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Slow PS CS3 oddness on vista

polycounter lvl 14
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Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
This is a strange problem that varies on each computer. I thought it may have had something to do with Vista Aero but I can't recreate it properly.

Basically some computers take FOREVER to open or create a new document while others open instantly like they should. All PC's are running vista x64...some with Aero on, some without.

I'm running of CS3 which I think is the latest. When I google the problem it seems I'm not alone, but nobody has a solid fix.


  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    Update: After doing some research online it seams to be a printer issue. Try removing any shared/network printers from the offending machines.

    This makes sense, because when I had the problem I was connected to a network printer, but now my default is a local printer.

    It's not a Vista problem. I'm running XP32 and this was happening to me about 3 months ago.

    I think I fixed it by resetting the preferences. (The following will delete any custom window schemes you have...) Close Photoshop. Hold down Shift+Ctrl+Alt while starting Photoshop. You'll get a window asking to delete the preferences. Hit Yes.


    Hope this works man. If that doesn't work try disconnecting the network as a test to see if that is affecting it.
  • Jonathan
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    Another known fix (sometimes) is just to create a fake network printer. Sounds weird, but it often works for those having issues.
  • Junkie_XL
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    Junkie_XL polycounter lvl 14
    Damn slow network printer.

    Thanks guys. That was it. :)
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    I had a strange issue where CS3 would crash when open/create a second picture. The issue was having a network printer as the default printer in windows. I just set the "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" as default and that solved it.

    Oh, this issue occurred on all other machine at the office as well, so it wasn't an odd occurrence.
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