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Portfolio test

I've completed what you can call a first draft of a website. Hopefully it works on your side but I'm happy to share it with you guys. Let me know if anything doesn't work.

Suggestions are welcome and if there are any bugs I will take a glimpse at them and fix them, just let me know.

Thanks guys :)



  • Orgoth02
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    Orgoth02 polycounter lvl 9
    Hey Menechu,

    You have some pretty decent work. Did you do the whole scene or just the pillar. The only thing that I would suggest is to not put tutorial in your Reed. The "Damaged Pillar" tutorial has been around for some time now and most everyone has seen it. Your protfolio should be a direct refection of yourself, it should show unqiue and interesting pieces. But once again over all better then about 60% of portfolios that I have seen from students coming out of school.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    Wow, you made a pillar? Amazing!... To much time focusing on it dude. I don't care how you did the nodes, show me other things to keep my interest. It's to long to, for just one scene.

    Your images in the image section are taking a long while to load up too~~

    Also, change your INDEX title to something else, like your name or something.
  • The_Kozmonaut
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    The scene looked good but it was boring because the camera moves so slowly. I started losing interest pretty quickly. I am not a fan of your images section at all. Having to load each image and using that side navigation thing kind of annoyed me. People come to the site to see art not your website design skills.
    Your work looks good I just want to be able to view it a lot easier
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 18
    I agree, the video is a bit slow but I have to give you props for opening the video right in the scene soooo many people feel the need for title screen
  • pangarang
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    pangarang polycounter lvl 11
    I'm not sure if it's personal preference or a legit critique but I notice your work is very monochromatic. In my opinion, this is playing is safe because you don't have elements that stand out when you don't want them to. On the other hand, it can make the entire environment blend together to make it seem kinda blah. Your lighting helps to combat this but I don't feel it's enough.

    For the showcase pieces in your environment, use a splash of colour (along with higher polys, bigger texture maps, etc) to help them stand out from the rest of the environment. Showcase pieces need more of everything than background elements. Establish a visual hierarchy. I might sound like a graphic designer, but I'm sure these principles apply to most forms of art, including 3D as well. A little colour goes a long way.

    Oh yes, and there are some obvious mirrored textures in your environment. Might want to disguise those with decal grime or something.
  • glib
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    On a website usability note, the flash viewer you're using really makes things more awkward than they need to be. Personally I'm a fan of the lightview-type stuff even though many aren't, but that flash setup doesn't allow large views, doesn't allow titles or notes on your projects, and is just generally slow and combersome.

    I know schools emphasize demo reels, but my advice would be to focus your time on your actual work and just show single frame screencaps and renders instead of bothering to render out all those frames.

    The videos tab seems extraneous after already seeing your video on the main page.

    The logos at the bottom of your demo reel page confuse me. It's title resume, the firefox logo opens a word document, the acrobar one opens a pdf (this one makes sense), and the quicktime logo opens your demo reel. I was half expecting to see a video of your resume when I clicked on that.

    I would simplify your screenshot-showing solution, make that your main page, move your embedded video over to the video tab (or remove it entirely) and move its download link over there too. Put your download links for your resume on your resume page.

    Also, check your title: it says 'index' right now.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    I'm with whats_true on this one... that was like 5 minutes of just watching you scroll around a pillar. When it showed you setting up the material, i thought maybe you had a couple tricks up you're sleeve you wanted to show... but... it was just a basic setup. So, I'm a bit confused. the other thing that I'm not huge on... is yes, you did a great job on re-creating the pillar from the Eat3D tutorial,. but I would much rather see you use what you've learnt, and put it towards something much more original, a small scene for example.

    I want to see moar!!!
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    I'm with whats_true on this one... that was like 5 minutes of just watching you scroll around a pillar. When it showed you setting up the material, i thought maybe you had a couple tricks up you're sleeve you wanted to show... but... it was just a basic setup. So, I'm a bit confused. the other thing that I'm not huge on... is yes, you did a great job on re-creating the pillar from the Eat3D tutorial,. but I would much rather see you use what you've learnt, and put it towards something much more original, a small scene for example.

    I want to see moar!!!
    quoting for truth
    shader set up isnt that hard as to warrant a video
    just say oh I bumped up screen res with tiling details, if you feel you have to say anything at all.

    I think your work - on the image page - is really quite nice. I'd like to see more of it! and 5,6,7 dont load.
  • Jet_Pilot
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    Jet_Pilot polycounter lvl 10
    Congratulations you made the pillar, MOVE ON!

    I was really hoping to see some of the model and texture work you did on the floor or the wall pieces. But was let down :-(
  • Orgoth02
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    Orgoth02 polycounter lvl 9
    Jet_Pilot wrote: »
    I was really hoping to see some of the model and texture work you did on the floor or the wall pieces. But was let down :-(

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