model And here's a few renders and the marmoset viewer file: This is based on a concept by Dillon Grubbs: More of his work can be found here: I was given a critique that the grip wouldn't work in real life? Any suggestions on how I…
This is for a unreal fantasy MOD a friend and i are bringing back to life, included is a dragon that is near complete, and a fortress static mesh, opinions and crits appreciated The mesh In game Fortress -Buddikaman-
This is a WIP model of an alien horse creature. I started with a low poly sculpt and built topology around the sculpt. I don’t do retopology often so I would appreciate honest feedback on aspects such as the edge loops. I would greatly benefit from it. Since I was using a mirror modifier I only saw that my model had 7k…
"New generation of our combat processors Buy it now and get an armored mounting block absolutely for free!!!" Our blocks are compatible with all modern types of autonomous mechs, ground and aerial vehicles Welcome to any C&C
Heya! It's been awhile since I've done some serious hard surface stuff, and I realized I'm super out of practice. So I thought I might share what I'm working on and get some thoughts. I'm curious to hear what workflows/tips might be recommend. I'm unsure of what an effective workflow for something like this might be, so… Base meshes can be used a lot, the most important of which is the use in the game industry, which can give us a lot of speed. In all project, many items required by the artists consist of repetitive and similar items. To increase the speed of each artist in all tasks and parts of the…
Hey guys, I want invite you guys to join the Sketchcrawl this Saturday. It's being organized by local artist Shaun Bryant. Go on over and join the FB page: and RSVP on the group even here: For more info on the event, go here:…
Hi Guys, Just posting a scene I have been making for a little while, which I finally managed to finish. I decided to do a scene as I have been focusing on props for a good amount of time and I wanted to learn more about unreal 4 and the capabilities. it also gave me an opportunity to learn more about substance and…
Hi everyone! i hope everyone had a great weekend, i am working satudays in night shift( but i like to call night watch ). So i started write blog about what i know and this is what i tried to teach; I know its not great, i dont have a pc and this one belongs to…