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3d max works very slowly with many objects

When I have a lot of objects (not attached) on the scene, Max works very slowly :/ After attach all together to one object - is pretty good. Why :/? Is it possible to do sthg that Max would work a little bit better with a lot of separated objects?


  • kio
    Offline / Send Message
    kio polycounter lvl 16
    has something to do how the realtime rendering works. max draws each object seperatly - so if you have like a gazillion objects it has to draw a gazillion times... if you combine these to a few objects like 20 or so - it only has to draw 20times, which is way faster. so max can easily push decent amounts of polygons but will get nasty if these are made up of many objects. ok this is a somewhat simplified description of the actual process - maybe someone will get into more depth :)

    work with layers, hide objects you dont need... attach stuff which belongs together anyways... maybe try those ne 2010 container stuff (havent tested these yet...)
  • MoP
    Offline / Send Message
    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Do all the objects have different materials, or do they all share the same material?
  • Neox
    Offline / Send Message
    Neox godlike master sticky
    and you could try working with adaptive degradation
  • Mark Dygert
    - Display as bounding box things you aren't working on (right click > object properties).
    - Don't have a bunch of viewports turned on with shadows lights and materials displayed.
    - If you need them, disable them so they aren't constantly updating when you aren't using them.
    - Turn OFF back face culling on all objects except the ones you really need it, even then its probably good to turn it off after your done using it (Right click > object properties)
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