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Heart Rate Monitors

polycounter lvl 18
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Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
Anyone have any recommendations that they have used to workout at the gym or playing sports. I'm trying to decide between getting a Polar or a Timex. The polar watches seem more expensive than the Timex.

This one seems good, but I have no idea.



  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    I have no input..just curious ...what kind of workout you doing?
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    A bunch of guys at work have these... they love them... they are pricey, but they are great for tracking your workout progression
  • Super
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    Super polycounter lvl 18
    £300!? Fuck me. I was in the market for one of these a while back but couldn't make up my mind, but 300 quid... I need a better job.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    I have that forerunner! Honestly I can say, its worth every bit of the price. My work out have been improved drastically b/c I can chart my progress. Heart rate monitor works like a champ too!

    Also, I have a polar one. It does the job, but the heart rate monitor flickers out sometimes. I know I did a few work outs to find it didnt monitor my heart rate =(

    Just a little more promotion for the garmin....That forerunner is wifi to your pc, and will download your workouts when you place the watch near by, then upload them to the net for you. Its super handy and easy.

    If this works....you can see an example of one of my recordings on a bike ride. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/8813420 and a run http://connect.garmin.com/activity/9001711

    I havent tried it on swiming yet tho....It says its not water proof, so im a bit nervous to try it.
  • Mark Dygert
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    I don't have much input other than in the after work rec soccer league I played in they didn't allow jewelry or watches of any kind on the field, heart rate monitors fell into that.

    You could have it on the sideline and monitor it there but unless you had a condition or cleared it with the ref before hand which meant they watched that person like a hawk, they always told people to take them off.

    BUT sweat bands where allowed and I saw a guy that had a monitor or watch tucked under it. I'm not sure about other sports or other leagues, might want to check if you think its an issue.
  • Talbot
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    I would say that you should get a polar... I used to have one and I loved it.
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