It's been awhile since I've been required to make a real time game character. Because of that, my life has been filled with quick, polygonally challenged, zbrush sketches whose renders stop at the photoshop illustration-ish stage. So, I'm challenging myself to create some real time models because....well....I feel the need. I also want to commit to something long term and this is the best way for myself.
The plan is to create three different models by the end of this year. So far, I've found two concepts I really like. The first one is stylistic. I love the shapes that come from these types of designs. The second one is a Sith, because Jedi don't Sith (I have no idea what this means, but let's roll with it for now). The third one is still open...we'll see what happens after the first two.
Now that all of that is said, let's get to the art.
Mad Sam
concept by Dani Naimare
Progress dump(started last week so my post is a little late):
Made a little more progress. Worked on the hands, blocked in a few more items and started detailing the shoes. Having fun so far. Hope I can keep this workflow up for the next few weeks.
Started refining some of the blocked in shapes, working my way from the bottom up.
I also did a quick shape study of the gun, which will eventually evolve into an image plane once I'm ready to model it.
I do get the feeling his face looks slightly 'younger' for some reason in the concept. Yours seems a little more stretched out. Maybe tweak that if you get around to it. In the concept his neck also seems a little more defined, less of a double chin maybe? Depends on how close you want to nail the concept really.
The way you did the sideburns is going to look sweet!
@MephistonX - thanks dude! Yeah, I'm waiting until I get him posed and stuff before adding in the expression. RIght now my guy is all blank faced .
Small update this time: Just adding in more blockouts of things I missed on the first pass. Detailed up some more of the geo. Been using a lot of ZModeler this time and it is really awesome. I'm hardly using GoZ at all for this guy.
Going to start that gun real soon. Can't wait to tackle this using ZModeler.
Psylocke quickie
I cant wait when its finished!
worked on the face a bit more.
Quality stuff, Can't wait to see more.
and some quick sketch fan art of the punisher
Looks great by the way.
So, I guess I'm going to unofficially make this thread my 2015 sketchbook since I never started one over I haven't finished my initial project and I keep doing these in-betweeners. With that's another quickie I did this weekend.
@PrecisionClear - thanks! ZBrush is really fun to work with. I hardly do serious 2d sketches because of it....probably bad but I don't want to be good right now /LameQuip
@clinington - Thanks dude! Thanks for stopping by also.
Started working on retopo. Thanks for the push Rawbert! I really do need to finish this up and move on to the next one.
Also, Its been awhile since I've done retopo by hand. If anything looks strange to you guys let me know. Critiques are more than welcome.
Hair was done using ZRemesher. Definitely going to go back and do this by hand . The count is just unnecessary.
Gonna drop my last "sketch" in here also. Had a lot of fun working on this one. Learned about nano mesh and did some retopo in ZBrush for the first time. That Zmodeler brush really helps make the retopo workflow in ZBrush less painful.
yes...yes it is
Thanks man! I'm working on a write up for that. Soon as it's done I'll post it.
Anyhow, here's where I am so far. Design feels a little dull to me at the moment. I'm down for crits if anyone wants to drop some feedback, etc.
current progress:
Started working on a concept of Ganesha from Smite by Andy Timm.
My goal is to get a good low res model out of this one. I struggle greatly with this so I'm attempting to tackle this personal battle me and low res models have had over the years. Hope the retopo gods are listening. But really's also an excuse to get more familiar with Substance Painter and texturing.
Here's current progress