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Mel Script: smartMoveAndSewUVs

polycounter lvl 11
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jocose polycounter lvl 11
Hey Everyone,

My work let me release this script that mel guru "Naughty Nathan" wrote for us awhile back. At the time there was nothing like this that I was aware of.

I'm not sure if there is anything like it out there now, but I thought I would post it here just in case anyone wanted to use it.

You can download it here.
(You can read the disclaimer and instructions in the header of the script)

This script enables the user to match the pixel depth of a UV shell to another shell by selecting two UV points that define an edge shared with another shell. It also has an align feature that will automatically align an entire shell to the shared edge of another shell using them same selection.

You can can adjust its behavior by toggling on and off the options.

Anyways, it's easier to just look at this example to see exactly what I'm talking about:


If you guys have any questions or comments please let me know. The script comes as.

Edit: Just a note of clarification this script basically scales the shell to match the scale of your selected shared edges counterpart. Which is to say it scales the entire shell so that the edge you are sewing will line up perfectly. However, it wont perfectly match the pixel depth of the entire shell if the particular edge you are using is heavily distorted. If you want the match the pixel depth between shells you need to make sure that your have very little to no distortion on the two shells you are trying to match.


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