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New Website

Hey guys/gals, I've decided to start a blog website in order to look more professional. I need feedback on it and the work contained within it. What do I need to do to give me the best possible chance of getting hired? I'm really getting pissed off with being unemployed.


  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    I think that you should spend less time on blogs and more on your portfolio if you have a problem getting hired. No offence.

    Some companies even frown upon blogs... some.
  • DarthNater
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    DarthNater polycounter lvl 10
    Just show your work, all your maps, wireframes, high and low poly models.... all the work!

    Put it right up in their face. Make it your home page and leave all the blogs and other text on other pages. If they want to go there, they will. Don't force them to read walls of text to get to your work.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah a blog wont get you hired, a decent portfolio will. Try carbonmade.com, thats a nice way to get a portfolio going. Or if you want it a little more wordy, I suggest going with wordpress.com, thats who I have mine with, and its a very flexible system.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah seriously. Work on your portfolio, not a blog :/

    Word Press is awesome for portfolio site. I love it.
  • EarthQuake
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    The words blog and professional are never something i would use in the same sentence. Work on your art, and how you present it. Keep it simple and easy to access.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] polycounter lvl 18
    I'm jobless too (McDonald's didn't even give me an interview), so I could be wrong. But I'd recommend focusing on making your portfolio more effective. Nothing you put around the pictures is going to make them look better, so don't bother with any extra text or blog features or whatever. Focus on the work itself and put your best stuff front and center. If your best isn't good enough, make better stuff. That's my current strategy anyway.

    Right now the first thing that comes up is a WIP model. The thing about those is that they're guaranteed to not look as good in progress as they do when they're finished, so showing them in your portfolio is kind of like trying to sell a car by showing off 2/3rds of the engine and half a wheel. WIP shots are great if you want feedback on how those parts are going so far, but not so useful for demonstrating your skills to potential employers.

    Also, the first pictures that come up in the Gallery section are a partial torso and head (which was what the DWIV Mini #1 asked for, but probably not what hiring managers are looking for) and it's got your old url listed instead of the current one. Then high poly Taz, then a tank, then Predator, then misc props and things. It makes it hard to tell what your focus is and what kind of job you're looking for specifically. If you're shooting for characters, make a bunch of finished characters and show them. If you're shooting for environments, make a bunch of finished environments and show them. Or both, if that's your thing. But make it a focused effort in any case.

    Anyway, good luck on the job hunt. Keep your head up and keep making stuff. It's the only way to make it happen (as far as I can tell at least).
  • SinisterUrge
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    I really appreciate the feedback everyone. I used wordpress to make the site with. I want to show how I'm progressing and developing, that is the reason why I want a blog. I agree with having the gallery showing first and foremost. Also, it makes sense showing wireframes and texture maps, that's something I need to do. As always its about improving and being better than the competition out there and its becoming radiculously difficult, we are living in an art renaissance and don't even realise it.
  • EarthQuake
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    As an employer i dont really care much to see how you're progressing. What i want to know is what you are capable of today and not much else. It isnt going to do you any favors to show how bad you used to be and how good you are today. Your portfolio is only ever going to be as strong as your weakest work, so leaving up old work for the sake of showing progression is a very bad idea for a professional portfolio. For a personal website, thats fine, but not for something that needs to represent your profession abilities.

    My best advice if you really want to do the whole blog thing, create a personal site/blog, and create an entirely different portfolio site that is edited, clean, and goal orientated(getting a job!). But do the blog last, because its a waste of time when you're unemployed =)
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