polycounter lvl 3
    I also wanted to give a shout out to this guy for helping inspire and motivate me to work on my own Star Wars project. I love this thread, his project is looking AWESOME!!!!!

  • Grubber
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    Grubber polycounter lvl 15
    Great level of details. Looking forward for more :)
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 11
    Falcon looks great
  • PhilG
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    PhilG polycounter lvl 5
    Awesome work Jay, man after my own heart :D Lots of lovely details ^_^ Reminds me of my days making the docking bay and Mos Eisley for Jedi Academy :) In UE4 it will look really nice with some vertex painting and detail normals etc.

    Also look for a book "Inside the worlds of the star wars trilogy" It has a layout of the city that someone has thought out which would be really useful to you.

    Looking forward to seeing it progress man .
  • Jay-Lew
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    Jay-Lew polycounter lvl 3
    PhilG wrote: »
    Awesome work Jay, man after my own heart :D Lots of lovely details ^_^ Reminds me of my days making the docking bay and Mos Eisley for Jedi Academy :) In UE4 it will look really nice with some vertex painting and detail normals etc.

    Also look for a book "Inside the worlds of the star wars trilogy" It has a layout of the city that someone has thought out which would be really useful to you.

    Looking forward to seeing it progress man .

    Thanks man, yea, I have that book, GREAT reference for Mos Eisley! If I had help with this, it would be awesome to build out a large chunk of the city, but as it is just me working on this, I will probably only have time to get a little part of the city surrounding the docking bay done. That is, if my focus and interest holds out long enough to finish this project, as I have the attention span of a Gold Fish!!!!
  • Jay-Lew
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    Jay-Lew polycounter lvl 3
    Progress continues. Working on detailing out the underside. adding a little more detail to the underside compared to the top side as in the first-person cam, the underside is what you are gonna see closer up when I get this thing put into the docking bay scene. As always, comments / critiques are always welcome. Thanks!

  • HowardDay
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    HowardDay polycounter lvl 10
    Love it! Can't wait to see more, and I know what an utter pain in the ass those falcon details can be. Also, thanks for the shout out!
  • Jay-Lew
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    Jay-Lew polycounter lvl 3
    Howdy all! I haven't posted any progress in a bit, but for those who are interested, I have been cranking away at my Millennium Falcon Model. Getting pretty close to finishing the realtime model. Just need to finish the details on the rear upper engine deck, then finish the lower rear half, and the landing struts. I may or may not build it with the boarding ramp lowered, we'll see how motivated I am once I finish the rest of the model. Pics of progress so far attached. Thanks - Jason

  • mats effect
    A lot of nice detail on the ship :) Can't wait to see a finished version.
  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    JLEW! Bumping your thread cause you know I love ya <3

    It begins! ;)
  • pixelpatron
  • gruntpunch
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    gruntpunch polycounter lvl 5
    This is so godlike. I'm guessing you own the book Star Wars - the Blueprints. Keeep going! The fooooorce!
  • Stinkfoot
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    Stinkfoot polycounter lvl 11
    Nothing beats the Millenium Falcon, very nice!

    Do you still see all those details when you close your eyes? it's insane! ;)
  • skullsplitter
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    skullsplitter polycounter lvl 18
  • NachoSanchez
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    NachoSanchez polycounter lvl 4
    when i see things like that, i wonder which part is hard model, and which is normal map XDD
    superb job man...
  • Auldbenkenobi
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    Auldbenkenobi polycounter lvl 11
    How on earth are you doing all that miniature detailing? by hand? Or using a script? Either way, I'm seriously impressed.
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
    wait, thats the lowpoly? what kind of tricount are you aiming for? looks real promising :)
  • remotecrab131
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    remotecrab131 polycounter lvl 9
    That must be a replica.

  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    That is one sweet Millennium Falcon!
  • clinington
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    clinington polycounter lvl 10
    So much detail! Looks awesome :D
  • Jay-Lew
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    Jay-Lew polycounter lvl 3
    Hey everyone, thanks for the compliments! So it has been a while since I posted any updates to my CG falcon model but I have been working away on it, tryinf to quell the Star Wars deamons in my head that tell me to make cool Star Wars art. So I built out a bunch of the docking bay and a lot of the docking bay details. And now I have all of it running in Unreal 4 with everything untextured, flat color only ( except the terrain which has a basic tiling texture on it ) and everything has lightmaps ( I am still learning UE4's lightmass module, so I have a lot of wonky lightmaps at the moment. Still need to do some tweaking. I am going to finish building the small props for the docking bay, then detail out the hallways, the upper control room, and the outer entrance / alleyway, then I will start the daunting process of texturing this whole thing! Here are a BUNCH of pics touring the space as it stands so far. Hope you all like, and thanks!

  • Jay-Lew
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    Jay-Lew polycounter lvl 3
    And here is the hallway up to the upper control room that I added so you can get above the falcon and see all the upper detail well:

  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    I love this. Subscribing.
  • Rocksolidnz
    First off,it looks great

    But if you look at the concept/image from film you will see some small details the if you want to make a very close replica you may want to consider

    1. space in docking bay in http://i.imgur.com/nuC97DK.jpg
    it looks very squashed and not much space for troopers or anything to move around,this is also means the ship would have little room when parking/docking
    2. The yellow boxes/pods seem weird,there is no yellow at all in the shot shown in images given

    Please not these small details are just based off what i have seen from the image sheet
  • Jay-Lew
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    Jay-Lew polycounter lvl 3
    Hey everyone. Have some more progress that I wanted to share. So after re-evaluating my docking bay layout, I decided I needed to change a few things. Fist off ( and the biggest issue ) is that since the falcon model is gonna have LOTS of texture on it, I needed more traversable distance inside the docking bay to get from the entrance to the bay to allow for plenty of time for the falcon and the bay interior to stream in, and the exterior city to stream out. So I redesigned the internal layout to be a bit more complex and have a couple of airlock rooms to better allow for streaming. A nice side effect of this is that I was able to put more of it underground and have a more minimal above-ground footprint ( which is closer to the movies and various books depict )


    Also by doing this, I was able to make the bay deeper into the ground which makes the internal walls taller, more like the movie ref.


    And you are now higher up on the upper ring of the bay.


    Now there is a lot of discrepancy between the actual movie set, the CG docking bay from the enhanced edition and the various books and illustrations that are around, so instead of going for a 100% recreation of any 1 of those, my bay is kinda a blend of all of them. I have also added a few of my own design features to make the whole thing more 1st person real-time friendly. Here is 1 such example, I added a small observation lounge that offers a good close-up view of the falcon from the front. Its not in any of the reference, I just thought it would be neat to put it, so I did. There are a few other non-accurate details and design features that I improvised as well. I am going for a more overall look and feel accuracy rather than a 100% detail accuracy in my whole scene. I would say that when all is said and done, I am shooting for my models to be about 70% - 75% accurate to the reference.


    And thought it would be cool to add a subtle engine glow, like the engines are in stand-by mode.


    And lastly, just a teaser, OH LOOK, A 2nd DOCKING BAY!!!! I wonder what's gonna go in there???

  • Jay-Lew
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    Jay-Lew polycounter lvl 3
    Hey everyone! So it has been a while since I have posted anything, but work has progressed. I've got a couple of friends of mine helping out on the project now also, so things "SHOULD" progress more quickly now. I have finished modeling out the docking bay and it's interior, all that is left is to build out a simple cockpit for the Falcon so you can see something through the cockpit glass. We are starting to get some of the city blocked out, and one of the guys working on this with me has started on the Cantina and he has a simple blockout version in so far. Next I will be starting on textures for the docking bay interior and the falcon while the others keep flushing out the city outside the docking bay.

    Here are some videos showing our progress so far.

    Part 1 ( surrounding city and Cantina blockouts ):

    Part 2 ( the docking bay upper levels / storage room / control room / upper deck ):

    Part 3 ( the docking bay lower levels / power room / observation lounge / ground level with the Falcon ):

    And here are some still images for you all:

  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    Like Tor said, interested to hear your idea of how you are going to go about texturing the Falcon with that tri count? Seems like a lot of materials and unwrapping work when a lot of that detail could potentially be baked or rebuilt with a few large atlas texture sheets instead of doing everything unique.

    As for scale, environment blockouts, lighting.... two thumbs up for me. The hype is real with all this star wars awesomeness recently.
  • HowardDay
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    HowardDay polycounter lvl 10
    Sweet Slippery Jesus Tits. You and your team are my goddamn heroes. I very, very badly want to play around with this. I love the details. I love the lighting. It's amazing.
  • Holland
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    Holland polycounter lvl 9
    You are my hero! Looking really cool, cannot wait to see the finished Falcon.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    wow this is great! looking forward to more
  • Lether
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    Lether polycounter lvl 8
    Juste magnifique ! Great work, i'm curious to see the finished work!
  • Harlyk
    Awesome, there is nothing more to say
  • HowardDay
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    HowardDay polycounter lvl 10
    How long did it take to bake the lighting?
  • Gazu
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    Gazu polycounter lvl 12
    U YEAH! Thats aweseom! Cant wait to see more!
  • Jay-Lew
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    Jay-Lew polycounter lvl 3
    HowardDay wrote: »
    How long did it take to bake the lighting?

    If I set the indirect lighting quality to 1 it takes about 45 min on my desktop system which is a 16-core Xeon system, however these images and vids the indirect lighting quality was cranked up to 7 and it took about 4 hours to bake the lighting at that setting. I am anxiously waiting for the epic guys to give us the ability to bake selected objects only instead of always having to bake the entire scene. I think that feature is on their roadmap but I have no idea when it will be implemented.
  • Jay-Lew
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    Jay-Lew polycounter lvl 3
    Add3r wrote: »
    Like Tor said, interested to hear your idea of how you are going to go about texturing the Falcon with that tri count? Seems like a lot of materials and unwrapping work when a lot of that detail could potentially be baked or rebuilt with a few large atlas texture sheets instead of doing everything unique.

    As for scale, environment blockouts, lighting.... two thumbs up for me. The hype is real with all this star wars awesomeness recently.

    So I have an idea of how I am going to go about mapping this thing. I am not entirely sure if it is going to work or not but I think it might. Basically I am going to create a bunch of texture sets that define a surface type and are tilable, and then use masks to define where different surface types will go on the model, kinda like the way Quixel Suite works where you have layers that are material types, and masks that define where each of those material types will go. It should keep my texture budgets under control, but it will have the down-side of making my shaders somewhat expensive with lots of Lerp blending between the different surface types going on. I'm running this on a GTX Titan Black though so I am not too concerned. My only real goal is to make it pretty, it doesn't need to be very efficient since I am running it on pretty high-end hardware.

    Thanks everyone for the encouragement, it helps me stay focused. I am actually surprised my attention span for this project has held out for as long as it has. Usually I get about a month or so into a personal project and lose interest. So far so good, I'm just going with it until 1 of 2 things happens, I either A: finish it, or B: something else shiny and sparkly gets dangled in front of me and I go off and follow that instead, hopefully option A is the one that comes to fruition!!!
  • HowardDay
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    HowardDay polycounter lvl 10
    You can't do that with multi-sub-material setup? I can understand the need to do what you said if you need to blend material types - but if it's simple masking, I'm not sure why Material IDs can't work?
  • Jay-Lew
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    Jay-Lew polycounter lvl 3
    HowardDay wrote: »
    You can't do that with multi-sub-material setup? I can understand the need to do what you said if you need to blend material types - but if it's simple masking, I'm not sure why Material IDs can't work?

    Yea sorry, poor choice of words. When I say masking I mean blending. So doing things like scorch marks, dirt streaks, scratches on the edges, those will all be blend masks blending between thing like painted metal / bare metal / burnt metal / etc.
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    The force is strong with this one....
  • SittingDucky
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    SittingDucky polycounter lvl 10
    ooooomyyygaaaaawd, i soooo want to walk around!
    brings me back to my highschool days when i tried making this in quake arena editor, it suuuuucked :D
  • Tim Lewis
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    Tim Lewis polycounter lvl 7
    Subscribing to this thread. Great work so far!
  • StraightDraw84
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    StraightDraw84 polycounter lvl 9
    Now, that's the falcon!

    Well done sir!
  • Mik2121
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    Mik2121 polycounter lvl 9
    Get this into VR now! I think lots of people would love to be able to walk around and stare at the Millennium Falcon!
  • Syrtax
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    Syrtax polycounter lvl 8
    This is epic dude!
    can't wait to see more

    subbed :)
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    love that you are taking care of the lightning first to get a close look to the final scene ! i woul dmaybe make it a stronger light on the bay , right now it looks like its a cloudy day. Awesome work , congrats :D
  • last
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    last greentooth
    I love star wars, you're doing a good job with this.
  • HowardDay
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    HowardDay polycounter lvl 10
    Any news on this? I wanna see aaaaalllll the things!
  • Jay-Lew
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    Jay-Lew polycounter lvl 3
    Hey everyone! Not a lot of new stuff to show, but I thought I would do a mini update as a couple more friends of mine are starting to get more stuff online for us, and one of the guys working on this with us has the honor of getting the first fully-textured asset into the environment, the Ubrikkian Speeder.


    And another buddy helping out got his low-poly blockout for the Gonk Power Droid in.


    And lastly, I got a basic cockpit model in for my Falcon. It's pretty low-detail, but it should hold up good enough since you will never get too close to it.


    Thanks everyone, more to come soon!!!
  • Prime8
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    Prime8 interpolator
    This is incredible, cannot wait to see the final version!

    It makes me wanna do some Star Wars stuff as well :D
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