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big man japan

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Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
probably the most fucked up ending to any movie ever made.


  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    worse than old boy?
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    I loved the ending of Old Boy, one of the best I've ever seen. Haven't seen Big Man Japan, though. Heard about it, might have to check it out if I can find a copy. Is the rest of the movie good, or is it just an ending that won't be forgotten?
  • TWilson
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    TWilson polycounter lvl 18
    I just watched this over the weekend. What a strange film. Enjoyable though. The part with his daughter made me laugh the hardest though.

    Old Boy or Requiem for a Dream endings are more "fucked up" imo. I can't even remember the end of this film and I just watched it.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    Ah, thanks for that, TWilson. I'm actively seeking a copy now.

    Also, Requiem for a Dream was hard for me to watch, mainly cause the vast majority of my family are all junkies, and it disturbed me very much. But I still enjoyed the fact that the movie made me feel something other than "Oh, that was cool, let's go grab a pizza" Those kinds of movies piss me off. It had an effect on me which, while unpleasant, was more than I can say for a lot of other movies.

    Old Boy, I loved that ending. Didn't disturb me at all, and I felt it was a nice happy ending. Does that make me fucked in the head?

    If I can pose a question to some of you out there, what were some of the more memorable endings to moives you've seen? But as a side thing only, don't wanna highjack this thread.

    I will watch Big Man Japan, and post what I think of it. And thanks for reminding me that movie exists, I forgot about it a long time ago.

    [EDIT] Jesus Christ!! It's $25 for the dvd on amazon.... and I rarely pay more than $15 for my dvd's. *sigh* Guess I gotta cough up the cash for it. I do love weird flicks :D
  • Sayanora
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    Sayanora polycounter lvl 11
    aesir wrote: »
    worse than old boy?

    Nothing ended worse than Old Boy. Except maybe Lady Vengeance. Your call :)
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    most fucked-up ending to a film in recent memory was Pan's Labyrinth

    it took about 15 minutes after leaving that film for the final shot of her still breathing but obviously dying AFTER the whimsical fantasy you-have-returned-to-your-kingdom-and-everythings-great scene to register. It was cold out, and it hit me. And i stood in the street, shaken and utterly depressed.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    Well, danr, I don't remember where I read it, but I do remember Del Toro himself saying, she does end up living in the fantasy world. Staying there, and living there. Seemed like an almost happy ending to me. But god damn, I hated that fuckin nazi asshole...

    Sayanora, I just bought Lady Vengeance the other day, haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I remember Mr. Vengeance was pretty dull, and kind of a downer.is Lady Vengeance that way as well? PLEASE try not to spoil anything when you reply, thanks :D
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    Jeremy-S wrote: »
    Well, danr, I don't remember where I read it, but I do remember Del Toro himself saying, she does end up living in the fantasy world. Staying there, and living there. Seemed like an almost happy ending to me.

    well put that in your film then, you sadistic bastard. Don't have her clearly breathing her last after clearly imagining her made-up fantasy for the final time.

    Anyway, i reckon del toro would have made that up to keep the DVD sales up

    honestly, genuinely, it sat on my shelf for a full 9 months before i could watch it again - purely based on that final shot
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    I understand it. It was a heartbreaking movie for me as well. If it wasn't for Del Toro saying that, I would never have seen the film to begin with. I heard it was more nazi's than fantasy, and since I hate nazi's, and nazi movies (Yet I saw inglorious Basterds), I waited for at least 2 years after the dvd hit before I could try and watch it on a Del Toro marathon.

    Still, like I said, Heartbreaking, which is about as close a word as I can come up with to describe it without that info from the director in my head first. But quite the opposite when you have that info in your head.
  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    Have a go at "Requiem for a Dream" then. I was blown away by it at the cinema, and bought a copy on DVD as soon as it came out. It's still in the wrapper....I can't bring myself to see it again, the ending's so nasty.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    Just finished Lady Vengeance. That was a damn good movie. I loved the imagination showed in a lot of the editing, and strange ideas like the dog with the man head in that portable kennel thing (although the dog with the humanoid head was done ages ago in the Invasion of the Body Snatchers remake, which btw, creeped me right the fuck out). The story was great, and engrossing, it had me wondering what was going on at times, but never for too long, or in a bad way. I could go on about it, but I'll just leave it with, I loved that movie and I'm VERY glad I bought it.

    I'm not sure how that could have been a bad ending, though? *SPOILERS* If I'm not mistaken, the mom decided that sending her daughter with the Australian couple was best, since she'd have the stigma of having a child killer for a mom, but tried to eat the entire tofu block which symbolized innocence, and a return to a better life. While the girl has to leave, she forgave her mom for the abandonment thing, and was able to continue living with the only parents she's known for the past 13 years. The mom has decided to try and live a better life, shown through the eating of the symbolic white tofu, now that she's had her vengeance. She has a job, she has a place to live. the parents got revenge, and yeah, they're gonna be screwed up about it, but they were already screwed up for having lost their children in the most horrific way. I don't mean to sound like an ass again, but where's the bad ending? Seems to me things turned out about as good as they could have without going into hollywood bullshit EVERYTHING is fine, nobody's screwed up, and we all live happily ever after. *END SPOILERS*

    But anyway, that's my take on it. Great movie all around, one of the best I've seen in ages.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
  • sub_roland
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    sub_roland polycounter lvl 12
    if anyone cares, you can add big man japan to your netflix instant queue
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i'm not refering to tabo creep you out fucked up, i'm talking about "what happened to the movie i was watching, this is 15 minutes of something nearly unrelated"
  • Justin Meisse
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    rhino- I just watched big man japan. It was pretty good, but I wanted way more offbeat weird monster battles. I think the movie went right over my head because the ending didnt make much sense to me. It was def awkward watching all those hero's mercilessly beat that guy up.

    snemmy- is gozu any good? I have it on my que, but after the audition I`m weary of asain horror flicks.
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    Cool films with memorable endings with twists ive seen lately:
    - American Beauty < definately a movie that makes you think about life
    - Fight Club
    - Memento
    - The 6th sense
    - One flew over the cuckoos nest
    - The shawshank redemption
  • Smirnoffka
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    Smirnoffka polycounter lvl 17

    Brightened my day. :) I needed it too, one of my fish died :(
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Both me and my wife agreed a few years ago that Requiem for a Dream in conjunction with a few episodes of CSI(the one where the boy and girl eat a fellow student while high on PCP, and the one where the kid kills his best friend at a rave during an acid trip) are going to be what i make my kid watch after they learn about drugs in school. Requiem for a Dream's ending and story is fucked up enough to scare any kid from using.
  • Sayanora
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Dancer in the Dark.
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    Thegodzero wrote: »
    Both me and my wife agreed a few years ago that Requiem for a Dream in conjunction with a few episodes of CSI(the one where the boy and girl eat a fellow student while high on PCP, and the one where the kid kills his best friend at a rave during an acid trip) are going to be what i make my kid watch after they learn about drugs in school. Requiem for a Dream's ending and story is fucked up enough to scare any kid from using.

    QFT saw it once- great movie, everyone should see it. Dont really want to see it ever again.
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