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The Last of Us Subway [UDK]

polycounter lvl 6
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A-N-P polycounter lvl 6


Original post...

So I've decided to make a new, more ambitious portfolio piece inspired by The Last of Us.




Next up is gathering tons of reference and get moving.



  • Hunter0626
    This is exciting. You definitely have a lot to work with but from your breakdown it looks like you can definitely achieve this. I'm quite impressed by your breakdown and blockout by the way, and i'm taking notes if you don't mind because looking at it that way makes it easier to help manage the individual parts of a project.
    I can't wait to start seeing what this will become! :)
  • Macattackk
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    Macattackk polycounter lvl 7
    wow you replicated the proportions and layout of the concept really well. great start!
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    Macattackk wrote: »
    wow you replicated the proportions and layout of the concept really well. great start!

  • JoshVanZuylen
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    JoshVanZuylen polycounter lvl 5
    Nice start!

    The subway entrance needs to be brought forward, it's a bit far away. So then the passage way is more narrow. You will get the correct perspective lines. Very good start though.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah just the blockout is way impressive. Great work! :D
  • Boyo
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    Boyo polycounter lvl 8
    wow, that's accurate!
    Nice concept! Nice blockout!
  • Tits
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    Tits mod
    Hell yeah, I'm watching this :)
  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    painted me stoked! this is going to be awesome! really liked your recent piece in the what are you working on thread. for sure following this :)
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the feedback guys!

    Gathered a bunch of texture ref and I've made a start on the floor. This will be covered by all the dust and debris on the ground (probably via vertex shader) Still some more grime to add to the black part but I'm calling it a night tonight.



  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
    Make sure to include stolen artwork!

    Just kidding. Good luck! Looking forward to updates.
  • joeriv
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    joeriv polycounter lvl 7
    Looking good, can't wait to see where this goes.
    Are you planning on putting some sort of character in? Or where are you gonna make that light come from (flashlight on the ground?)
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Looking good, keep up.
  • silkroadgame
    Interesting project.
    I hope you will do something different with the concept.
  • Grimmstrom
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    Grimmstrom polycounter lvl 7
    Blockout is looking great, can't wait to see how this progresses
  • R00
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    R00 polycounter lvl 13
    Clean Blockout. You've broken it down well, I'll be watching this :)
  • Dave Jr
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    Dave Jr polycounter lvl 9
    Nailed scale, perspective and the blockout is extremely clean :O nice. Will be watching :)
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks guys!

    @joeriv: I've thought of a couple ways I could do this...
    • model a basic silhouette of a character to be placed in the scene
    • have a torch on the floor
    • have a torch on the table at the bottom of the shot

    HitmonInfinity: Wow! I weren't aware of that, haha.

    I've spent today playing with the floor texture and changed it up a little bit. The dots on the black part looked odd and I'm sure they'd be uncomfortable to walk on all the time, so I've replaced them with tiles.



  • TheQuietPotato
    Really like your approach to this project. I have been looking at a piece of Game of Thrones artwork for a while, will be using this breakdown when I'm brave enough to give it a try.
  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    Nice start. The blockout is pretty spot on. Looking forward to seeing more soon :)
  • tierzilla
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    tierzilla polycounter lvl 9
    superb blockout! , cant wait to see it finished!! keep us feeded :P
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Hey guys.

    Done some work on a concrete texture for the walls behind the big tiles and in the distance. Also placed it on the pillars for place holder. I think I'm gonna sculpt them to give them a decent amount of damage.




  • Hunter0626
    Really solid texture for the concrete. It seems to me though to be a little bit clean. Adding some cracks or non-unique holes and erosion to give it a more worn down emotion. Normals are good though. Only other thing I can spot is the light source. It is quite accurate but the shadowing seems to be throwing it off near the 6 poles. Shouldn't be too difficult to fix though. Really nice start.
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    @Hunter0626: Thanks for the feedback. I agree with what you said about the concrete texture so I added some grunge to it. I also tweaked the spec to give an overall oily feel to the wall as if things are now starting to grow on there.


    As for the shadows, there is only 1 shadow casting light in the scene which is the torch. Maybe you could explain what you mean in a little more detail?
  • Hunter0626
    This was not to offend you or your work in any way, but I just feel that it would be easier to explain by interactively showing you so I attached a paintover of what I was talking about. Being that it is one light source the shadow doesn't have the same contrast as it would. The best I could find to help explain was this,
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Hey guys.

    Been quite busy these last few days with non-game related stuff. Just started working on this stones/rubble texture to be painted on the floor along with dust and scraps of paper etc.


  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    I weren't happy with the way the old rubble texture looked so I've started a new one to get it looking just right. This is progress after a nice saturday afternoon sculpting.


    This will be tiled x2 for the final texture with bigger pieces of rock and debris placed over the top.

  • Javibcln
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    Javibcln polycounter lvl 8
    Looking great! I like the presentation of your materials, how do you make them?
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks Javibcln!

    To answer your question on my presentation, the sculpt is just a zbrush screenshot using the 'mah modelling 01' material I downloaded a while back. (Google it, I'm sure it's around somewhere). The other textures are on a subdivided cube in Marmoset with a light and some post to add the gradient :)

    Been working on this today. New rubble.

  • DInusty
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    DInusty polycounter lvl 17
    as everyone said block out is very nice. your rubble technically is very strong. nice to see you can Zbrush out or at least high-poly out the details in tile then bake them out. I would say be careful of unnatural shapes in your rubble. the ones I am speaking to are the more round rubble. rubble doesn't usually break like that unless curtain things natural happen with erosion or time passing in a natural world.

    Keep it up. excited to see your progress.
  • fab-camp
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    fab-camp polycounter lvl 6
    just to add on frozans comment:
    right now your rubble looks like from an outdoor-environment. not as it woul come down from the walls or ceiling of that subway. you should try to imagine how stones and dirt get piled up here in places and forms were it makes sense
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the feedback guys!

    I completely agreed with the comments about style of debris and decided to start a new one that better suited the environment.

    Just finished these blocks of concrete...


  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Loving those blocks of concrete, the cavity/highlights touch really give it a very NaughtyDog'ish texturing style to it. But it's only one solid color, wouldn't mind to see some discoloration and some other couple hues being thrown in there.
    Unless you plan to add dirt and grime via a blend shader later in the editor.

    keep it up!
  • Hunter0626
    Those concrete blocks are amazing! Exquisite sculpting sir. Truly. The only thing I can think of would be to add more weathering cracks to some of the blocks. The edging and sides have plenty of erosion like they were broken off, but the front faces of a couple of them seem to be just a bit clean. Not very much besides a few little things like that. Tremendous work, and inspiring. Can't wait to see more!
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the feedback guys.

    @HP: I've added some colour variation like you suggested. If more is needed down the line I can always add some in photoshop later down the line :)

    @Hunter0626: I sculpted each block with a damaged and undamaged face to give me a little bit more variety when laying out the blocks in 2.5D. The shot above was just a random mixture of both.

    Here's the update!

  • Steve_T
    Looking great, i like how you broke the scene down at the start!
  • MeshModeler
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    MeshModeler polycounter lvl 11
    whats your process for making those blocks of concrete?

  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Grrr, I've reached my bandwidth limit on Photobucket. I'll have to back back and re-link the previous images to imgur.

    Managed to get the rubble texture finished tonight and also added some world position offset functionality to my material in UDK to give the rubble some 'volume' :)

  • kimmokaunela
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    kimmokaunela ngon master
    This is going to be awesome. I like the way you do all your textures. Good job!
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Been working on getting the floor to a nice stage so I can make a start on the rest of the scene. I've made a floor material with the following functions:
    • paint rubble
    • paint smaller high frequency rubble/dust in between rubble to break up tiling
    • paint dust over everything (used mainly for covering the floor)
    • World position offset. Used in conjunction with the rubble texture in corners, along walls etc to get that piled up look.

    Here's my material network. I tried to keep the layout as clean as possible :P

    Here's where the floor's at. Still some slight tweaking needed with the blend masks but it's coming together.

    Thanks :)
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6

    - Started to add ground props to the scene
    - Fixed some blend mask issues
    - Re-painted the floor with more natural rubble formations (was too random for my liking!)
    - Tweaked the lighting/shadows to give a little more contrast to the scene


  • Amatobahn
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    Amatobahn polycounter lvl 7
    This is gonna be sweet man.
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Hey guys.

    I'm having some trouble adding some subtle reflection to the tiles on the subway floor. I've tried using the TargetCube and Target2D methods but I get the same error...


    Is this the right way to do it? I'm thinking it's something to do with the lerps because when i try with just a basic material (no lerps) it works fine.

  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6

    - tweaked floor textures and blend maps (again)
    - changed floor vertex paint (again)
    - added more ground clutter
    - tweaked lighting and added some slight fog for atmosphere
    - added some slight DOF
    - added floating spore particles


    I'm calling the floor done for now, spent way too much time on this. Will revisit everything at the end for final adjustments.

  • EvanL
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    EvanL polycounter lvl 11
    Looks great. Definitely in line with the concept.

    Any chance we could see a breakdown of the floor? (textures you used, how you made them, material closeup, etc.)
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks Evan!

    Sure, I'm planning to make some breakdowns on textures and materials when I get some free free time :P

    Did some work on the concrete wall material today. It can paint grime and cracks, although the cracks need toning down slightly on the pillar, you can still see what they look like :)


  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Update time!

    - tweaked some textures for the concrete material shader
    - added concrete tiles on the wall
    - tweaked dust particles
    - tweaked overall lighting and shadow colours
    - tweaked fog
    - played around with adding chromatic abberation and vignette in PS. Will look to make a post process for this towards the end


    Also, anyone know why I'm getting these errors when I bake my lighting? I've found the culprits in the content browser, its the "DirectionalMaxComponent" textures which look something related to lightmaps but I have no idea why they're coming through like this...


  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Update yo!

    Main changes are:
    - added orange concrete wall (will fix lightmap seam)
    - applied temp material to untextured assets
    - added more fill lights to achieve a more dramatic look
    - added colour correction via LUT


  • LaurenceGEE
  • alphajayel
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    alphajayel polycounter lvl 6
    nice work! keep it up! :)
  • A-N-P
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    A-N-P polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the kind words guys :D

    Been working some more on the vertex paint shader for the orange walls and I've included a gif so you can kind of see how it works.


    Red channel - breaks away paint
    Green channel - paints an oily substance/discolouration
    Blue channel - paints dripping grime


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