Hey PC!
I'm working on a project for school and I think i'm at a good stage for feedback.
I'm doing a sort of stylized studio-ghibli inspired project!
Here's where I am currently:

Here are some ref's:

Some things that i'm currently working on:
Breaking up the monotone green. The building/house will be a yellow with a bright red roof, similar to one in the concept. I'm going to add a more variety of trees. That will hopefully add more interest. I'm going to work on the rocks, and rock placement.
Stay tuned, because I'm going to be updating pretty often until the project is due! Thanks!
now they are very recognizable as the same repeating tree all over
Right now it looks like oversized pebbles
Maybe do some more research and post a ref image for the rocks so we see where you're going with them?
Keep it up, it already looks great.
I completely agree with NomadSoul2501, you definitely need more random rotation in those trees. Perhaps subtle scale variation too. I'd also do the same with some of those rocks as they're quite obviously the same. Maybe a couple more different meshes would help?
I'd suggest moving your grass down a tiny bit too as it's floating slightly. It conforms a bit too well to the terrain on the slopes, rather than pointing more upwards.
Nice work though! I really like it. Hope some of my comments are useful.
Another tip for you is to make your house smaller and surrounded by lots of trees like on those concepts, they give a feel of a dense and wild forest.
My only comment is that I would rotate the rocks in the 2nd image. they are all looking very similar at the moment and simply rotating and scaling them to different sizes shoul solve this issue.
You both are super right about the rocks and trees. I went through and mixed up their sized and rotations. When I create more types of trees it will hopefully get rid of the problem tree problem. And as for the rocks, I'll look around for more inspiration. I definitely need more variation in there!
@ felipealves I think that's a good idea! I'll move the trees closer and make it a little more dense!
Thanks everyone for the awesome feedback. I should have some new pictures going up tomorrow. I've been UVing and texturing the house! I have it so I can vertex paint moss/dirt/grunge on it, so that's nice.
This is what I've got so far. I moved around the trees, added more of a backdrop, changed the lighting to focus more on the house, mixed up the rocks and trees. I think next i'm going to add more tree types! As always, and and all critiques would be really helpful.
If anyone has any advice on fixing weird lighting problems of foliage when using the UE4 foliage tool I would be so happy. Some plants and things are coming in pure black. Some Examples that are bugging me that I don't know how to fix:
Next I'll probably finish up more of the modeling detail on the house. Adding gutters and things like that. Then I want to add a little flower beds or maybe farming/vegetables in the front yard inside the fence.
That music on the video seems like an odd choice to me. Something more mellow like 'Spirited Away - One Summer's Day' might fit more, in my opinion.