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Steampunk-ish Revolver wip

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Jarod1872 polycounter lvl 10
Hey, first post, excited to get some feedback and critique.

This was a steampunk revolver I did for a Game Asset class that I'm modifying to use for my Senior Project portfolio scene. It was originally brass and a lot more torn up, but I made it black and silver to try and get it looking more modern / near future.

So...yeah. Critique would be awesome, I'm trying to learn a lot from doing this piece.



  • BlackulaDZ
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    I think this is looking pretty good, but it doesn't seem very steampunk to me except for those two small gears. If possible I would say bring back a bit of the brass color. keep going!
  • Mtg_kirin
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    ya not to much steam punk. I see it as more of a grunge type pistol

    steampunk is often elegant and clean.

    So more brass/wood, maybe turn your laser pointer into a series of mirrors that reflects a light beam or something.

    add like a de constructed telescope on top instead of an iron ring.

    just ideas.
  • OBlastradiusO
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    OBlastradiusO polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah I'm afraid I agree too. There really needs to be some Victorian elements to that gun if it's Steampunk.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Yea, I'd have to agree with everyone else. It looks kinda futuristic. Are there even lazers in the Steampunk genre? Definitely change that handle to wood or brass. . . maybe even add a touch of your own juice on it. Remember, Steampunk is way based on Victorian architecture and art, maybe look at Art Nueveau stuff for influence?
  • Jarod1872
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    Jarod1872 polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah, my bad. It started off as steampunk, and I'm making it more modern futuristic for my portfolio. The gear elements are left over from the original idea, but I liked the steampunk-ish design made more modern. So yeah, I'm not really going for steam punk, just modern with steam punk influence. Should have made that more clear.
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    BOUT TIME you got on PC... i challenge you to post your WORST piece of 3d art here. It will be epic.

    em says hi
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Adam. . .you post your worst piece of 3d first. Then we shall follow.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Yeah I'm afraid I agree too. There really needs to be some Victorian elements to that gun if it's Steampunk.

    ha to me victorian based steampunk is pretty much the ugliest thing to do, this and halo xD
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    ha to me victorian based steampunk is pretty much the ugliest thing to do, this and halo xD

    I guess he could always do steam punk based off the american classic. . . Wild Wild West.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    or a more heavy and robust approach like the industrialisation, which i would prefer but thats just my oppinion, i'm not much into the small fine details of a victorian design
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    I think the textures need some work, but I'm sure you've already learned that or are learning that they can make or break your model. I think you would benefit a great deal by looking at some professional texture work and analyze and observe them and try to get that level of detail and quality into your maps
  • Jarod1872
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    Jarod1872 polycounter lvl 10
    Hey. Just realized I should probably post a higher res close up, really see the texture work. Anyways. Here. As I said before, I shouldn't have labeled it Steampunk. It's actually just going for steampunk inspired modern/futuristic.

  • Narodnik
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    There's a big difference between laser dot sights and red dot optics. What you've got now is a red dot optic mounted so it can't be used, projecting a laser it woulnd't be able to project.

    Also you should try to concentrate your wear on the materials around exposed areas of the object. ATM it looks as the heavily protected areas under the RIS plates has received the most wear.
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 15
    if the thing on the bottom is going to be a laser, make it a laser. laser mounts dont look like that, more importantly dont work like that it cant be hallow other wise its just a red dot mounted on the bottom rendering it useless
  • OBlastradiusO
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    OBlastradiusO polycounter lvl 11
    Neox wrote: »
    ha to me victorian based steampunk is pretty much the ugliest thing to do, this and halo xD

    Well it's one way to approach a steampunk style.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    never said anything against that, i just say it's been done a bit too often :)
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    not steampunk. no valves, no gauges, no tubing, no steam!
    and it needs ornate brass trimmings. oh and bolts.
    then its steampunk.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Zak you really should change your post title. From reading the posts its obvious no one really gets that this WAS a Steampunk gun at one time that you are now scrapping off most of the Steampunk elements to make it appear to be a more modern gun. You can edit your first post and change the title.

    As for the gun I think the steampunk elements look a little strange on the gun. It should stay full steampunk or lose them all. If I remember correctly you wanted this to be a weapon a vampire hunter used right? Well personally instead of trying to modify this gun I would do a totally new gun designed with the vamp hunter in mind.

    Maybe he has some silver bullets strapped to the side, silver barrel with dark ornate carvings along the barrel. A really big barrel to shoot large silver bullets to kill the vamps in one shot. IDK just some ideas.

    As for your gun right now the lazer pointer seems fairly simple. If you look at a lot of modern guns with laser pointers they are more then just a cylinder. There quite complex not to mention that I dont know exactly how yours would even work since its just a whole and the laser is somehow there.

    For the poly distrabution you seem to have way to many polys in the cylinders, you should cut that in half and start using those extra polys to give the gun more personality and more detail. Remember detail donst mean smoother edges but go for a more interesting silhouete.

    As for the texture the rubber grip seems like it has a cloud filter on it since its grey and splotchy all over the place. Rubber would slightly wear out where its being handeled the most not just in random places. As for the metal it seems too noisy. Seems like the metal has suffered a lot of water dmg.

    For metal try to keep the difuse map a little more simple in terms of noise and use the spec map to really give it some varation.

    Again my suggestion would be to do a new design instead of trying to modify an old one but thats really up too you. Good luck though.
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    6233 tris feels a little heavy for a weapon this small. Seems like you could delete quite a few edges on the handle and areas that are cylindrical shaped.
  • EarthQuake
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    Hand painted bump maps will not take you very far, i'm surprised that noone has mentioned it, but that is the single biggest problem with this model. A poorly done normalmap created in photoshop instead of baked down from a nice highpoly mesh. I would honestly spend a lot less time worrying about how to make this asset look good, and more time learning how to do high poly sub-d work, because no matter what you do here, your surfaces are always going to be pretty bad because of the normals map.

    I'm not saying do a highres and bake normals for this asset, i'm suggesting that you forget about it all together and focus on skills that are required for current generation asset development. I honestly wouldn't put this in a portfolio even if you fixed all the crits people have mentioned here. I know this may sound harsh, but i think its very important to hear.
  • Jarod1872
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    Jarod1872 polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for all the crit you guys. I was looking forward to finally posting on here and getting some raw unbiased feedback, and you don't disappoint.

    Earthquake - Crazybump, actually, but I wasn't really aware all models needed a high poly bake. I've done it a lot, but didn't feel like this one really needed it since I got all the large details I wanted in with just the modeling. I appreciate the advice a lot though, and my next model will definitely be something that will focus on a high to low bake. Especially sub-d actually, since I'm not as comfortable with that as I'd like.

    Nyne - Yeah, I was just going off on Unreal's tri count for their first person weapons, and I'm still way below. When I started putting the number of sides down on the barrel and what not, it started becoming noticeably polygonal. Well, noticeable to me anyway. I probably could have lowered it a little.

    Autocon - Thanks for all the advice, they all seem pretty spot on. This is for my whole 'vampire hunter' project, and I wanted the wall of guns that I'm eventually going to have to be made up of a lot of different types, so hence the more steampunk version. Some are going to be like the cross shotgun I already modeled, very specific, and some are going to just be guns. I see what you're saying though.

    Oh, and thanks to Narodnik and everyone who pointed out the laser dot/sight issue. I was actually already aware that I needed to throw a back on the sight for it to make sense, but then promptly forgot. So..yeah...thanks for reminding me about that.

    And Adam...seriously, I finally post, and no critique? I'm hurt. I was expected scathing yet spot on criticism from the only graduate this quarter already with a job. :p
  • Jarod1872
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    Jarod1872 polycounter lvl 10
    Hey. Did some work on the model, mainly getting the back of the laser done so it...you know... made sense. Added a little more weathering around the edges, as well as on the key contact areas like where the fingers would rest on the grip, and on the cylinder release. Crits are welcome, I think I'm ready to just let this one be and move on.

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