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Flu shots this year?

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mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
I don't mind shots, but every time I have gotten a flu shot in the past, within a week or two I come down with the flu, without fail. So about 4 years ago I just stopped getting them all together and went with a homeopathic option. It's worked great. I've only gotten the flu once since then and it was mild.

I'm kind of nervous about sticking to the homeopathic route this year though. I have a little bro in high school and supposedly the swine flu is going to hit schools hard this year. I'm afraid he'll bring it home and get the whole family. However, if I do get this swine flu shot, my past experience says I'll get it that way anyway. So what am I to do?

Will the shot actually lessen the effects of the flu or is it just suppose to give me immunity? If it lessens it, I guess I'll risk it and get the shot. If I'll get the same flu either way, I think I'll take my chances. I mean I'm not going sit around sick for two weeks before calling the doctor. The first signs of the flu I'll call in and make an appointment. I hear if they catch it early it doesn't get out of control.

Are you guys getting the flu shot this year?


  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    I never get them. I think it's a big fat Conspiracy. Wash your hands and stay away from sick people. That's my credo. As for the kids, if they get sick we'll keep them home. Don't want to sound weird or nothing, but EVERY TIME I get the Flu, just staying home resting, Drinking lots of Fluids has always worked, and always got me at least back on my feet in a week or less.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    What Josh said....
  • Mechadus
    Hellz no. Every time Ive ever got the flu I just kick its ass in 2-3 days by bombing my body with insane amounts of water, OJ and fresh fruits and veggies. I figure I survived the Bird Flu, SARS, hamster flu, the iguana sniffles and every other plague the media has invented so far, so Im gonna take my chances with the pig flavord illness this year.
  • EarthQuake
    never get them, my fiance on the other hand has the immune system of a 18 month old child, so she always gets them, and anything else they will give her.
  • Mark Dygert
    The swine flu vaccine won't be in the regular flu shot.

    When it is available, it will be a separate 2 (or maybe 3) stage shot over a period of time before you're fully inoculated. Also the Gov is purchasing all stock in the US and they don't expect to start rationing it out until Nov. By then you've probably been exposed already...

    I think they're a big pile of crap. I think this vaccine is too rushed and there's no time to test it and I think the media and CDC over hyped H1N1 like they did in the 70's. The vaccine they released then had major problems with it as this one might...

    Hell even vaccines that are "routine" and been around for years have horror stories and laundry lists of side effects. Have a kid, they hand you a phone book about vaccines, scary reading and its meant to talk you into getting them all...
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    i agree with josh and vig is right on the money... no flu shot will keep away the swine flu... that shit is unstoppable to our increasingly archaic technology

    i've never gotten a flu shot, and i get sick MAYBE once a year that lasts one or two days tops.... eat well, live well, drink lots of beer, and you'll be just fine :)
    and yeah... washing your hands like a crazy person WITH SOAP AND WATER is the key to success in any relationship
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 19
    i've never had the flu, and i stopped getting vaccinations for it about 8 years ago i think. Its really strange because i have a lowsy immune system, i get strep throat 4-6 times a year easily and a few colds thrown in every once in a while
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    you go to the doctor when you have the flu? you should just stay home for a week and lay on the couch, maybe walk around the park while wrapped in shawls or something.
    I don't like shots, i think their an easy way of making money for the medical industry, and are pretty useless if you are healthy (=have a good immune system).

    EDIT: oh and if you do start noticing symptoms, or just have a cold eat stuff that has vitamin C! just kiwi's and stuff like that, works wonders!
  • eboy
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    eboy polycounter lvl 10
    Don't post here often but what Josh and Vig said are absolutely spot on. :)
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    A friend of mine died of the Flu recently so I suggest going to the doctor if you are sick for more than a week.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I never get the flu shots, like Josh said, seems like a big fat load. When I lived with my parents my mom would freak out about it every damn year, one year I finally told her fuck it, and remained perfectly healthy while the rest of my family was sick for over a week.
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    A friend of mine died of the Flu recently so I suggest going to the doctor if you are sick for more than a week.

    Seriously? I know the Flu can Develop into Pneumonia and that is Scary.
  • CrazyMatt
    One thing I know about the human immunity for cases like this. Stay away from alcohol. Sick people are always a given, but most don't realize what great effects this has to you're own body.
    There's nothing in the world that will make you're bodies defenses drop quicker than that.

    Hearing that there's a heavy speculation of 90,000 deaths (supposedly to come) from the flu. I can see the drinkers taking the heaviest hit of the population, even for those who binge it at parties. Or those who go out for the late night drink at the pub.
  • Rens
    i was at a friends house some weeks ago, and they had italian friends over, and the guy happend to be a doctor.
    he told us that the swine flu is just a bit heavier then normal and is nothing to worry about, and that the whole hype is build to set in motion this stream of money towards the medical industry.

    the reason i never take shots, is because you get injected with shit, wich can also develope into a surprise im here hit me party.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    oh this is about the new flew thingie that was taken way too seriously and then turned out to be not so much at all? our university emailed every student to tell them about the risks and so on, but the basic message was: don't worry unless your pregnant or have a heart condition. If you have flu symptoms sick it out, and if your cough is getting too present call your doctor. (no, don't visit your doctor, call him so that he doesn't get too busy with worried people and you don't accidently spread it if you do happen to have it).

    justin_meisse: i'm really sorry to hear about that...
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Josh_Singh wrote: »
    Seriously? I know the Flu can Develop into Pneumonia and that is Scary.

    I actually think it might of been swine flu now, a few years ago I was sick for an extended period and it developed into pneumonia, I think I was sick for about 2 weeks when I realized things were wrong, it took another week of recovery on heavy medication.

    The last time I talked to my friend he was healthy, just got back from LA, 5 days later he died.
  • eboy
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    eboy polycounter lvl 10
    It's always very sad of course when someone does die of an illness. But what I find frustrating is how Big Pharma makes a healthy profit off of something that's been purposely hyped up by the World Health Organisation. Tamiflu was effectively useless and even dangerous (banned in Japan) yet most governments stockpiled the shit. This flu pandemic shot will be exactly the same.

    What the WHO and many others fail to mention is more people die of common flu then bird or swine flu.
  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    So about 4 years ago I just stopped getting them all together and went with a homeopathic option.

    Regardless of what you think about vaccination, homeopathy is unmitigated, ridiculous bullshit. The more you dilute something, the more potent it becomes? Water has "memory"? Total crap, placebo effect aside. Please don't give these charlatans your money.

    However, a lot of people mix up homeopathy with herbal/natural remedies, which are a completely different kettle of fish. After all, willowfine (willow bark) is basically an early form of asprin. Foxglove in tiny doses is an effective helper against heart disease etc. etc.
    oh this is about the new flew thingie that was taken way too seriously and then turned out to be not so much at all? our university emailed every student to tell them about the risks and so on, but the basic message was: don't worry unless your pregnant or have a heart condition.

    Exactly. Bird flu was a potentially (but unlikely) dangerous threat to humans. Swine flu is much less dangerous, except to those listed above. The media has a lot to answer for....
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    never get them, my fiance on the other hand has the immune system of a 18 month old child, so she always gets them, and anything else they will give her.

    Shamefully, the insane mid-western homo shot did not work for her, she still got you after all. OOoOOooOoOOooOo BURN!

    Now if only Nick were here to turn it into an "insane mid western emo homo virus".

  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    I agree with my fellow tin-hatters. I haven't had a needle touch me other than checkup blood work in over 6 years and don't think I have ever once had the flu. I am also definitely not the poster child for anything remotely healthy.

    My girlfriend is a teacher and she gets sick all the time, and my germaphobia tendencies generally include sending her ass to go sleep in the guest room when she is sick. I rarely catch anything other than a minor cold that lasts about a day or two.

    When I was in the Marines they forced that shit down us all the time and like clockwork guys would be getting sick all the time. They started staggering our shots because they knew that people would get sick, so this way they could infect half of us one week, and the rest of us a few weeks later. Fuck all that noise.

    When they actually develop a cure for something, as opposed to injecting us WITH a virus that ultimately brings more money to the medical field, (doctor visits, meds, etc.) I might gain an interest. Otherwise, keep that shit away from me. If I die, I did it the way god intended - a hail of bullets or Black Plague....but not via government mandated injections.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Good advice all around guys, and well taken. I definitely won't be getting the flu shot this year then, and probably never again. I've done fine without it the last few years, and I'll do fine with out it forever.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    I hope they don't mandate an H1N1 shot in the USA (they are thinking about it)

    At any rate though, more people die BECAUSE of a new vaccine most of the time instead of because of the virus it is meant to protect against.

    The virus and vaccine are too new, and our Gov't too corrupted. No thankya!

    I don't like them odds.
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    Not interested in flu shots at all. More concerned about potential side effects of the vaccine than than a bug. Besides, I'm 29 and haven't been sick since I was 12. :p
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    Regardless of what you think about vaccination, homeopathy is unmitigated, ridiculous bullshit. The more you dilute something, the more potent it becomes? Water has "memory"? Total crap, placebo effect aside. Please don't give these charlatans your money.

    ohh I'm gonna have to play wise guy here.
    Homeopathy has never actually been researched scientifically, because all the people who call themselves scientists say: "it can't work, because of this and that, so why investigate it". while in real worl, loads of people are healed with this stuff, so I'm not saying it works, but that either the medicines work or the placebo effect like you mentioned. But really we don't know!
    and about the water doesn't have memory thing: water has quite a few qualities that we didn't entirely figure out yet. for example doctor Masaru Emoto has done some interesting research.
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    Regardless of what you think about vaccination, homeopathy is unmitigated, ridiculous bullshit. The more you dilute something, the more potent it becomes? Water has "memory"? Total crap, placebo effect aside. Please don't give these charlatans your money.

    ohh I'm gonna have to play wise guy here.
    Homeopathy has never actually been researched scientifically, because all the people who call themselves scientists say: "it can't work, because of this and that, so why investigate it". while in the real world, loads of people are healed with this stuff, so I'm not saying it works, but that either the medicines work or the placebo effect like you mentioned. But really we don't know!
    and about the water doesn't have memory thing: water has quite a few qualities that we didn't entirely figure out yet. for example doctor Masaru Emoto has done some interesting research. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkbpXRSIUnE"
  • MALicivs
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    MALicivs polycounter lvl 15
    I say get the flu. its the best way to build up resistance... and get a week of from work.
    No but seriously, people these days are too over protected, when I was a kid I used to play out in the rain and mud, and get sick for that, and that makes my imune system stronger and helps me in the future, today a kid can't go out in the street without having his parents inject him with vitamins and all sorts of vaccines. people need to build natural resistance to virus and bacteria. Kids these days are so over pretected that they will spend their entire life either sick or taking shots because they're afraid of sickness.
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Regardless of what you think about vaccination, homeopathy is unmitigated, ridiculous bullshit. The more you dilute something, the more potent it becomes? Water has "memory"? Total crap, placebo effect aside. Please don't give these charlatans your money.

    I've never heard of anything like that. I'm sure there are homeopathic crazies out there that say crap like that, but I think for the most part those things are meant to supplement the immune system. And that's what I take, supplements. For example, since I stopped going to the doc for sinus infections I started taking Dehyst. It works great and I get over it faster than I did on antibiotics. When I feel like I'm coming down with somthing I take Sinatrol and it goes away. I naturally burn vitamin B faster than anything in my body. So badly, that the sides of my tongue has actually molded itself to the curvature of my teeth in an attempt to absorb nutrients. I also have high anxiety and low energy. Vitamin B helps my anxiety, gives me energy and makes me pee less (when I'm real low I pee like crazy for some reason).
  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    That's why I made the point that homeopathy is NOT the same as herbal/natural remedies or suppliments. The whole idea of homeopathy is indeed that when you water down the so called "active" ingredient or essence, it becomes more powerful. It's not just crazies, it's "qualified" homeopathists that say this.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeopathy and :
    For further perspective, 1 ml of a solution which has gone through a 30C dilution is mathematically equivalent to 1 ml diluted into a cube of water measuring 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 metres per side, which is about 106 light years. Thus, homeopathic remedies of standard potencies contain, almost certainly, only water (or alcohol, as well as sugar and other nontherapeutic ingredients). Homeopaths maintain that this water retains some "essential property" of the original material, because the preparation has been shaken after each dilution. Hahnemann believed that the dynamisation or shaking of the solution caused a "spirit-like" healing force to be released from within the substance. Even though the homeopathic remedies are often extremely diluted, homeopaths maintain that a healing force is retained by these homeopathic preparations.[5]

    believe that if you like....
  • mdeforge
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    mdeforge polycounter lvl 14
    Ah, didn't read your post close enough.

    Lol, I remember my mom trying out this ear wax candle thing before. It's basically a hallowed out candle than you place the bottom in your ear and light the top on fire. Supposedly some weird heat physics happens and your ear wax somehow comes out of your ear and sticks to the inside of the candle.

    It didn't work. :D

    That was the last time we ever did something like that. Supplements ftw.
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