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A couple issues with UE4.

polycounter lvl 12
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BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
I am having two separate issues.

First one is not getting soft shadows on a directional light. It seems like no matter what settings I put into the directional light the shadows just stay super sharp.

Second issue is getting displacement to work. I got the shader to triangulate the mesh, but It doesn't actually offset the geometry from the height map. Here are the pictures.

Any ideas? Thanks for your time :D


  • alfalfasprossen
    for the displacement, multiply your texture value with something adequately big. Your displacement without multiplying is probably in the range 0 to 1, which would result in maximum one World Unit of displacement I suppose.

    for the lights, I didn't look into lighting in UE4 yet, so no idea :D
  • Harbinger
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    Harbinger polycounter lvl 8
    Shadows, just to cover the basics: Properly lightmapped? Lightmap UV channel set properly? Directional light mobility set to either stationary or static?
  • juniez
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    juniez polycounter lvl 10
    the sunlight should be set to static to get soft shadows, not stationary
  • Harbinger
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    Harbinger polycounter lvl 8
    Stationary lights can cast cascaded shadow maps, which are soft in appearance.
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks guys, both of those suggestions got me further along, but I am having a new problem with my displacement. The displacement is not getting pushed up/down like it should, it also seems to be getting XY values and pushing it off in a diagonal direction. Any ideas?

    I cant upload an image to imgur for some reason...
  • Obscura
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    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    I don't have ue4, but the solution for the displacement problem should be similar to one that could work in UDK. Its probably because you don't tell it the direction that you want to use for the displacement. Try using constant 3 as the value that is multiplied and it should look like 0,0,5 (or more or less) or something like this. So probably here the third value would be the Z axis, like in the "up vector" examples. Maybe you'll have to transform it from tangent to world. But if you do this then it will go always up regardless of the object's shape, normals, etc. Maybe the simple constant3 with (0,0,something) would work better.
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    Yupp that worked! Thank you very much :D
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