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Holy Hell! - Just a rant

polycounter lvl 11
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Murdoc polycounter lvl 11
Ok I hate to make a frivolous thread, but I need to rant because this is ridiculous.

I just moved to Quebec, had no idea what I was getting into and aside from a few bumps things are going alright with one exception, The Internet.

I was stuck in a hotel for a month and I don't have a laptop, so no net, I've been using my phone so far... For a month, which I am currently on.

Anyway, I get an apartment for September so now I need to sign up for Internet; I find out shaw doesn't operate here so switching my account won't work; and instead of having many options to choose a provider, there's two.

Freakin two. One is named Videotron and they have a bout a dozen packages that are ridiculously expensive for what they offer. Then, get this because I swear I traveled back to 1995 when people were just figuring out the Internet, you have to sign a contract for a specific amount of time, like a crappy mobile contract.

Ok so that's one provider down, what's the other one, Bell; great, while I've had ndo person experiance with bell, I've heard people being sectioned after dealing wig their customer service.

So I sign up with bell, had a lovely conversation with the sales women (if I could have a natural conversation like that in person I'd be a happier guy) and was told it would be activated on September 2nd and my modem would be sent to me by mail within five days...sweet, just before the long weekend!

No modem arrives; ok that sucks but whatever, but I should call just to see if there was anyway to get it before the weekend is over.

I call, I give them the confirmation number, my name, and everything else; nope can't find my account. I get sent to the next person; nope I don't exist in their database. I get transfer again, it's been about an hour at this point; where do you live? ( the voice sounds oddly faint) I tell the
man my street, "You live in Quebec?!" yeah.... "Why are you phoning An Ontario number?" I didn't I phoned the national 1800 number and they transferee me to you...

So at this point Im probably doing the best job in my life to keep calm because I think this is some
sort of prank. So I try again.

On the second try with the second person I was told I should just sign up again... So yeah I really want to do business with these guys now, but since they are the only option what choice do I have?

Ok, I want Internet I say, oh you don't have a lanline so you can only get wireless mobile Internet here are the packages; yak yak yam... Whoa whoa wait, before I signed up with it no problem because they would use a dryline or something. "oh you want that to get highspeed Internet?" YES! geeze. Ok well need to transfer you to that department to see if you elegable ( I can save her the trouble since I was approved last time I signed up)

Oh wait they don't work weekends and won't be back until Tuesday, have a great day.


So, I've concluded Montreal doesn't have Internet service; it's a mind game and or a series of actual, literal tubes. I may need to start growing my own food, making my own clothing, and writing my own manifestos ; but I can't because I don't have the Internet.


  • MagicSugar
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    MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10
  • firestarter
  • greuh
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    greuh polycounter lvl 17
    haha :)
    I feel for you.

    when I moved here from France, local quebec reality hit me hard on the whole high speed internet thingy.

    Despite all the issues of Bell's support, I have to say I never had any severe internet connection issues. And latency is actually pretty ok for DSL, but maybe that's because I live downtown.

    But damn when I moved to my new apartment... I did plan my move ahead, and setup the line transfer to my new address about a week before the actual move. I was told my internet service will be switched for the proper date. But once in the new place; no internet.
    After letting a couple of days go by since they may have been working on the reconnection or whatever I finally phone the service support. And there I am told there's no record of my request to transfer my internet line... %$^*%$^(#@ and here goes another week without connection lol.
  • Murdoc
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    Murdoc polycounter lvl 11
    Guess it's pretty common greuh; just irky this

    Thanks for the links firestarter; I'll look into them and check why no one has mentioned these places before(maybe they really suck?) edit: ah looked into it; yeah one is a whole 5mbs and the other wants a contract.

    I'll be sure to format my rant in the proper word template next time :) I'm just venting and don't expect anyone to read it unless they like reading rants about whatever; but yeah I should specify what type; hopefully there won't be another one lol
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Don't use acanac murdoc... whatever you do don't use acanac, at my old house we used it, and it was NOTHING but problems.

    I did run into the same issue with Rogers too, I signed up for an account, got the confirmation, but when i called to make sure everything was ok, they said I wasn't in the system :( But like you... I dealt with a very nice lady and everything was setup fine BWAH AHA AH!

    Good luck man!
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    So, I've concluded Montreal doesn't have Internet service; it's a mind game and or a series of actual, literal tubes. I may need to start growing my own food, making my own clothing, and writing my own manifestos ; but I can't because I don't have the Internet.

    Rofl, sorry I'm finding humor in your pain man, but I have experienced similar problems in the past. In all seriousness, I hope it works out for you. I couldn't imagine not having high speed internet these days.
  • Eclipse
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    Eclipse polycounter lvl 18
    I use http://www.teksavvy.com/en/index.asp, Haven't had a problem yet, the price is reasonable as well. Overall I am very happy with them.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    lol thats weak ! i feel for you mate, in Madrid is like that , but multiplied by 100x since there arent professionals working in jobs, just robots.
  • Murdoc
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    Murdoc polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah after the rant it's pretty comically bad. thanks for he suggestion eclipse; I'm just not sure if I'm ready to go under 15mbs, honestly not sure what I need it for just trying to get the same thing I had before for roughly the same price
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