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Metalocalypse - A little awesome or face meltingly awesome?

polycounter lvl 17
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Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
Apparently a lot of people have missed this and it pisses me off. So go watch it! It´s a tv-show about a metalband called Dethklok and its... ultra violent... and awesome beyond levels our weak human minds can comprehend.

Dr. Rockso: My video was banned from music television, cause you could see my junk... through my jumpsuit.

"Dethklok is a band which enjoys a popularity level unheard of in reality, ranking as the twelfth largest economy on Earth by the second season.I][URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed"]citation needed[/URL][/I Its popularity is such that impressionable fans will do anything its songs tell them to, even if that means death, which is usually the case. In "Dethgov", fans of Dethklok murder the governor of Florida after he disrespects lead singer Nathan Explosion, whom they then proceed to elect governor in a landslide write-in victory. If Dethklok endorses a product or service, competitors are quickly driven out of business."

" The members of Dethklok tend to cause disaster wherever they travel, and anything remotely associated with them likewise tends to attract civil unrest simply by existing. Dethklok concerts are so notoriously violent that those attending are required to sign "pain waivers" at the entrance, releasing the band from legal liability in the very likely case they are killed or maimed. "

"In another episode ("Dethtroll"), Dethklok accidentally summons a gigantic and extremely destructive Finnish lake troll after taking "lyrics" from a Finnish book of necromantic spells."



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