Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Jet Bike

Okay so I'm thinking about joining the Jet Moto challenge. Few problems.
1.) My modeling skills are no where near as great as most of the people on this site.
2.) I can't texture.

But anyways I modeled this in blender. Please crit the design, if you have any ideas please share.


jetbike2.jpg w1440.png


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    You're going to have to post the direct link to the image here.
    Enclose it in [ IMG ] tags so it shows up in the thread - use the "Insert Image" button, should be in the toolbar just above the text field when you edit or make a new post.
  • Reefer
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    Sorry guys. It was my first post here and I couldn't see if it posted it. But you're not really missing out on much...

    I don't have any idea on where to go next. I know the handle bars are pretty shitty.
  • Reefer
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    Eh.I think I'm just going to give up.. I have no reference pictures. I have no clue where this is going to. It's hard as hell to model vehicles..
  • BuCC
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    W/e skills you have shouldn't prevent you from trying. Practise makes perfect.

    Where to go next? Get some references for inspiration and do a few sketches. GL.

    edit: ..and who cares if you finish in time for the contest? finish the piece.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    I gave up on my first model too, it's not easy. That was about 3 years ago.

    Since then i worked a QA job for a year, got fed up with it and decided to go to school and learn this shyt for reals. One of the best decisions I think I ever made. But for every kid i see making it at school there are about 15 of 'em that are just burning their parents money and our tax dollars.

    It's a long road any way you take it. Whether you throw down the money for formal education or if you go online and force it on yourself. If you really think you have something to offer; you're talented and work hard at things you're passionate about, you should push through it, Reefer.

    But if this is something you think you're going to do because you don't want to work a "real" job, the reality is you'll be working a lot harder and a lot longer before you ever see a cent in this field than in a lot of other more profitable ones. And unlike more conventional jobs, if at the end of all your hard work you simply don't have the talent, you've just wasted a lot of time.

    Something I always told myself to help me get through the growing pains of 3d modeling, "The more frustrated you are, the more you're learning." You wont realize it at the time, but it's true.
  • Reefer
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    This isn't my first model. I've been messing around with blender since 2007.
    I really do want to finish this model but it's confusing to get the curves too look right and to add detail. I think I am going to just make a good old crotch rocket and strap a jet to the back and remove the wheels.

    Thanks for not letting me give up. I'll whip something up this afternoon.
  • Reefer
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    Okay. This took about 40minutes. It's a Hayabusa body with a mini jet on the back end. I will add another big jet where the back wheel should be.

  • Reefer
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    Here's another update. Finished the body. Any advice on how to make the handle bars?

  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13
    better, but work on that round thing at the back end, looks to much like a cone at the moment, get a more courvy shape into it so the eye has interesting but not too busy lines which it can follow.
  • SimonT
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    SimonT interpolator
    i liked the form (cam from left) of the model you posted first. looks fast and aerodynamic! go on!
  • c0ldhands
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    c0ldhands polycounter lvl 15
    What SimonT said, I found the first had more design appeal. Anyway dude, you shouldnt feel down mate, youll make it some day, ur model does look good, just keep going strong. Dont be afraid either of just working out of your head as you did with the first one.

    Just put up a foundation, box out things, see if its visually appealing. Screw references! just keep it quads and tidy and you should be on your way to awesomeville where youd be the Mayor!!! And one more thing dont overcomplex stuff, there is a saying here, "Keep it simple stupid!" thats what my teacher always said, yah that and that everything I do looks like crap. Sometimes things may look like crap, BUT its your crap, mkay!?
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    The Warhammer 40k jet bikes might be handy reference. They're a relatively simple design, so shouldn't be especiallly difficult to build.
  • Reefer
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    Thanks for that! Help me alot.

    I have a way better feel for that I'm going for now.
    It's like a Life Boat/Go-Cart/Jet.

    What I need help with.
    How to add a windsheild
    How to add a steering device
    Modeling the engine jet thinger...

    Here It Is
    jetbike2.jpg w1440.png
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    looks good dude. At some point you gotta move on to textures though. You seem really set on the modeling at this point. So far all your models have been fine. What's going to win you contests is your texturing.

    I'd suggest moving on at this point, if you find the textures aren't working with the model you can always change it. Nothing's set in stone so don't try to get things perfect off the bat.
  • Reefer
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    Yeah I know I should probably start with textures. Problems with that, I have like almost no idea on how to unwrap things good. Do you just mark seems around like objects? Like for example. The seat on the model do i just put a seam around that?
  • Reefer
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    Okay, well maybe I do get how to unwrap. I think I did a pretty good job..

    jetbike2uv.jpg w1439.png

    jetbike2.jpg w1440.png
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, you're getting the hang of it. That looks like a respectable UV map. Technical issues like how to model or how to unwrap are a simple learning process. Once you know how, you're on your way. The artistic angle to it is a matter of practice, and personal style. Keep trying, and keep experimenting with techniques and approaches that appeal to you.
  • natetheartist
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    natetheartist polycounter lvl 9
    I would *HIGHLY* recommend that you take a step back from modeling just now, and draw out concept sketches of where you want this to go. In fact, just print screen your model and draw on top of it, trust me, your life will be a lot easier if you know what you're modeling before you model it.

    I'm really glad to see that you're using Blender. It's such a powerful program, and I rarely see anyone using it. Keep it up. (and on that note I actually just saw a job posting for blender users somewhere yesterday)
  • Reefer
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    Thank you.
    I don't really know how to draw with Gimp or PS or any other program like that.
    I have Photoshop Element 6 and a Wacom Bamboo tablet. I'll try to do a paint over of this.
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