latest render:

Hello there,
I have been working on a diffuse-only sci-fi texture pack for quite some time now.
At some point I decided it would be very good move to make some cool scene to showcase these textures so I started blocking it out.
This is what I have so far.
I'm not really an environment artist and this is pretty much the first real environment that I ever made.
I'm making it in 3DS Max due to lack of familiarity with stuff like UE and Unity.
I'd say that circular nature of the room turned out more obvious than I'd like it to be, and my efforts to hide it weren't succesful so far.
Here's some renders:

I only now noticed that side of main platform doesn't have any smoothing, will fix that.
Viewport screens + older render:

Any comments, feedback etc are welcome!
I like how it looks so far, these textures would work well in some kind of platformer!
I suggest you to add some hue variations, now overall diffuse is basically grey, yellow and black
I tried to add more color by switching the main wall texture to an orange one.
Does it look better now?
I also added some pipes, although they may be too chrome-like currently.
I tend to make everything overdetailed so this time I was hesitant to add a large amount of props.
Still not sure about the bottom part. I'm kinda tempted to turn it into a Star Wars style bottomless pit. But a CERNesque hi-tech look with wires and pipes could turn out cool as well.
Maybe the blueish windows aren't necessary
Any comments?
-tried out different textures on some of surfaces
-added a grating on the wall and put some pipes behind it
-added more decals
As usual, feedback is welcome.
In fact I have been a long time member of a mod team that's currently remaking Opposing Force and Blue Shift in Source.