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[Nostalgia Topic] Archimedean Dynasty (1996)

polycounter lvl 18
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skullsplitter polycounter lvl 18
Does anyone here remember Archimedean Dynasty?

In the last few months my attention gets drawn away from contemporary titles since it all (well, most of it) feels and looks "meh", without any soul and depth...

Then I remembered AD again, and walked in a gamestore in the Hague, spotted a copy of Aquanox and started that instead (doesn't accept my joystick either, helas, but feels more like a FPS anyway, I preffered the original)

Over the past few days I've been scrambeling over the internet to find me some info and artwork, but most of it is lost with the dissapearance of Massive, Fishtank and Bluebyte...

I recently felt like playing it, but lost my copy when I moved in with my girlfriend, and can't get my joystick to work with the demo too, so this is a bit dissapointing.

Anyone who feels the same or who can help me find more of the fabulous designs in the game?


  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    Didn't know about it, but now you've started a thread, i'm going to check it out. I know how it feels to be nostalgic over games, recently i went back to It Came From The Desert, the music always does it for me.
  • skullsplitter
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    skullsplitter polycounter lvl 18
    You're more than likely gonna hate the music of A.D. (German techno always felt out of place in the game), but the rest of the atmosphere is just great.

    There's a demo available weighing in at under 9 MB (those were the days :P) and you're likely to need DOSBox to run it. But it works. Demo only contains a few missions and a slideshow of ingame menu's etc.

    Here's the link: http://www.bluebyte.net/eng/products/archimedean-dynasty/index.htm

    The game had a direct opponent in the form of MS (superbly done railshooter) Deadly Tide.
    I was around 13 when I was interested in Deadly Tide, but on the last few days before my birthday I read a review on A.D. and ran into it at a store, so my mind was quickly set on AD instead. Both underwater, but Deadly Tide only having limited freedom and a playtime of roughly 4 hours, whereas AD had a different look, a more detailed sim-engine and loads of hours of conversation (good old text based) and rougly 60 missions and sidequests for gathering money. It really appealed to me, and once I started playing I damn near completed it in a few sittings. Lost my savegame when I formatted though, and ever after I never touched it again... Till last few weeks as said...
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    AD is really old, i believe the visuals were done by some who went and formed virgin lands. i worked with massive briefly on their last project, aquanox for PS2, just before they went under. the guy who played the main role in developing the visual style of the aquanox'es is randis.
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid polycounter lvl 10
    i think i might actually have a copy of this at my dads.... If i find it ill send you an email. :).

    I didnt really enjoy it much as a kid, as i was a rts fanatic but it was still a fun game and had some badass designs like you say.
  • fast1
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    nope never heard of it before, will check it outclear.gif
  • skullsplitter
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    skullsplitter polycounter lvl 18
    It IS really old, but it was really good too IMO, and I preffered AD over Aquanox anytime, it's a slightly less cartoony style yet vibrant, which was really refreshing...
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