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Test Assignment Anxiety

polycounter lvl 7
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Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
Hello, first post here.

Does anyone get nasty anxiety when they do a test assignment? First time I did one, I pulled my first all-nighter with No Doz and could barely keep anything down. Now I can't look at a Ford Mustang without wishing it would just rust on the spot. My hand was cramped in the mouse position from 9 AM Thursday til 6 PM Friday night. Sucked.


  • t4paN
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    t4paN polycounter lvl 10
    I always used to pull allnighters while at uni, but that's only because I like to live dangerously and left every assignment for the last week and stuff. I would eat just fine though, esp during the last year I would just stay up untill the breakfast shop opened so I could go buy a full english breakfast and a coke.

    Best breakfast ever, after spending all night with coffee and cigaretes in front of the pc.

    And welcome to polycount!
  • Ben Apuna
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    Hi there Zilk welcome to Polycount. Test assignment? does that mean it's a test you take home to work on? I think a test in class with a hard time limit brings up more anxiety than one you can work on outside of class with all of your notes, books, etc... Well either way don't worry too much about it. School is just school, after all it's the learning that's what's important not the grades. Unless of course you are on the verge of failing something, if that's the case just study harder next time. Just look at each class, assignment, and test as an opportunity to learn from and better your knowledge. The real challenge hits you when you get out of school and your job is on the line. Anyways good luck on your test.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    I think this is a job assignment, since its his first :P oh well of course you should be a little nervous, it will heighten your senses. Maybe get a stressball for your hand or something :P

    Yeh welcome to Polycount!
  • Ben Apuna
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    Oh! that makes more sense then, the job is on the line... Yeah those can cause some anxiety. Just do the best you can, either way you will come out of it a better artist than before you did it. If you are still working on it don't forget to take a break from time to time, step back away from your monitor and relax, then look back at your work to see it in it's entirety so you don't make any obvious mistakes that you might miss while focused on the details. Good luck!
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    perhaps pulling an all-nighter hopped up on caffeine until you puke isn't the best strategy.

    if this is for a job, they don't expect that. and destroying your hand on a shitty mouse helps no-one. take a breath and relax. you work for humans, not robot overlords [yet!]
  • Karmageddon
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    Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
    I think this is a job assignment, since its his first :P oh well of course you should be a little nervous, it will heighten your senses. Maybe get a stressball for your hand or something :P

    Yeh welcome to Polycount!

    Actually I'm a woman but thank you. Which reminds me, I should update my profile.
  • Mark Dygert
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    If that's what it takes to get the job done... do you really want to do that all the time? Sounds like a miserable way to work/live.

    But if it lands you an interview...

    There would be be two questions I would ask. (remember you're interviewing them also)
    "Is the production environment as stressful as the test or is the work environment pretty relaxed but focused?"
    "What about pressure, I put enough on myself I don't need a vulture sitting on the back of my chair ready to peck my eyes out the second I relax"
    Probably reword the last one...
  • Rens
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    Vig wrote: »
    II don't need a vulture sitting on the back of my chair ready to peck my eyes out the second I relax"

    no but that sounds pretty hardcore,
    make sure to take breaks, alot of small ones, big ones, specialy on all nights, go watch "deadliest catch" for an hour, or some national geographic, David Attenborough has such an amazing calming voice.

    its probably better to leave coffee alone, or at least not drink it behind the pc,

    besides all tips and tricks,

    have you had this before?
    it will probably be alot less the next time, but when you do experience something like this, make sure to take a step back and make sure you dont destroy yourself.

    btw i havent used a mouse for more then a year now, just my tablet, no way am i going back to that mouse thing again
    maybe you have one allready, if not, try one out, they are alot better for your hand/lower arm
  • Karmageddon
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    Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
    I have an Intuos 3 and a Cintiq so yes, I'm familiar :D

    This test pretty much destroyed me. I took no breaks and I can't believe I still look back on it with scorn. 5 years of DigiPen didn't kill me as much as that BS did.

    And did I get the job? Course not. It looked like someone with anxiety and lack of sleep made it =(
  • Rens
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    bleg :S

    you did your best, thats all you can do
    every experience counts, good or bad
    (eventhough we allways wish for the good, the bad will help us improve and make sure we get there)

    and really take those breaks, get your mind of things, and make sure your body doesnt get rusty. traditional art is also very relaxing and reduces the time behind the pc while still making art :)
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Zilk wrote: »
    Actually I'm a woman but thank you. Which reminds me, I should update my profile.

    I had a feeling you could be and I was thinking about it when i wrote the word ''he'' XD,(but I took a guess and failed) Ohwell too bad the work put into the test did not get you much further.
    GL Im sure with that determination it will work out for you in the end. (or soon) :)
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