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Underwater Terrorist

polycounter lvl 8
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beartraps polycounter lvl 8
I saw an awesome concept by Leopard Snow on conceptart.com and I couldnt resist but try to model it. This is the first character I have attempted with armor and clothing. The base mesh is not mine and in the end there will be none of it showing, its just for reference:

Concept art and breakdown:



  • nfrrtycmplx
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    nfrrtycmplx polycounter lvl 18
    why would you terrorize the whaters? what did they dew!?

    but seriously. Kinda dig it... only problem i see is that the character doesn't look like he's ready to go diving. But more like he's a high alttitude guard at some super secret research facility...
  • nfrrtycmplx
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    nfrrtycmplx polycounter lvl 18

    tighter clothing and the tank on the back would help... and his boots look heavy.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah, boots for water? Flippers might be a better sell if you want him in the water.
  • spurn
    or if he had some vehicle to propel him. maybe an underwater version of a jet pack, internal fan/turbine intake with nozzles at the end... and he controls them via some arm control, etc etc etc

    agreed on the tighter clothing for submersion. if you're looking to develop the character full force, then you could save a version for where he fights outside of the water. 2 different suits, unless you're going for universal suit with underwater specialty.
  • nfrrtycmplx
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    nfrrtycmplx polycounter lvl 18
    definately would be cool to see multiple versions for land/water. looks good in a portfolio as well.
  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    Lookin good so far, can't wait to see more progress on this!
  • beartraps
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    beartraps polycounter lvl 8
    Hey everyone thanks for all the replies! Havent had a chance to go back into this guy yet because im trying to get my portfolio a bit more organized.

    tighter clothing and the tank on the back would help... and his boots look heavy.

    That reference image link isnt workin. I get what u mean to when u say he doesnt look like he should be in the water but I really do want to stick with this concept because its very easy for me to change things and say "thats the way it is supposed to be." The objective for me is to nail this dude the way the artist drew it out. To be quite honest I didnt even know it was an "underwater terrorist" until i looked at the title of the concept art :D

    Flippers would sell it but I think it would take away from the balance of the character. I also like the tank on the front because it gives that bit of extra interest to it.

    I could build 2 versions of the jump/wetsuit. Shouldnt be too hard either since im building all of my hard surface stuff first. A tight wetsuit could just be an extract of the skin. I'll cross that bridge when i get there though ;)
    spurn wrote: »
    or if he had some vehicle to propel him. maybe an underwater version of a jet pack, internal fan/turbine intake with nozzles at the end... and he controls them via some arm control, etc etc etc

    That is a kickass idea! i think ill build that vehicle out when im done with the character.
  • beartraps
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    beartraps polycounter lvl 8
    Well i finally got time this week to work on this dude so i finished the blockout:

    I figured I would try to model a head as well since I have never modeled a "proper" head with correct edge loops:

    So im gonna export this stuff into Mudbox and start sculpting the cloth and fine details! All crits welcome..
  • d00kie
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    d00kie polycounter lvl 17
    It looks as if the shoulders on your model aren't broad enough, i think. or maybe the helmet is too big? I can't tell. But the concept makes him look a little bulkier in that area to me. Not a big deal though, your progress is fantastic!
    i think the boots work, if by some crazy magic he could walk on the seabed or something like that to terrorize below the surface.
    All I really hope to see is the sweet rainbow armor in 3d. ;)
    Keep it up! :D
  • beartraps
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    beartraps polycounter lvl 8
    d00kie: I agree. Im gonna try to deform him in Zbrush to add some bulk up there, do you know of a way to do this in Maya?

    Started sculpting the cloth, think i may have overdone it. I was gonna take this into maya to do some final hard-surface details but every time i try to import the cloth it crashes because of the high polycount. Im worried that when i try to do retopology in Maya I wont be able to work efficiently. Any ideas??

    Anyway, here is the progress:
  • pangarang
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    pangarang polycounter lvl 11
    my first impression was the wrinkles need to be adjusted to look more convincing. Then i realized if he was underwater, they would kinda look like that wouldn't they.
  • beartraps
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    beartraps polycounter lvl 8
    pangarang wrote: »
    Then i realized if he was underwater, they would kinda look like that wouldn't they.

    yea, unfortunatly thats not what i was goin for, lol. Oh well, first time doing cloth, Im gonna give it another try
  • d00kie
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    d00kie polycounter lvl 17
    d00kie: I agree. Im gonna try to deform him in Zbrush to add some bulk up there, do you know of a way to do this in Maya?

    You mean edit your basemesh to have broader shoulders in Maya then reapply the already Zbrushed parts to it?
    I don't think it'd be hard to do, I don't how to do it off the top of my head though.

    I'd just say broaden them in Zbrush. Pull the out the shoulders more.

    Forgive the crappy paintover, but that's what I meant with the shoulders.
    Also, pay attention to the pant area. The concept's pants are baggier than yours. Yours seem tight and fitting. The kneepad of the concept is also larger it seems.

    Either way, great work and keep at it. :thumbup:
  • Acid.
    Progress is looking great so far. Apart from agreeing with what's been stated above, I believe that the legs are damn scrawny.
  • beartraps
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    beartraps polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks d00kie and acid, I put him on some steroids:

  • kodiak
    Nothing about him looks "underwater" so far, which is a problem because this is billed as the main part of your concept!

    The only thing that kind of does look undwater-ey is his mask, and that could easily be a gas mask or something along those lines.

    My main two points:
    It is generally extremely cold underwater, and clothing underwater is not going to be bunchy and loose like it is on your character. It's got to be skin tight or the insulation is gonna be crap. Even if the water is pleasant the insulation needs to be skin tight in order to keep his gear nice and dry.

    So replace his clothes with this:


    of course you can always make it more interesting than just a plain wetsuit, but thats up to you.

    And then the other point, as someone has already mentioned, is that he needs flippers or some sort of shoes that sell the fact that he is an underwater terrorist.

    Right now he looks like he could be anywhere except underwater.

    Edit: If your whole point is to stick as close to the concept art as possible than you are doing a good job, but if you could talk to the artist and point out some of the criticisms that we have here than he might be able to improve his concept art too!

    Usually its good to stick to the concept, but in this case there are some major flaws with it.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    I think some fins would really sell the idea of him being "underwater". Honestly, 50% of the z sculpts you see have knee caps and boots, it's gettin' kinda old :P. What's an underwater dude need knee caps for?

    Also that thing on his chest seems a little out of place, you might consider bending it up upwards or downwards to fit the organic nature of the rest of his "stuff". Some tubes poppin' out of the side of it would also help add a sense of purpose to the device, like it supplies him with air or something.

    A gnarly air canister on his back might also be pretty cool :D.

    Nice work and the chest and back armor!
  • d00kie
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    d00kie polycounter lvl 17
    now it's looking more like the concept! great work!
    I think his legs are too short. I could be wrong, but try this:

    Again, sorry for the craptastic PO. I'm at work and I have no wacom and various other excuses. SMUDGE TOOL!
  • beartraps
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    beartraps polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm gonna keep him the way he is, the whole point of this was for me to stick with the concept even though it may not make total sense. As for the legs im just gonna leave them, I put everything on top of a base mesh so it should be proportional.

    All I have left to do now for the high poly are the boot laces, which im kinda stuggling with. I was going to just make some curves in Maya and extrude a cylinder along them but I have a feeling there is an easier way. If anyone knows of a good idea for laces please throw it my way!

    First time sculpting cloth so crits welcome:
  • GugloPWN
    He is wearing a drysuit. Drysuits are air tight scuba gear... I think they are better for REALLY cold water scuba. This picture shows some tougher fabric for the knees aswell:

    (first google image result for Drysuit)
  • beartraps
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    beartraps polycounter lvl 8
    YES! Thanks GugloPWN for making sense of this!
  • GugloPWN
    I only justified the pants. The kneecaps, that junk on the arms, and the wierd armor plates around the place all need explanations. I don't actually know anything about drysuits other than that they exist. Any divers/polycounter around?

    I say you add that clip by the crotch though =)
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