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Woogity- 2009- work thread

ok guys heres the work thread for 2009 im abandoning the old Gemini projects for now while i work on my hard bodies skills< i want them to rock>

so here is the first he is an abyssal ( basically a titan in his universe an ancient being that existed in the beginning along with the gods). Essentially this abyssal consumes souls, he once tried to consume the soul of a god, but it split his belly which holds the souls of his victims because of its great potency. he was banished from the heavens and lost most of his strength. he now consumes mortals and demons and sews their empty carapaces into his long shroud. He is blind and deaf, tho he can sense tremors and has an incredible sense of smell and taste which leads him to his prey. the mortals once inquired a captured demon about the abyssal's name, and the dying captive replied that bastard!!! this has been misinterpreted as his name.


and yes he is a rework of a character i dabbled with during DW4

its still very wip and all crits are appriciated thanks for your assistance guys



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