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A Space Ship Created for an Art Test:

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BradMyers82 interpolator
Hey guys,
I was recently given this art test and here are the results.
There wasn't a deadline, but I finished everything in 4 days.
All I was given was a simple black and white sketch from 3 quarters view, and certain requirements (1k normal, diffuse, spec and not to exceed 1,500 Polygons).

The ship looks a lot like Bubba Fet's ship I know, but that was the concept art I was given.

So if you guys notice any areas that this can be improved, please share. I need to get better!


[Edit] I should also mention the low poly had to be one solid mesh, with no intersecting geometry. That's why it's built the way it is.


  • Flewda
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    Flewda polycounter lvl 17
    Were you required to stick 100% to their concept? To be honest, it's a bit bland. I would expect to see lots of panels on this thing, rivets, and so on. Just seems like there could be some things on it still to spice it up a bit. However I don't know what your requirements were.

    On the technical side of things though, overall the modeling on the high poly seems solid for what's there.

    Did you already submit this?
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Yeah, its submitted.
    It's actually for a freelance job; and the man in charge said not to do anything overly complicated, because he wants me to be able to create the ships quickly. Also the ships won't be seen much up close, so little details are not very important.

    I was thinking about doing panels and stuff, but I ended up deciding to just keep it simple.

    I agree though, it is pretty bland. I wish the concept gave me more details because I don't have much experience doing sci-fi stuff. hmmm.... yeah should have pushed it more.
  • Jarod1872
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    Jarod1872 polycounter lvl 10
    Some panels and stuff could spice it up a little, I agree, but overall it's really solid man. I think the texture work especially the wear and tear on it look really good. A small thing, and this may just be the concept, but the guns on the bottom of the craft don't connect into the body very interestingly, imho. I would have liked to see something showing that they rotated a little to target other ships or something, even just a little bit of black around the base so it looks like it docks into the ship. It's a small detail though, all things considered. Nice work man.
  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    For the amount of poly's on this very nice job! Textures like good too, nice work overall, just a bad concept to work off of. I'd like to see some work from you on one of your own concepts that'd be pretty cool
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    Great job, Brad. The glass is a bit dark. Also, would like to see some high spec values here and there, you know scratches and shit. Otherwise, love it. Can we see flats? Bee Tea Dubs, can we see flats?
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
    That looks great. And yeah like some have said, a tough concept to make interesting. Really nice texture work though. The only really minor crit I'd have is that it's hard to get a sense of scale on the ship. Maybe more panels, or such would help, but again, that's a minor crit.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    I agree with everyone's comments, but dude, really great job! You have come a long way and you pulled out some great work for this art test! This is for your first gig right?!? I hope you get the freelance job! Not to be too nerdy, but it is Boba, not Bubba. This pic is rather fitting since you're goin' for a freelance gig...
  • woogity
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    hey there Brad, looks good! man, as has already been said, bit bland, but im going to assume you followed the concept to the letter. hmm i dunno what it its about square thrusters, but that design urks me in a few places haha. the detailing on the unpainted metal parts of the back are very nice, i wish the paint was a tad lighter so that would come thorugh a bit more in the frontal views. i think you did a great job and nice work on coming in 500 under your p-count, i know you pride yourself on your good budgeting, shows here.

  • Mechadus
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    pretty nice for 4 days of work! I agree with all the comments that its a bit bland, but sticking to the concept is always important. I was thinking, however, that you could probably spice it up really easily by overlaying a "space ship panels" map over your spec to make more interesting highlights without having to add any geom. Just an idea tho!

  • Acid_
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    That's awesome brad. Great for 4 days work. I think it looks fine the way it is. The glass looks pretty damn good. I think that the back area just seemed basic but since you were sticking to the concept, I guess that's the best way to go. Just listen to the employers or whatever and make suggestions if you see that the position is applicable.
  • Ancient-Pig
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    Ancient-Pig polycounter lvl 18
    Hey man,

    I agree with the comments made so far, but all in all, it's a pretty nice piece of work. Good job :)
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    It's missing 500 tris worth of detail.

    Why go that far under the limit?
  • Canden Picard
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    It looks awesome, but as the others said it needs some spice. Especially in the back area, where that seem is.
  • Rory_M
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    Rory_M polycounter lvl 10
    First of all gratz on the art test. Sometimes it's a feat in just getting to that point. Overall I think it looks good. On the back view though I think it looks too blocky. Next time maybe some more organic shapes with the flow of the ship, or some more doodads here and there. Overall though good job. Let us know if you get it. Good luck!
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Thanks for all the kind words and great crits.
    I officially started working on the freelance job today, so I got the job... Woo hoo!
    I'm thinking now that I should have definitely paid closer attention to the way stuff connects together (especially on the back side) instead of making things pretty much just intersect with the geometry. I should have had some more rounded areas as some of you mentioned by the engine parts. I also forgot to run a sharpen and levels adjustment on the final textures. It might have made things pop better. But it all worked out, and I'm sure the next one will be better based on the crits here.

    Jarod1872: Yeah, the guns didn't have any detail like that on the concept art (no shading in the concept art, just line art) but I should have added something there. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

    jacob07777: Yeah, the concept was pretty bleak, but that might have been the point in the test. I would definitely like to do something off my own concept though, possibly a personal piece I will start asap.

    Cody: Heh, thanks. I was going for black glass but I had a little trouble with that area. The scratches are actually pretty intense depending on where the light is when you see this real time. But maybe a levels adjustment on the spec would help some more.
    Here are the flats:

    TheMadArtist: Yup, no scale reference in the concept art either. One of the main things I was scratching my head about when I was working on this. So I sort of fudged it and just made things general so the ship could appear any scale but this is sort of bad I think. Panels next time ftw.

    Firebert: Ha ha, nice image there, and thanks! Technically it isn't my first paying freelance job, but its my first major gig so yeah, I'm pretty happy. It's a start, finally.

    woggity: Thanks man.

    Mechadus: I'll have to try the panels idea in just the spec. Haven't really thought of that, it might look really cool, thanks.

    Acid_: Thanks for the advice man!

    Ancient-Pig: Thanks, especially hearing from you. Your work has always been a big inspiration to me.

    whats_true: Heh, I knew someone would have something to say about that. Yeah, I was thinking of just adding geo till I hit the limit, but he said not to exceed 1,500 "polygons" so I felt that he wanted 1,500 at the very most; so I went well under.

    Canden Picard: Yeah, spice would help. I'll dig up some references on the web for the next one.

    Rory_M: I know what you mean about the difficulty in just getting the test sometimes. For me it seems to come in waves, like I'll have a bunch of opportunities then nothing at all. Next time, I'll get more organic with the shapes as you mention, because in the concept I couldn't see some areas in the back, therefore, I could have certainly gotten away with this. Thanks, and I got the job. :)
  • Husch
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    Husch polycounter lvl 18
    Somehow the design reminds me of the CAP - 2 vehicle, witout legs and arms:

  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    Husch wrote: »
    Somehow the design reminds me of the CAP - 2 vehicle, witout legs and arms:


    you're wrong, it reminds everyone of slave-1.
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    congrats on getting the job !
  • TheMadArtist
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    TheMadArtist polycounter lvl 12
  • imb3nt
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    imb3nt polycounter lvl 14
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    well done, now go get drunk
  • BradMyers82
    Offline / Send Message
    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Heh, thanks guys! Now I have to actually work... Oh Nooooz.
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
  • salman_fas
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    Congrats man, good job on the test.
  • butt_sahib
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    butt_sahib polycounter lvl 11
    Great work brad! Happy for you! :D
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