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E3 2009 - Predictions

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Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
E3 is finally back, in a format designed to wow the audience attending, as well as all the desktop jockeys who couldn't go. With this tradeshow looming on the horizon, does anyone want to take a stab at what developments in the games industry we'll be seeing? I'll go ahead and kick it off.

Sony - This year could very well be pivotal for Sony's presence in the game industry. Most of the major rumors circulating right now focus on Sony. A lot of the buzz is due to the possibility of hardware announcements. Sony is the most likely company to announce revisions to both its hardware platforms. The PSP is the favored system for a reboot, but a slimmed PS3 is also a possibility. I personally believe that Sony will announce a much stronger focus on its on-line store and offerings. I think they've realized how much money they could potentially make from a secure digital distribution system.

Nintendo - I think Nintendo is going to be focusing entirely on the software. The WiiMotion+ will obviously have a big presence, but that's hardly new. Nintendo is dominating in hardware, and making obscene profits off both hardware and software. There will be no new hardware announcements, just more software.

Microsoft - The big M is a wildcard going into this year. Rumors have been floating around, but most are largely unsubstantiated or just reiterations of previous scuttlebutt. If Microsoft does have a bomb to drop, they could easily make the biggest splash this year. I personally believe that they will announce the XBox360 slim. The 360 is badly in need of a hardware redesign, and the production cost savings that these usually bring would be welcome. A smaller, cheaper, more family-friendly system is in line with what Microsoft has been reaching for.

PC - OnLive has already announced that they will not be presenting at E3. Unless someone else steps in with some crazy-ass ideas, I would expect the PC scene to remain largely as it is.


  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    My roommate who is a marketing major has been reading allot of articles about how this console generation might be longer than previous ones. Apparently consumers have voiced thier strong opinions against having to go out and buy new consoles every few years. Console redisigns and slim versions sound like the logical step to introduce something for the hardcore early adopters while still not alienating the current customers. I just hope that a new 360 model doesn't have such noisey fans :P
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    The iPod model of hardware revisions has proven to most companies that regular redesigns of existing hardware standards are not something to be afraid of. Consoles have always had regular hardware revisions, often ones you don't even see or hear about. The big revisions are usually to bolster marketing and breath new life into an aging hardware standard.

    Given the nature of this generation of hardware, I think it VERY likely that all of the major console manufacturers are going to hold off on releasing new systems for as long as they can. Microsoft doesn't want to, Nintendo doesn't need to, and Sony can't afford to. The longer you can keep a hardware standard viable, the more profit you stand to make off of it and its accompanying software. I think the current range of console hardware is diverse enough that it can sustain a longer lifecycle.
  • |Buddy|
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    |Buddy| polycounter lvl 11
    Valve Corporation Meeting Room #501C

    Episode 3

    Please give it,
    give it to us.
  • Farfarer
    Nintendo better be announcing the new Zelda for the Wii or I think I may just have to trade it in before I can no longer find it under all the dust it's gathering.
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    About new zelda game, yeeah, might be fun, but zelda is like pokemon, the same thing eeeeeverytime , my wii is collecting dust for a year, only use it to play resident evil 4 ocasionally.
    Im looking forward to see what this year bring us :)
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    Couple Games I'm excited for...




    I know I work for Vigil (not directly on Darksiders) but I get more and more excited for it every time I see the team demoing it.

    And of course project Trico:

    I have sooo many questions! I can't wait to find out more about this game.

    - BoBo
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
    I'm exited about the rumored Devil May Cry 5, which will be on all current systems.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Some actual info on Thief 4 (starting with an announcement that they're not calling it Thi4f) would be nice, as would an update on Alan Wake, Max Payne and Deus Ex.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    My E3 Wishlist?

    I'd love to hear about Thief or Deus Ex. Alan Wake might be good. I hear that EA is finally redoing Syndicate and has possibly handed those duties to Starbreeze Studios. That could be really cool! I love the games those guys make, and they seem like a great fit.

    Also, I'd heard some wild rumor about Microsoft working on some kind of camera with advanced tracking abilities that would allow games with no controller.
  • bounchfx
    VC for DSi.

    it's about the only way I'll buy one until the price drops to something reasonable.

    and Trico, real trico footage. that's all I wanna see.
  • Murdoc
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    Murdoc polycounter lvl 11
    I'm expecting something about Splinter Cell and Beyond good and Evil 2. I'm hoping for either a new PSP or a thin version of PS3, but thats more a wish then a hope. Something about Trico would be nice and pretty much fearful of anything Zelda related given Nintendo's consumer base these days, just let it not be retarded.

    Anything from Valve would be cool, blah blah blah, and it would be nice showing something from our game even if its just screenshots, but I think theres a better chance of getting that thin PS3.
  • Spug
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    Spug polycounter lvl 12
    Metal Gear 5 anyone? LOLZ
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Sony - What everyone wants is a slim PS3 with a price drop. What we'll actually get are new bundles so they can justify keeping the price high. PS3 software lineup looks really nice going forward but it's stuff that's all known already. New PSP obviously coming and that will be a huge focus for them and where most of the unknown announcements will come from. Lots of teaser trailers. Will be a decent showing.

    Microsoft - Everything they are going to announce gets leaked and I haven't heard any leaks worth caring about so... expect lots of high profile sequel announcements and tons of timed exclusivity deals since that seems to be their favourite strategy as of late. Motion control will be shown and excite no one because they already missed the boat. Solid showing, not going to blow anyone's mind. They don't really need to, anyways.

    Nintendo - Underwhelming as always. They'll announce one new title (Mario on Wii - they just announced a Zelda game, no need to put out another) and the rest will be drivel and remakes. People will be totally blown away by the new Mario game and forgive Nintendo for another crappy show anyways. Lots of Japanese moms will get excited. Hurray for the expanded market!

    PC - Episode 3 trailer. Will get everyone excited before they remember it'll take like 2 more years. New Diablo and Starcraft trailers will get everyone pumped up even though those will also take forever to come out. Lots of MMO news that people shouldn't care about but will. Indie & browser-based PC market will continue to thrive and evolve while no one pays attention and lapses into their annual several months of "PC gaming is dying".

    One word summary of this years E3: Typical
  • IronHawk
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    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    acc wrote: »

    PC - Episode 3 trailer. Will get everyone excited before they remember it'll take like 2 more years. New Diablo and Starcraft trailers will get everyone pumped up even though those will also take forever to come out. Lots of MMO news that people shouldn't care about but will. Indie & browser-based PC market will continue to thrive and evolve while no one pays attention and lapses into their annual several months of "PC gaming is dying".

    One word summary of this years E3: Typical

    Bite your tongue boy! EP3, SC2, and D3 will come out when they are right and not before. That is how it has been and how it will be.

    It will be worth the wait.

    PC4Life =p
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    I hear that EA is finally redoing Syndicate and has possibly handed those duties to Starbreeze Studios
    Oh hells yeah. There's Irrational's new XCom too.

    It's going to be a good'un.
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    I'm exited about the rumored Devil May Cry 5, which will be on all current systems.

    i love the devil may cry series. not quite sure about it since the main people behind the series have moved to Platinum games. Looking forward to Bayonetta though. i dont care how redicoulous the premise of the game seems as long as it's as crazy as the first devil may cry. I hope it has the corny dialog of the first devil may cry and shy's away from the awefull over the top cornyness of the 3rd devil may cry. What they made dante say and do made me cry in that one. I thouroughly enjoyed 4 though.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    EA is finally redoing Syndicate

    If they fuck that up I will burn down EA HQ. Syndicate is one of my all time favs. They had better make it good.

    I want a Magic Carpet remake. NOW.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    IronHawk wrote: »
    Bite your tongue boy! EP3, SC2, and D3 will come out when they are right and not before. That is how it has been and how it will be.

    It will be worth the wait.

    PC4Life =p
    Oh they'll be great -- and hell yeah PC4Life -- but none of that changes the fact that we'll all get super hyped up at E3 only to realize two days after the show ends that it's really silly since we won't play any of them for years anyways.

    We do that every year.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    * Star Wars MMO
    * Gears of War 3 and the new IP from People can fly.
    * Modern warfare 2 anything
    * Starcraft 2 info
    * new game from 2K Boston
    * God of war 3
    * ps3 price drop finally
  • Flynny
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    Flynny polycounter lvl 9
    Mostly looking forward to seeing the games im working on being announced ;)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Flynny wrote: »
    Mostly looking forward to seeing the games im working on being announced ;)

  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    acc wrote: »
    Nintendo - Underwhelming as always. They'll announce one new title (Mario on Wii - they just announced a Zelda game, no need to put out another) and the rest will be drivel and remakes. People will be totally blown away by the new Mario game and forgive Nintendo for another crappy show anyways. Lots of Japanese moms will get excited. Hurray for the expanded market!

    I would say this is unlikely. Galaxy came out a good year and a half after Twilight Princess. Also, they showed the new DS one months ago; this could be because they were worried it would be overshadowed if they announced a Wii and DS Zelda at the same time.

    What I think we'll see at E3:

    MGS5 (Early I know, but Kojima himself apparently suggested it.)
    PSP 4000, with a design that is a testbed for the PSP2 (flip up screen, maybe no UMD)
    Some flooring Project Trico footage; expecting huge improvements in the environments and feather job on the gryffon.
    New Wii Zelda
    PS3 Slim
    Episode 3 trailer (PLEASE!) :D

    And hopefully lots of other surprises.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Sony -

    PS3 slim is revealed, proving the leak recently is true, which is a shame because its ugly as hell. Price drop is ignored and instead they will pull the old switcheroo on us... "Why have a price drop when we can give you new hardware!".

    A few new games, most of which won't impress. God Of War 3 trailer and playable on show floor. Possibly Little Big Planet for PSP, which we know is being made thanks to the always awesome Mr. Fry.

    More babble about how they are the market leaders and will increase the lead even more this year, but nothing to really get excited about...

    Nintendo -

    Some pointless new plastic addon, maybe even a hardware revision. Hey at least give us new colours, where is my black Wii already?

    New Wii Mario and Zelda titles, which we know are being made anyway. Hopefully Professor Layton 2 DS gets confirmed... That game prints money.

    The usualy god awful presentation that will make the entire world mock them... God help them if they show Wii Music 2...

    Microsoft -

    Huge year. They haven't shown anything so far, so little that they look dead in the water... Which is not what the 360 has shown so far. I can see loads of sequels being announced but also some really good original first party games, too. Gears 3 maybe? We know the new UE3 revision will be shown.

    New hardware. Hopefully they will show a new slim 360 with slot loading DVD drive. That will be hard to convince the world about with hardware failures this gen being a huge thing for them...

    A good show all round as usual, with a lot of big surprises.

    PC -

    Nothing really amazing... As said before, Episode 3 will be shown in some tiny form, with a planned release date of 2025. Of course they will drop the bombshell that they have been hard at work on HL3, but dont expect that until at least 2052. More than likely new GPU tech will be shown, which will cost more than a new home...
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Hardware wise, expecting price drops and slimline ps3 announcement. Also, stuff for:

    Jak&Daxter: The Lost Frontier
    Beyond Good and Evil 2
    Deus Ex 3
    Heavy Rain
    Epics new game
    IDs new game
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Games I'm looking forward to seeing/Trying

    Brutal Legend
    God of War 3
    Red Dead Redemption
    Modern Warfare 2
    Fight Night Round 4

    Don't think there will be any Blizzard announcement, as I don't think they're showing up:
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