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Pope Adam - Portfolio Site

polycounter lvl 11
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Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
Hey dudes

I started working on my official site today. Having some weird issues with the coloring when you bring up the renders. Some of them turn like, super saturated and stuff... still gotta figure that out.

anyway, let me know what you think. Trying to keep it simple.




  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    nice - love the reflections in the street scene

    seemed a little slow to load at times for me anyway
  • salman_fas
    you have some top notch work but why use white background
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    oh yah! white background is so that everyone's eyes hurt extra bad after looking at my site :)

    jk i'll change it haha i forgot

    i also plan on having some small labels above the projects, and downrezing some of the images.
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    damn! those images do load slow!
  • Ruz
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    Ruz polycount lvl 666
    whit background looks fine to me
  • sicsided
    White hurts my eyes also. If anything, adding a boarder around it works also. Not a fan of lightbox (although its still on my site also...) but it works good for the way you have your thumbnails set up.
    Loading took awhile for me, and I wasn't a fan of some of the larger images in which I had to scroll for (especially in Lightbox). Would work better if I was on my desktop with better monitor, but I'm guessing not all employers will like the scrolling if they don't have a large monitor.
    The blank space with all the white is what's grabbing my attention more than your work right now. Same on the resume page. Either having it centered, more thumbnails/info, or changing color might fix that.

    Great stuff man, always love seeing your work on here. Same with the website, just no eye piercing white please!
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    some pieces load forever I assume not everything is uploaded

    Just a suggestion: maybe you want to add your vital contact information always present at the banner or somewhere aside from the content. Also I can't select copy paste your phone / email ect. data because its a picture instead of text. This might eventually go wrong at some point if someone copies it over manually to their outlook or whatever contact management system.
    All in all the contact page has little content why not merge it with the base GUI and make just 1 page with all the pictures and the contact details/links on it.
    I say this also because your 2 buttons on the banner do not really look like buttons so at least I had to guess but I was not sure if it was click able.

    The logo you have looks better imo. if you make it smaler like in each picture - its quite big in the header of your page.
    Also for the page I would go completely with a white background and not the grey surrounding frame - which looks odd and make your website appear so tiny where as the lightbox content often only fits within 1280*1024 or greater.
  • ericdigital
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    ericdigital polycounter lvl 13
    I pretty much agree with what everyone else said. The biggest issue to me is just how bad the load time on the images is, which unlike most I still waited for because I think your art is really great so I didn't waiting. Not sure if you did but if you save them for web and devices in photoshop to try and bring the size down a bit before losing to much quality, though I'm sure you know that! Good stuff man :)
  • renderhjs
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Hey Adam, good too see your portfolio site up. I will agree with what has been said but load times for me have been fine, guess there is just no traffic on my net.

    One thing about your presentation sheets. I would consider ditching you HP off. Right now they take up a lot of room and its clear there was a HP model made for each prop based on the normals being showed on the LP and Textured version. If you ditch that it will give you a lot more room to really show off your difuse map and from hearing it several times at GDC thats what people like to look at. Textured, LP and Difuse map. Things like spec map and normal map can be smaller because they can see those working on the model.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    I like it man. I wonder if transitioning the white table into the gray bkgd would aid in the design. It sure helped with burning my retinas out, but what if the white table had filleted corners at the bottom with an inset stroke border that was the same color as the bkgd? Maybe at the top it was a white gradient that faded into this gray stroke inset? Just some ideas because I really like the logo and links at the top, but it's all these great little design pieces plopped onto a white box. It just needs to make it sexier. Other than that man, very slick, clean, simple, and to the point. I really dig it

    Did you ever hear anything out of that art test?

    - Josh
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Hey Adam, really nice work man. You have come a long way since I saw your first post here. No need for me to crit your work, its really solid but a few things bug me about your website.
    First I agree, I don't like the white background. Second, I have never been a fan of the long thin close-up thumbnails. To me, you mine as well have a black box, because I have no idea what I will see when I click on a thumbnail like this. Third, Lightbox, flash, whatever; I don't like those funny loading animations. I prefer just a normal page.]
    As already stated, the loading times are currently too long. Did you save for "web and devices" in photoshop?
    So, I think it might be better to have square thumbnails, that show the viewer an image more zoomed out than you currently have it.
    When you said a simply website, I was in the intro here. I was secretly hoping that you just had one page with all your images layed out, but; since you are using thumbnails to organize, I think you should have it so you click on a thumbnail and it shows you a series of images on a New page.
    Yeah, as Firebert said; let us know if you hear about the art test.
  • Torrrtilla
    Some really good work in there man. I agree that the load times are a drag.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    cool work, your art test turned out pretty good man. one thing I noticed with your work is the inconsistent use of tris, for example on the dumpster its nearly 2k tris but i cant see where they are....the wheels are nice and round but the top which has the larges silhouette is like 5 sided.... same for the arch with the cross, it looks really chunky.

    then again something like the robotic arm is over 6k tris and looking at the wireframe i cant see where.

    the other thing I would focus on refining is the lighting setup for your individual props, right now, I think there are too many blown out highlights that make it look a bit noisy/high contrast.

    the lighting in the art test turned out really nice because overall its fairly subtle and has some nice color shifts in it, try doing something similar to the props.

    site diesign is nice and accessible, renders on white backgrounds might look better against a darker grey to be easier on the eyes, like other dudes have said. overall cool work man, cant wait to see what you come out with next.

  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
    Looks good bud. Things have been mentioned already about the backgrounds. I am also not the biggest fan of the tall and skinny thumbnails. Looks better the other way imo.

    I like your new logo thang. It took me a second or two to get it but now it makes sense. Cool stuff man.

    Load times were great for me. Resume loaded fine and looked good. Best of luck with all of it.
  • Mcejn
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    Mcejn polycounter lvl 12
    Sweet stuff man, I just really wish I could load most of it! As of now I can only load your art-test/three bottom-left. The rest just go on for 5+ minutes before I close the window. :[
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Yeah, again same issues as Mcejn mentioned, and the word version of your resume is a broken link for me, but the pdf version works good.
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for all the feedback folks :P I haven't addressed any of the design issues, but I fixed the loading times with smaller image file sizes.

    I'll hash out the other issues later in the week

  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15

    what about the damn test man!?! wtf!?! you can find time to do the test, but you can't update your site OR keep us up to date!?! sheesh! :)
  • Pope Adam
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    Pope Adam polycounter lvl 11
    lol i still haven't heard back from cryptic yet... i'm sleepin too lol

  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
    someone once said to me....

    "you can sleep when your dead." :poly121:
  • AnimeAngel
    Site is looking great Adam. Load times are indeed much better. I like the simple layout, it helps show of your excellent work. :thumbup:
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