UPDATES are later in the pages---Decided to do a modern version of Cloud from Final Fantasy 7, and not just a rehash of the Advent Children version since I am not to fond of the redesign.
So here is the hair and face, I am pretty satisfied with it. To make it I remade the original mesh from the PS1 models( from like 30 source pictures) then I made poly sheets and added random textures to them, I plan on making higher def textures with better work gone into them after I get to the texturing and UVing process.

I have to do the eye brows and eye lashes, I am really stuck on how to do the eyebrows in particular. I'm thinking Polysheets for them as well.
I am also stuck onto how I should go about doing the skin, like pores and details. So any help would be great!
I don't have Zbrush sadly :"|. I think I may just Unwrap and do it all by hand. Fuunn.
The workflow is pretty universally now-->high poly sculpt in zbrush or mudbox-->low poly retopo and uvs-->bake.
It's gonna be really hard to keep up with where character art is going without those high poly zbrush or mudbox bakes, so I would highly, highly suggest you find a way to get zbrush or something equivilant, and start with that workflow.
I did a quick hand painted normal map though.--(click to see better)
That is probably a good idea, I think I will finish this model first then I shall move onto making environments and props.
My normal map again( Below) Think it needs to be slightly stronger.
Also, can you see if you can render it in a game engine?
3 point, no problem!9 zoom!)
As for the game engine, I don't have one I can run atm so hope this works- CLick this Link
I actually enjoy painting the skin normals! It is odd but fun once you get used to it!
I plan on upgrading soon though.
I will download it!
Just google specifically how to get art assets into the engine. Don't worry about the rest of the buttons until you figure out your pipeline.
I definitely will! I don't want to get lost!
Also, I redid the texture, and redid the hair All by hand, this is pretty fun.
( Open in new tab to Zoom 2.7k screen)
It's surprisingly getting there though.
Download the Vertex magazine and find the articles regarding color zones on the face. Right now it's looking really flat.
Yeah I know the hair needs Way more XD.
Where is vertex magazine?
I'm still wondering what this will look like with textures with you not sculpting.
Yeah I hope it doesn't look like a disaster, I am still trying to figure out a better way to do the knitted shirt, I am not sure I like the current raises on it.
I did that earlier and it looke pretty good, the problem is I wanted it to have mesh for the standout parts ontop of the small detail normal.
Kind of like on this collar.-
also for future reference, get sculptris if you can't use mudbox/zbrush. You can bang out some pretty nice organic sculpts in it.
Ok, I went and made 3 variations. Which do you think is best?
Any of these look better?
Alsp, new face maps.
Any hints for leather texturing ?
And here is just a picture with it all together, feedback would be appreciated.
Best to use Group Masks to do most of the "painting"
That is always a good way to do it! But I am trying to solely hand paint this model, just to see if I can get it to turn out.
I will be looking at reference of cracked leather, thanks!
Now onto the Normal maps and spec/textures.
Here is the body pic( from a funny lowering angle!), lots of areas need some merging ( funny line areas ) and normal maps need to be painted.
All textures/normals/specs are done in gimp.
Also, any help or tips or anything really would be great!
Metal needs to feel like iron, it's not reading as such. The specular isn't reading as it should in real life.
Can do!!
As for materials, I havent even started to learn those yet.With all the linking or hypershading..T_T
This is all hard to learn.
Anyone have some tips on Shaders?
I updated the eyes, nose and face in general. I am just trying to find a way to do skin that doesnt look terrible.
If so, I would suggest getting marmoset or UE4. This will give you more control for real-time rendering.
Regarding the skin, if you want to get a result that is more realistic (and less plastic), you'll have to look into subsurface scattering (often refer to as SSS).
Here's an example:
Also can you post some side, three-quarter, and back views? Most of your images so far have been straight-on front views. Three quarter view is usually the best way to show off the different parts of a human face.
3D art is hard. Kudos to you for deciding to do and learning all this. But keep in mind that making an appealing character human is one of the most difficult things to create. Because humans are really complex! And because in general people unconsciously judge the appearance of characters more scrutinously than we judge anything else, since what we know best is ourselves! If this is what gets you excited and keeps you interested that's fine, but it may be helpful to pick simpler objects to learn from. For example you could do several other weapons besides the buster sword to learn good material/texture/shaders for metal, and to learn hard-surface modeling techniques.
It's hard to do this stuff if you don't have money or high-end equipment. That's great you're sticking with it. Sculptris and Unity are free.