So Im trying out maya 2016 and I find yet another problem I think

Every time I apply a normal map and try to view it in view port 2.0 it show up in a really bizarre way.
And same thing with normal's.
Here are some small examples I made
Normal Maps

Wired Normal's

Pleas help me find out whats happening.
It dose not work
Any other advice ?
i think there isnt a proper way baking a tangent space at a cylinder without that seam shading...
i think the solution is...
1. maybe break ur cylinder UV island into two part, and u can use mirror the UV normals technique or done it each.
2. use world space normal instead... (not a solution really... )
3. or bake a world space normal than converting it into a tangent via xnormal.
i myselft just learning about normals... and still learning. hope it work... or maybe it wont.
See the result
and here is an adjusted normals
now I found the final solution. Go to normal map file attributes and choose Raw option in File Attributes tab - section Color Space and check the Ignore Color Space File Rules box
Then, scroll down to Color Balance and check that Color Gain is white and Color Offset is black.
After that, reload normal map file and voila now it displays properly)