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Need some help!

polycounter lvl 8
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Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
Hey guys. I'm just starting some textures on this low poly target dummy and I am having some issues figuring out how to approach the light source. If I go directly off the concept art it seems to be awkward if its mirrored uvs. Should I change the light source to a more direct one from the front of the dummy?wip_target_dummy_by_dimfist-d6mbo9s.png
here's the concept 215_max.jpg
concept by gimaldinov


  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    Have the light source come down from above and maybe have some indirect lighting/second light source from the floor.

    That combined with a proper AO pass should give the model enough info to convey the forms properly. This would work in an open environment.
    If these models are to be placed inside a dungeon or something I would probably go with 4, 6 or 8 lights coming from each direction horizontally.

    Actually, to be on the safe side, you could probably combine the 2.

    Made a quick example.

    Regardless of the situation I think the 3rd option would be best in almost all cases.
    Having multiply light sources allows you to have a specular highlight no matter what angle you are viewing the model from. Having the light come from above also is just natural, since most light sources in the real world are above our eye level. (The second example isnt a very good one tbh, cause even in dungeons and what not I assume a light sourced would be at eye level or above.)
    And having a secondary light source allows you to convey the silhouette of the model a bit better.

    That being said, allot of people just use a single lightsource(sky/sun) but have multiple specular highlights in the texture.

    Hope that helped. =]
  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    That definitely makes sense but for a hand painted texture is there a hard rule? I will be painting in some bounce light but for the most part this should only have one real source of direct light? I am too new to hand painting to know for sure. Thanks again
  • fatihG_
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    fatihG_ polycounter lvl 14
    Honestly it depends on the environment it is in and how it will be used in-game.

    I'd go with the first sphere, simple directional sun light, and have multiple faked specular points to catch the shapes of the model better.

    Basically think about it this way. You have 1 light that only emits diffuse lighting, so no specular higlights, which is the directional light coming from above.
    Than you have multiple pointlights that only emits the specular highlights, no diffuse. Than combine the 2.
    Add some AO.
    Add some bouncelight.

    Thats what I would do for props that would get reused all over the place under different lighting situations.

    Edit- the faked specular higlights would only work on hard surface/non organic type materials though. It would probably look like crap on skin /cloth and what not.
  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    Cool thanks. This is a personal project to help me get more experience with hand painted. I think the safest bet is the top down lighting!
  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    Wondering if I should add some extra GEO to the couple spots that I marked off? When Hand painting if you can't hide the hard edges easily should you add more geo?232323232%7Ffp54345%3Enu%3D%3A73%3B%3E472%3E254%3EWSNRCG%3D34%3B9%3C43%3B4%3A345nu0mrj
  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    Finished product. Feedback would be appreciated! :D232323232%7Ffp543%3B3%3Enu%3D%3A73%3B%3E472%3E254%3EWSNRCG%3D34%3B%3A55%3B594345nu0mrj
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