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About Time, PS3 Price Drop (again)


Looks like they knocked another 100 bucks off. Could be good news for people who don't already have one.


  • Quokimbo
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    I got an email saying they were working on a slim?? But price drops are good!
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    I won't buy it until PS4 is announced lol Seriously, I still don't see a solid set of games which make it worth buying the PS3. Tekken 6 is coming to XBox 360 too, if God of War 3 gets accompanied by some other cool games I'll consider it(yes, SONY that's right :P)
  • sicsided
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    Fat Princess, Uncharted, Infamous, Warhawk, Metal Gear series, PixelJunk series, Ratchet and Clank series, God of War series, Resistance series, LittleBigPlanet, Killzone series, Valkyria Chronicles, Noby Noby Boy, plus a bunch of other awesome PSN titles. I recommend these if you do get one.

    I find the game library fine on the PS3, otherwise I play PC games. If I want a game that's exclusive to the 360, I usually just wait til it comes to the PC, because they almost always do.

    Price drop would be great, and a headset bundled in would be awesome too. Kinda quiet online, but that can be a good thing also.
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    Nice, I really think that's the only thing that's holding Sony back at the moment. But honestly, the fact that the PS3 is a blue ray player, and PSN is free, I thought the price was justified.

    IMO Sony had the strongest lineup at E3 (You forgot ModNation Racers and The Last Guardian sicsided!) so it'll be nice to see Sony build up some steam. Maybe their plan of slow and steady win's the race will pay off.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18

    Hadn't heard about some of those PSN titles, definitely going to check them out. I already played all the PS2 releases from the series you mentioned which leaves MGS4, Uncharted, Infamous, Killzone 2, Warhawk, Valkyria Chronicles(I don't like RPGs), Resistance series and the PSN titles. I agree these games are worth buying but still not enough to invest in a system for people like me(I can hardly keep my PC up to date). Actually I don't have an XBox either but there are enough 360's around me :)
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