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Corinthian Pillar

Hey guys,

Been trying to find a job, not hearing much on that front so I'm trying to keep improving the portfolio while I work at a job not in the field, wanted to get a critique on this, thanks.



  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Textures are looking a little muddy/blurry.

    I think this could be more interesting if the vine wasnt just a single strand but split out a bit more.

    Very nice HP though
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    textures are always the hardest part...I think that is where u need to concentrate the most. Try to get the material lookin as close to what its suppose to be as possible
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    I think the textures look pretty good EricV. They look pretty crisp on my screen buti f you wanted to run an unsharp mask at like 50 to 70% on it it would probably decrease any blurriness without hurting the texture at all.

    I like the bright green leaf, but I don't think it goes to well with the style of the pillar, try making it a little more realistic with darkening the color and adding a few veins of darker color through the center, highlights on the edges.

    Also, the color is pretty monochromatic. I think you could increase the interestingness (is that aword?) of it by adding in a few areas of saturation and desat in others. Specifically where the seperate blocks meet. The normal breaks it up nicely but I think some color variation in those areas would help push it a long.

    Since the blocks are all about the same size and shape you could probably save some texture space by overlaying themi n your UV layout, that would give your texture more resolution in other areas that are lacking (like the top leafy bits that don't really show through in your normal map as strongly as they could.

    Can you post up a layout so we can see how you've done your UVS?

    This is a really nice piece so far, it looks very solid and the HP is top notch.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    It also may be the viewport. I agree with Autocon on the vines, instead of a single vine wrapping up it would be neat to see smaller vines that branch off slightly. The high poly looks fantastic
  • Christian Hjerpe
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    Christian Hjerpe polycounter lvl 11
    I like it. Looks good but I would like to see it more overgrown, more wines and leafs etc.
    I think i will have a go at a pillar next, this one is inspiring!
  • rjhalvorson
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    Thanks for the comments. I'll post improvements with UV's early tomorrow. The unsharp mask looks excellent, and I tried to break up the monotone color as you suggested Adam, I agree it did look bland. I'll see what I can do to add some more foliage as well.
  • rjhalvorson
  • quyeno
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    quyeno polycounter lvl 17
    yeah, much better dude. Would be cool to get more smaller vines around it, only other minor crit is that vine is intersecting the base. ;)
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    the size of the leaves and that branch make me think its a small/short pillar. Its kinda ruining the scale of it (for me). Other then that, I enjoy the piece.
  • Jet_Pilot
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    Jet_Pilot polycounter lvl 10
    I think on the curly parts at the top that that outside is wider and it gets further inwards as it scrolls inwards, so from the fron it should kind of look like > < , and not < >
  • wisebrownmonkey
    stimpack wrote: »
    the size of the leaves and that branch make me think its a small/short pillar. Its kinda ruining the scale of it (for me). Other then that, I enjoy the piece.
    I totally agree
  • rjhalvorson
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    I understand what you mean about the scale. I guess I never envisioned the pillar to be much taller than 8 feet when I started on it. Although they range in size, I know most of them in practical use are fairly tall. I think it would read better in a scene with reference to draw from, but if it reads small I guess I got what I was asking for. I found one similar below to the height I intended. Not making excuses, I appreciate the feedback.

    @Jet. Yeah, I looked at a lot of reference swirly thingys and they ranged from inward to outward to flat even as it swirled inward. I'm not sure which way is historically accurate, but if you know please let me know.

    @Quyeno. Yeah, I was trying to make it look like the vine had destroyed part of the base when it was growing up. I didn't plan it out very well though. Live and learn ;)

    In any case, thanks for the feedback from everyone.

  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Awesome job, it looks great!
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    lookin good sir. I see you've uniquely unwrapped all parts of this model, which works fine the way you've done it. It wouldn't be a bad idea to try a second unwrap of this model with some of the repeated sections overlaid. You'd get a lot more resolution out of it, but less variation.

    I personally think the scale looks fine but I'm usually a bad judge of that stuff. there's a million different things you could do that owuld make the scale look different. I mean, throwing it in to a scene with something else would do the trick right away.

    Good prop dude
  • yubbie
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    The model looks technically great to me, the scale is fine, they can be any size big or small, the problem is proportion. Classical architecture is all about the proportions. Your reference picture of a column is probably one that is missing a large chunk of it's lower part and also it's pedestal. If you want to make your column closer to classical perfection then you basically need to elongate the entire thing as corinthian columns are nearly always slender. In particular the leafy part on the capital needs to be much longer and in turn the column shaft itself will then need to be elongated even more. If i remember correctly the shaft should be aproximatly 6 times longer then the length of the capital. Wiki has some good reference

    If you look closely at the drawing you will also notice that the base of the shaft is dinstincly wider then the top

    I appreciate that all of that is probably alot of work and tbh most of it doesn't matter because i think 95% of people who look at your model will not notice the difference. You could also disregard the proportions by not calling it a corinthian column that way you dont need to worry about making sure the proportions are even slightly correct. I dont think ive ever seen a professionally made game ever do classical architecture correctly either so again it probably doesn't matter

    So sorry for the long winded wall of text. I think the column looks great as a column but not quite right as a corinthian column. I like the detailing, by adding a large middle volute you have effectily invented your own style of capital which is pretty cool. Textures also look very good. If the general quality of your column is a good indication of the rest of your work i dont think it will take you long to find a job once the current economic crisis is over
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