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Fathers Day Zsculpt

Hey Guys,
I started this not to long ago. I'll paint the textures for the low poly version but for now, check out these zsculpts. It's my dad and I made it for Fathers Day. =)



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    YAY! I'm a Vertex!!!!
  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    Looks pretty good overall. The area that stands out the most is the lips. Not only the shape but the corners specifically. There is no definition of the forms, generally the upper lip slightly overlaps over the bottom lip with a bit of fat, as where yours are just kind of terminating at a point. The nose also looks a little soft and seems like you could develop the nostrils and the area that curves up into the nose as well.

    Any plans to print it!? That would be sweet.
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    =) I am planning on printing it for my Dad after I paint the textures.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    check it from the side, wrap them lips around!
  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    With the current shader and lighting that second shot comes across as a bit creepy at the moment, heheh. Are you going to go for real skin textures? It might be cool to present it as a marble bust given the history of using those to honor important people.
  • MRico
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    MRico polycounter lvl 10
    I'm sorry if your dad has giant ears, but they don't normally come down from the corner of the lip to the top of the brow, it's bottom of nose to top of brow, in profile view.
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    hey Autopsy, you know what, your right. thanks for pointing that out.
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    So today I worked on a diffuse map in photoshop but I decided to try out poly painting for a couple minutes just to see if I wanted to go that route. What I was thinking is, is if I like the way it looks in poly paint, I'll "Color to Texture" it for the Low Res. If not, I think I'll do what ZackF said and make it marble and keep painting my diffuse map in photoshop.

    So far, my strengths lie in photoshop so I'm leaning big on that route and get to know more poly painting in a less important personal project.

    Also, I made changes to the overall mesh with the corrections you guys asked of me. =) I appreciated the help guys thanks alot.

    Here is the 15 minute poly paint version. I'll show the low res with PSD diff and spec fairly soon.

    also, yes, my dad has fairly big ears. =)

  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Got a pic of your dad so we can see how close you got?
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    Cool Piece. After seeing the picture of your dad, you made him look way older in the sculpt! The lips are still a major problem area. They're too thin and like others have mentioned should overlap more. Also the nose seems kind of flat to me. The nostrils should be rounder and maybe a bit more flared.

    You've still got a lot of time before father's day, take some more time to improve the sculpt instead of jumping right into the texturing.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    His face needs to be wider and cheeks more fluffier. Yours are very ridged.
  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    - wider face
    - more define lips, they slant inwards
    - rounder at the bottom of the nostril, as well as the ball of the nose, yours is very flat underneath
    - taller, rounder glasses
    - cheeks need more fat, and the folds should be much more prominent
    - obviously, very different hair style as well

    Overall it kind of seems your missing a lot of the major masses and fatty areas that really make pops who he is.

    keep at it man!
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    Thanks so much guys, I'll get on it! :)
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    So yeah i think its a good idea but at the moment it might create a bit of an awkward silence if you give it to him in that state :P Like, "Oh that's nice but who is this old guy?"

    You really need to think in space for that one. One thing that will help you doiong so, is to use a more top-down lighting setup when you work. All your shots so far are front lit, so basically you are missing the important shifts in facial planes when you sculpt, and you end up 'fixing around the shapes' by adding creases and bumps where features are. Screw matcaps, use a standard Zbrush light that you can position at will.

    At the moment is seems like your thought process is "hey he's got a fold around his mouth. So lets carve it in on the surface". This would give you no facial plane shift.

    BUT If you look at the ref and imagine a cross section going against such features you will see it really all reaches in space.


    Good luck!
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    Happy Fathers Day to All PolyCount Dads!

    I gave this version to my dad and he loved it. Now my mom wants me to make her head as well.

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