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killzone 2

polycounter lvl 19
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hawken polycounter lvl 19
Recently picked up this for the ps3.

While not the most original game, I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Took a while to get used to playing an fps on the ps3 controller, largely I was getting frustrated with not being able to do head shots - until I noticed some guns are wildly more accurate than others.

What I love about this game - although I am not very far in - is the way they have set up the majority of the skirmishes. While seasoned fps gamers may find these easy, and old-gamers like me despise the "on rails" cordoned off scenery I can't explore, the un-easy situations this game throws you in time after time are incredible.

It all seems to be about finding a sweet spot and entrenching yourself until the madness stops. I have never, in all my years of gaming, played a more intense game.

I feel though, even at this early stage, that the game is a little too intense. Would be nice to have a break once in a while other than the cut scenes. Maybe grab a beer, play some darts, with your comrades. But then again I'm all about leisure games. I once designed a game where you play golf but have to walk from hole to hole until you are famous enough to buy a buggy. But thats another story.

One thing I would change about this game though is the NPC buddies. They suck. Sometimes it would be nice to just sit back and cover them, but instead them come and crowd next to me... often standing right next to the red-eyes getting shot to bits.

Also another con is the lack of a back story. I have no idea who I'm fighting, or why, or even where. Not that I care, but it would be nice to relate.

Any views other than my own? Yet to embark on multiplayer, I'd get my sorry ass kicked on that ps3 joypad.


  • MALicivs
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    MALicivs polycounter lvl 15
    yeah it was quite a lot of fun for me to play too. never gets dull throughout, and I liked the ending.
    the controls were kinda hard for me too at first but now i'm good with it and multiplayer is lots of fun.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Ya know this is one game that I wanted to buy for the PS3 but didnt, I absolutely hate FPS and console controller combination. Playing FPS on the PC has an unrivaled amount of accuracy when it comes to shooting and Ive played a couple of console shooters at friends houses that have an auto aim , all I need to be doing is pointing roughly in the direction of the baddie. I think this is lame. I love the visuals of the game though and it caused pain in my mangina when I didnt buy it.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    After a few days you sorta get used to this ps3 controller lark. I was popping of some decent and fast head shots after a while.

    Although, you can't blame killzone2 for that. a Quick seach of polycount shows me a locked thread that tried to exactly this so lets not go there ;)
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Hmm I might pick it up at some point, havent had much time to play games recently, I realised I have lied of course I have fallout 3 for PS3 and the VATS made that game enjoyable. and I never got bored of watching monsters heads explode.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    really was a lot of fun for a good while...been away from my PS3 for months now though; but don't know if I'd still be playing it online...wish they'd release a keyboard/mouse driver thingy, that would be great.

    Anyone pick up the latest pack (with the flame thrower and bolt gun)? How much does it cost and is it worth it? I can't believe I bought the first pack, two measly maps and I dont think I ever played on them...
  • AshleyTayles
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    AshleyTayles polycounter lvl 9
    It's too grey and brown. It's the king of the 'next-gen smear brown crap on scenery' hill.
  • Quokimbo
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    I still play this game heavily...Actually, last I checked I had racked up over eight days of online play...I may need to check again to update my memory bank on hours played. :)
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Quokimbo lol yeah I saw on your trophy collection was spilling over at the sides .. lol
  • JostVice
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    JostVice polycounter lvl 12
    I enjoyed the game. i'm not a FPS console guy, can't do anything with that gamepad, but Killzone 2 was kind of different, it was easier to aim for me than any other aim game.

    I loved the visual and art too, lots of inspiration :)
  • Quokimbo
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    rolfness wrote: »
    Quokimbo lol yeah I saw on your trophy collection was spilling over at the sides .. lol

    One week, I was going for the top 1 percent trophy...For seven days I played, as much as I could...

    My eyes were bleeding Killzone!

    Missed the top percent by like 200 people. I was sad :( lol
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    It's too Grey and brown. It's the king of the 'next-gen smear brown crap on scenery' hill.

    I would disagree with this. The atmosphere and general art direction are well done, regardless if the color palate is "too Grey and brown" it works well. Also some of the vista's in KZ2 where amazing and warrant more then a "next-gen smear brown crap on scenery".
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    It's too grey and brown. It's the king of the 'next-gen smear brown crap on scenery' hill.

    I would say it's slightly generic looking, but have you actually played it? The scenery is urban and industrial throughout - I'm not sure they were going for the post-modern futurist white building look. The urban sprawl is lovely in motion on fuck off great big telly.

    If anything I would hand them the crap-hat over the tanks and buggies. Very boring.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Cojax wrote: »
    I would disagree with this. The atmosphere and general art direction are well done, regardless if the color palate is "too Grey and brown" it works well. Also some of the vista's in KZ2 where amazing and warrant more then a "next-gen smear brown crap on scenery".

    Yeah but as much as loved KZ2, I would have to agree with this, especially in online play. After all those hours, the art direction would surely start to grate more than some other online FPS...its just too much sometimes.
  • dolemite
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    I thought everything about this game was awesome except the controls. I never really got used to them, in spite of my beating the game and spending many hours online. I maxed out my rank before they raised the max rank in that patch. I got "used to it" but it never really worked for me.

    They released that enhanced control option on the more recent patch, and I thought that was a huge improvement. But by that point I had moved on and lost interest.

    Bottom line: Awesome graphics, beautiful art and style, sweet guns. Controls killed it.
  • bounchfx
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    bounchfx mod
    disappointed the shit out of me. got used to the controls, still wasn't fun, whatever their excuse was for having the controls lag and be sluggish is it's not cool (LOL @ the 'guns r heavy' excuse people say) bought it at the midnight launch and wanted to like it. graphics and animations were pretty, though.

    all that matters is that people enjoy it though, that's great. just disappointed I couldn't. Will try it again when it's in the bargain bin.
  • anoon
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    I recently started playing again after a 3 month break and am loving it all over. In fact I am having more fun than ever, now that I finally got past the turret medals and opened the other characters. Once you can mix and match abilities, it gets great.

    Once I get all of the online trophies, it is back to single player for the Elite run and a platinum.

    New MP maps are phenomenal. Better than the originals.
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