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polycounter lvl 15
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jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
So I've heard a lot of people at my school talking about this site and figured I'd come on here and see what it was all about. Here is a Lighthouse I did for my Game Assets class. Time spent was prolly 1-2 weeks. The rest of the details are on the sample sheet, hope you guys like it.



  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    Here's a box that I modeled/textured in about 4 hours for my mapping for digital media class. I know it's not the most interesting model, but hey I thought it turned out pretty good so I figured I'd see what you guys had to say about it.

  • Flewda
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    Flewda polycounter lvl 17
    Hey man, pretty nice stuff here. I definitely dig the lighthouse. A few suggestions though.

    The brick normal/bump on the lighthouse is really weak. It's so faint that you can barely see it. Give that badboy some more depth.

    Also the brick texture seems to have a bit too much shine to it. If you look at the full length textured shot, it is really noticeable there (at least that's what it appears to be). It makes the thing feel like plastic or metal.

    Might also be worthwhile to add a bit more grunge here and there. Some staining/drippings beneath that vent at the top, and beneath the windowsill as well. Also doing some grunge/dirt where the catwalk platform meets the wall could help ease the transition.

    Don't have much for the box, it's a box. :) Looks solid for what it is. Although the diffuse (from what I can see in that little square shot) is a little bland. I would certainly have given it a bit more damage in the diffuse and normal at that spot where you have the vert going inward. There would certainly be some cracking and wrinkles around that area as the cardboard deformed.

    All in all though man, solid stuff. Keep it up.
  • Jarod1872
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    Jarod1872 polycounter lvl 10
    Hey Jacob, how's it going man? This stuff looks pretty good, I'm impressed. I don't know why cardboard boxes seem to be so hard to do, but I've seen three or four in my Senior Project 1 class and they always look either too soft or too hard. You definitely conquered that though. Which project was the lighthouse for in Game Asset? I don't remember that one.
  • s0id3
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    s0id3 polycounter lvl 8
    The lighthouse looks pretty cool, though it seems like its more like an rts asset as that map wouldn't hold up for fps.
    The box looks okay but you used such a huge texture map and the uv's could have been optimized a lot better. You never see all sides at once, so could have only modeled a few sides and the top, baked your normals and mirrored things around, that way you would get more rez in your textures.
  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Nice lighthouse. I'd work more on the top part's texture, specially the metal wall. It seems a bit rushed in comparison to the rest of the model.
  • Helixx
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    Helixx polygon
    Sweet box. The spec on the tape really makes it.
  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    Thanks for the feedback guys. Thanks Zak, I definitely spent some time trying to get that box looking right lol.

    Flewda: Some great suggestions, if I decide to put this into my portfolio I will definitely take some of your advice.

    s0id3: Yeah the lighthouse is supposed to be more of a background prop rather than something you could actually run on/through. You're prolly right about the box, I could really change a few things.

    Minotaur0: Hahaha you called that one dead on. It was the last part I textured and I didn't have much time before class so I had to just get it done sort of thing. otherwise I was gonna throw some better grunge, some dripping rusted water marks, things like that to make it look better.

    Helixx: Thanks man :)
  • 00Zero
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    the brick textures on the lighthouse should definitely have been tiling textures. if you go up close to it, the textures will be blurry. even if youre using a 4096.

    one or two different tiling brick textures and then use a decal for the lettering.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Welcome to Polycount Jacob, good to see you posting your work here.

    I'm pretty much with 00Zero on this, you could have multi-subbed and applied tileables and used decals for lettering as on option, however I still think overall it turned out great. Great job man.
  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    Zero: Yeah, I mean if I ever plan on puting this into like an FPS or something that would have definitely saved on texture space size and woulda makes the bricks a lot less blurry. For the sake of just having this as a background prop I didn't worry too much about that. I'll remember that for future models and such though, thank you

    kaburan: Hey Will, thanks for checkin out the props. Yeah I haven't gotten too into decals yet so I'll have to mess around a bit with all that stuff in the future. Right now though I'm workin on something pretty sick for my steampunk object, I'm not gonna say anything, but I'll show you the model on Thursday in Christians class I think you'll like it
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    if there ever was a prop that REALLY didn't need a normal map its that box !

    stuff looks good but its shooting pigeons with canons.
  • Mark Dygert
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    Cool stuff keep it coming!

    I agree with warby, not sure it needs spec either? Its not selling much other then tape. It would probably be one of the first maps to go if they where crunched on space or concerned about too many textures loading. Also where is the tape on the bottom flaps?
  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
    Nice Jacob. I love how that lighthouse turned out. I think you did fine as is.

    That is the sexiest box ever. More box please. :)

    Overall some sweet stuff. Keep up the good work man. Good luck with project 4!
  • jacob07777
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    jacob07777 polycounter lvl 15
    Vig/Warby: Lol yeah I definitely didnt need a bump/spec, but it was for a texturing class so we were aloud to go crazy. I was even thinking about going with a 1024 map lol, but decided not to go that crazy. It's basically just a nice little box to show off my texturing. My modeling too, it was intense trying to model this thing

    A.Kincade: Thanks man, glad you like the work. This is just the first box in a series of boxes to come don't worry lol. Good luck on your project too, cant wait to see how it turns out
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