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photoshop pad selection action?

polycounter lvl 18
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John Warner polycounter lvl 18
hey guys, i remember having a photoshop action that takes a selection, grabs the pixels around it's edge, and duplicates them out around the selection, giving each selection island a pixel width of padding.

anyone know what i'm talking about, and where i can find this badboy?


  • kodde
    Offline / Send Message
    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    I want this as well. Someone help the man!
  • Snowfly
    Offline / Send Message
    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    Select > Modify > Expand by 1 pixel ... is what you're after? or Border..? Hard to tell from your wording. But try both and record the action yourself..
  • renderhjs
    Offline / Send Message
    renderhjs sublime tool
    var padding:int = 4;
    duplicate the layer, add a gaussian blur filter with {padding:int} amount. No duplicate that new layer like 10 times and merge them together (ctr + j). Lastly put this merged layer under your original and you should have a extended pixel padding size of {padding:int} pixels.
  • erik!
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    xNormal has a plugin that does this, no?
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, the xNormal plugin does this at the bottom of the filters menu. I still use the action script by Eric Chadwick, it adds a 4px padding, but I can't find it on his site or anywhere. The date is Nov 2005, so that's not a surprise.

    it does exactly what renderhjs said: download it here, 6kb
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    was this an action pior recorded? .. ah don´t know..
  • Snowfly
    Offline / Send Message
    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    oho THAT kind of padding!

    duplicate layer below, Filter > Other > Minimum ... Radius: whatever you want.

  • Neox
    Online / Send Message
    Neox godlike master sticky
  • Snowfly
    Offline / Send Message
    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    yeah just tried it on high res art..totally not. it works so much better on sprites :(
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Vrav wrote: »
    Yeah, the xNormal plugin does this at the bottom of the filters menu. I still use the action script by Eric Chadwick, it adds a 4px padding, but I can't find it on his site or anywhere. The date is Nov 2005, so that's not a surprise.

    it does exactly what renderhjs said: download it here, 6kb

    This works just fine. The script warns you in advance that you cannot use an anti-aliased selection, keep in mind that the data you want to expand from also needs to have non-anti-aliased edges for it to work fine.

    Thanks for the action Eric and Vrav.
  • Eric Chadwick
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    Cool, glad people are still using this. The zip on my site has some installation & usage notes, might help. The action in the zip is the same as what's on vrav's site.
    - Photoshop UV bleed Action -

    This takes the unused empty areas between your painted UV
    chunks, and adds a 4-pixel border around each. This helps
    avoid edge-artifacts when your texture is being filtered and
    rendered by your game engine.

    It uses the Minimize filter, with some blur tossed in. It adds it
    all to a new layer, so it's non-destructive.

    - Installation and Usage -

    Install the Action by unzipping it into your Photoshop Actions
    folder. This folder is usually found here...
    C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS2Presets
    Photoshop Actions
    ...although your folder structure may be different. Then restart

    Open the Actions palette, then load the Action. Before
    running the Action, select the empty areas outside your UV
    chunks. Make sure the selection is not anti-aliased, and that
    it exactly follows your UV edges (otherwise you may get bad
    edge colors). When the Action is finished, the new UV edges
    will be in their own layer.

    Xnormal's filter is cool too, it lets you specify how much bleed you want. But it requires all the art to be on the same layer, and the empty areas need to be totally transparent in that layer.

    I think I have a newer action that uses the alpha channel instead of an aliased selection. Same basic thing though.
  • Michael Knubben
    Offline / Send Message
    The xnormal one's really cool, I use it all the time
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