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sci-fi shotgun mk 2

Hi Polycounters,
Recently decided to redo an old model when the file got corrupted. It's a lever-action energy/plasma shotgun type of thing. When I posted the original, people suggested I soften some edges, so I've tried to do that with the new model. Looking for crits and suggestions, particularly any thoughts about detailing. The barrel-end of it seems pretty bare, but I can't think of anything useful that would need to be there. It seems a little imbalanced compared to the engine/generator thing near the handle. Or maybe it's better to vary the detail--draw the eye towards where the action is?
thanks in advance,


  • axxic3
    I think you could add a simple muzzle brake to the end to add detail. Something like a noveske kx3?
  • Karateman
    Thanks for the idea. I'll try out some different designs for muzzle brakes or flash suppressors. I just don't want to change the sillouet too much, 'cause I like it. cheers, jer
  • snoop
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    snoop polycounter lvl 7
    I couldn't say for sure until I had seen it, but I think I disagree with the muzzle brake, especially considering it's a shotgun. I feel like it would stick out like a sore thumb with the design you've built the gun around too.
  • Karateman
    So I tried a few different kinds of muzzle brakes/flash suppressors, but I just wasn't feelin' it. I dressed up the sleeve a bit just so it wasn't so flat and boring. Thanks for the suggestions anyway.

    Below is progress with the low poly and normal map. Still a couple things to fix, but wanted to show progress. cheers.

    Shotgun by karatemanjer on Sketchfab
  • JoshWilkinson
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    JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
    Your edged are way too sharp. When you bake that down, they're going to look almost 90degrees and wont catch any of the light. Be mindful of that
  • Karateman
    Thanks, yes you can see from the viewer that there is one spot where that was an issue (the area between the generator and the battery/foregrip), but overall, the bake has been pretty ok. Biggest problem is the baking error at the barrel-end. I'll fix it shortly and post an update. cheers
  • fatihG_
    Offline / Send Message
    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    It's not just the "90 degrees no highlights" problem, as you can see there are some obvious aliasing issues with the highlights right now, especially on a low res screen/image.

    It might look fine when zoomed in, but consider the final shot or the intended size in game and base the sharpness of the edges of off that.

    Allot of edges on models in games get exaggerated just to counter the aliasing issue.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    I really dig that design! The bake looks nice...seems like there are some errors here and there but overall its looking good.

    I feel like the picatinny rail/sight sorta detract from what is otherwise a really cool looking gun. I think any slight adjustments you can make to make it look less CODish and fit the unique style of the rest of the weapon will help.

    Can't wait to see some materials on this thing :D
  • Karateman
    OK, an update, check the Sketchfab viewer above: Edges are now all pretty soft. I also changed the rail/sight to something else and I like the shape of it--there's still a rail, but it's covered a bit and contributes to the more interesting shape. Little more to do at the barrel end to fix a hole, but I'm on to detailing the normal and laying down some textures in nDo/dDo.
  • Karateman
    Update: Laying down some base colours. Lemme know what you think.
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