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[Portfolio] - Brad Myers: Character Artist

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BradMyers82 interpolator
Okay, I am getting ready to apply to a couple of smaller game companies as an entry level or junior character artist, and I was wondering if I could get some feedback on my portfolio site.

To be honest, I'd like to wait another couple of months so that I can finish up some of the newer projects I have been working on (more focused at next-gen), however; I don't want to pass up some of the great job opportunities I have been seeing around the web by waiting too long. So my current line of thinking is: "why not give it a shot? While I work on my portfolio in the meantime."

Also, I figure some people won't like that I have a WIP model in my portfolio, but its really the only next-gen thing I have going, so I didn't want to leave it out entirely. However, the main project that I feel I need is a regular human character (next-gen) which I am going to do ASAP.

So enough excuses, here it is: www.ICantBelieveItsNotHighPoly.com

[Edit] This is the new URL by popular demand: www.BradM3D.com


  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    I'd say the top banner is too big and doesnt look that good anyway. And you put it all over your images :(
    But if you really want the image then maybe you can put it to the side and make your buttons going vertical instead of horizontal, with your name above the buttons.

    The currently seeking employment text looks unprofessional and its annoying to see it waste that important line of space on every single page. If you're forwarding this portfolio to employers then its kinda obvious you are seeking employment anyway.

    I also think the [Headings] are a waste of space, at least put them somewhere else so that it doesnt take up another 3 lines (for example in that new reorganized top navigation bit).

    No one cares about your news but its nice to see you dumping it down there so people dont have to scroll through it. But I still dont like the fact that its there when its unnecessary.

    The fading background outline effect thingy fades too fast. I think it will look better if you try making it fade longer so that it almost reaches the end of the div.

    How come the demon is still WIP? I remember seeing that aggggges ago on polycount somewhere.

    I hate side scrolling pages, some of your images force me to scroll sideways. I especially hate it when there is a lot of space on the left that would have prevented the need to sidescroll if the image was in the center of the page instead.

    Cant you make those 3d help links all the same size? Looks a bit tacky with them being all different sizes. Or just replace them with URLs. Or, remove the whole tutorial page completely :p
  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
    Hey there, your low poly characters look great to me. If you are applying for jobs on the PSP, DS or Wii or something I dont see why you cant pump out characters for those consoles. Your diffuse texture work specifically is really good throughout your low poly characters I think. Your environment work looks great too, looks like you could really excell at that if you gave it more interest.

    Probably I would remove the sub-D character modeling if I was applying for character work in your position, I think it doesnt do the rest of your work justice. I know you just finished the star wars girl but it was a strange choice for a portfolio piece if you are applying for games work, maybe you are applying for film work as well?

    You should make some low poly enviros and put your characters in the environments!

    One thing tho, the specular map for zombie sub zero, looks like an over saturated version of the diffuse? Am I missing something cause I think if you are supposed to completely desaturate it, you may get better results... I've seen a color single washes over a black/white specular before, like a PS variations wash or something.. for flesh people use blue a lot I guess, but I dont commonly see the full color specular, I dont think thats right, from what I know.

    overall though, im sure the seniors on this site will give you the real deal, ive just been watching your work and thought i would comment.

    PS: your picture in the "about me" section looks like you are one of those guys that used to beat up the computer geeks... your going to give the recruiters bad flashbacks!

    haha nice work! cant wait to see more.
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    PS: your picture in the "about me" section looks like you are one of those guys that used to beat up the computer geeks... your going to give the recruiters bad flashbacks!

    haha nice work! cant wait to see more.

    Ya Brad is a Beast-a-saurus rex. Great work man, a lot of improvement. Agree with all the crits, just change the website a bit ans start applying.
  • vj_box
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    well your website name itself is pretty explanatory,it says "i cant believe its not high poly",so you better concentrate a lot on the next gen spec models.:)
    Any way buddy,i like all ur works and my special vote goes to ur psp character, and know what?,one of my colleague here,referred to ur psp marcus character for his new psp project.
    All the best!
  • ivan3d
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    I'd really work on the website, as unfortunately, you will be judged on the web-work even if you are not applying for a web-master.

    Your low-res models are top-notch and show that you can really use your poly's well. Now, you are limiting yourself in getting hired if you only showcase that - your hi-res looks like it could be showcased as well, but it doesn't really pop until I scroll all the way down. I'd really render both hi-res and low-res, side by side and so everything pops up into the page as soon as you click the thumbnail - then the recruiter can scroll down and read the info.

    I would apply now as even with rejections you can re-submit your improved stuff later and that will show dedication and progress. My last job I applied 3 times for (through referrals) and first two times it got lost - and that's with multiple people knocking on AD's door twice a day! So don't be afraid politely hammering recruiters every 1-2 months until you succeed (as long as you show some serious progress, that is).

    Good presentation will go a long way, proper layout and order in which things are showcased - you are basically trying to impress people whom are not artists nor technical gurus, but like to look at pretty things and overly compressed things (before they pass them on to people that can actually judge it)...
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Hey, thanks for all awesome responses!

    Many of the points mentioned have been bothering me, I guess I just had to hear it from someone else.

    Yozora: Your like banner police today, ha ha. Okay, I changed the banner up and its like a 3rd of the size now and better looking I think. I'm kind of bummed that some people don't like the logo I went with, when I choose the website name I wanted something that would be memorable. Kind of an attempt to do something like Ben Mathis did with his site poopinmymouth.com. Anyways, the logo is possibly just a weak attempt at what Ben has already done, and I am open to changing it; I just like how it kind of helps people remember my sites name.

    Yeah, the news is on the bottom so you don't have to look at it if you don't want, and I figured same goes for the entire tutorials and about me section being on separate pages and all. I'm also going to work something out for the heading size and the fading.

    The demon is still WIP, because I haven't worked on him in ages, ha ha. I never finished him because I wanted to learn more about texturing before I tackled the armor and all. I'll probably finish him some time in February though. I have some other stuff I have to work on first.

    I'll also make the images small enough so I don't have to side scroll on my laptop. If my laptop browser doesn't need to side scroll, I figure I should be in the clear. Finally, I fixed the 3d help links so they are all the same size.

    Thanks a lot for the in depth crit dude.

    Microneezia: Thanks for the encouragement and for following my progress. The high poly star wars chick was simply an attempt to do something polar opposite of what I have been working on. I wanted to show diversity in my work and get some more high poly work done to show.

    The specular maps for zombie subzero did end up kind of crazy, and it has always bothered me. I followed along with the workflow used in the eat3d pillar dvd, for making specular maps; however, I am pretty sure I didn't handle the blood correctly. Anyways, its something I am going to work on.

    BTW I never beat up computer geeks, just tried not to let it be known that I am one of them.

    Cody: ha ha, much appreciated, yeah I'll start applying as soon as I get this website all worked out.

    vj_box: Yeah, I definitely need more next gen stuff. That's pretty much what I am going to focus on for the next few months.
    I am glad you guys like my psp characters, does your buddy need a junior character artist?

    Ivan3d: Thanks for the input. Okay, I get what you are saying about how I arrange my pieces. I'll try and work out a better setup.

    BTW, It's always interesting to hear how people landed jobs, and I didn't know that often times the people looking at the portfolios are not actually artists themselves. I'll try and keep that in mind when I'm revising my website.

    Please keep the crits coming though; I feel this is really helping a lot so far.
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    agree with whats been said so far. For some reason im not to fond of the site itself, maybe dropping the grey line that goes through the page near the top, and extend the gradient boxes around each section of work might be easier on the eyes (could be personal preference tho).

    Psp gears chars and zombie sub zero are my favs, really like the demon too just not too fond of the texturing atm (very monochrome and kinda dull at the moment, prefer the plain normals and ao on the low poly version).

    Anyways, looking good so far, hope the job hunt goes well :D
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Nizza_waaarg: Thanks, I fixed most of the stuff mentioned now, so the site should be looking better. The demon needs a lot of work still, it's just not high on my priority list atm, especially with DWIV just around the corner.

    So, I made most of the changes mentioned to my site. I also finished a few more things and posted them up.

    I'm interested to hear if you guys think I have a decent chance of getting an entry level position as a character artist. I would also like to hear about what sort of things I could work on specifically to increase my chances of landing a job.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    your sie is 100% better than it used to be great job. my only crit is your i can believe its not butter logo thingy is ugly :S
  • gamedev
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    gamedev polycounter lvl 12
    Your URL is a turn-off. You can pull off something like poop in your mouth once you have a few gigs under your belt. I realize changing your URL is a pain, but its just my 2 cents.

    Best of luck w/ the apps man!

  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    I could not agree more with the URL. Seriously man, acronyms or something. I'd hate to write all of that down.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    bradmyers3d.com, bmyers3d.com, bradm3d.com, or anything not what you have.

    I get away with mine because its so short, tgz3d.com.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    a.e.: Thanks man. Yes, not too many people like the logo heh, I guess its backfiring on me.

    game dev, whats_true, Thegodzero: Okay, point taken. I actually had Ben Mathis as one of my teachers and he was one of my first major inspirations, hence the name I came up with. However, I totally see what you guys mean, and the last thing I want to do is turn off anyone with a seriously stupid website name. I thought it was kind of catchy at the time, as it would be something memorable, but I guess to most the url is simply annoying.

    I'm going to see if I can change it, does this cost money or anything? I'm no web developer and I vaguely remember setting up the whole account and all.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Okay, I think I have it figured out how to switch url names and all. I should be able to just pay for a new domain for like $15.00, and transfer the stuff over from my current website.

    Everyone cool with TheGodZeros suggestion of "bradm3d.com"? I'm thinking of going with that url atm. This way I'll get rid of my dumb logo too... argh it's going to be a pain in the ass ha ha.

    Back to my original question though... Do you guys think I stand an okay chance of getting hired? And, what should I work on specifically?
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    i think you should go for BradKillsBabys.com

    It's simple, hence; easy to remember, funny, offensive, and it isn't taken. Hey it worked for Ben Mathis right? Who's with me?
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Cody: ha ha, you want to make that logo for me?
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15

    done. I'm serious though. That would be a perfect domain name.
  • breakneck
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    breakneck polycounter lvl 13
    Ben made that url after he made a name for himself right? I wouldn't make it too offensive. but then again - nothing really bothers me - so . . .how about www.bradrapelay.com???
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Oh no Cody, I think you just opened a whole new can of worms here, lol.

    Breakneck: I had to google rapelay to see what you meant... I didn't even now this stuff existed. :(

    Seriously though, I'm going to keep it simple this time with the name. I think TheGodZero has it right on the money, simplest name possible. Hit me up with some sick names for urls in a couple of years when I'm not such a newbie in the game industry okay. :)
  • Cody
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    Cody polycounter lvl 15
    allright man, haha. I just typed in baby killer and that was in the first row. haha. Bradmyers3d aint bad.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Ben Mathis could have gone with any url and it would have worked (as he has proved). The name and logo itself isn't what makes it memorable, its the resources on his site and his status in the community. I personally don't think its a good idea at all to make a "silly" url and logo like that to be used as your main portfolio no matter how successful you are.

    The domain shouldnt cost you $15. I buy mine from http://www.godaddy.com/, they got some offer on there that when you buy some other service from them then the domain gets a lot cheaper. Basically the domain itself costs $11, but if you buy some random crap with it (like a calender for example) then it costs $8.

    The godaddy site looks like a complete mess I know, but I've used them for over a year now with no problems.

    Its not massive savings, just thought I'd tell you anyway :p

    bradmyers3d is ok, not ideal but ideal has been taken :/
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Yozora: Hey thanks for the info. I actually just called PowWeb up (the company I go through) and they actually gave me a free domain name, so it costs nothing. Also, they said that once its activated in like 24 hours, both my original website name: www.icantbelieveitsnothighpoly.com and the new website name: bradm3d.com will point to the exact same portfolio site that I have created. So basically I have to do nothing, other than the simple phone call that I made. I'm really glad it was so easy to do.

    BTW: I'm going with BradM3d.com instead of BradMyers3d.com because occasionally people spell my last name wrong. This is the most simple solution as I see it just using my last initial. Say goodbye to the ugly butter logo ;)

    [edit] Just checked it now and its working already.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Just thought I would bump this since I have a bunch new stuff on my portfolio now. I'm still job hunting so if anyone has any crtis for me on my portfolio, art, or any possible leads please give me a shout.

    I'm thinking about trying to pick up some freelance gigs in the mean time as EQ suggested a while back.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    The 'Jaws' and 'Farmer George' characters I'd remove, they're your weakest pieces.
    On sub-Zero I'd copy and rotate the smoke plane 90° to give it some volume.
    The gun has some obvious smoothing issues.
    The horse is your best work, though giving it two different sections for the high/low is still something you might want to re-consider.

    As for the 2D section, I'd scrap it for now till you have more work on the level of your GF's portrait piece.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    hey nice updates. just a small crit, the girl in orange has some mucky blackness on her, especially noticable on the knees, I assume its a baked AO overlay - it would probably be better to tint the AO with a colour instead so that she doesnt look mucky.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    PolyHertz: Those are all really good points and I totally agree with you. I have been sort of wanting to remove that farmer for a while now, and I don’t really care to finish the Jaws character at this point since he’s sort of old now (over a year), and I would do many things quite different since I have learned a lot this past year. I also was thinking that giving the horse two sections was kind of lame, so I’ll change that too. The smoke cloud should be an easy fix on subzero, and it’s about time I make another gun since the one on my portfolio really is looking so hot.
    I know I am capable of doing much better 2d art, I just don’t really want to waste any time doing 2d atm. So I’ll probably take it down until I get better work in there as you mention. So again, thanks for the awesome crits, I’m going to get right on all these points.

    Ged: Yes that is the AO kind of screwing things up. I should probably revisit that model and fix some of the errors like that. I was kind of rushed making it and didn’t even notice until you just mentioned it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention!
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