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Portfolio - Philipp Broemme


just wanted to show you some of my current works. At the moment I'm looking for a job in Canada/UK from may09. If someone has a hint I would be very pleased :)


General crits to my work are also welcome of course!

cheers Philipp


  • damageINC
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    It's difficult to get a bead on what kind of work you want from the folio. I saw the environment work and liked it (lighting seemed decent). But it was more geared towards architecture or advertising to me. If you're going for characters I liked the rocker, but all the others didn't do it for me at all. And then you put in vehicles.....as a group I liked them the least so unless you want to model vehicles I'd drop them personally. I'd also make the background a little darker.
  • Quasar
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    Quasar polycounter lvl 19
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    I'm a bit confused. What do you want to do in your job? Characters, Gameart or visualisation?
    You have a bit of this and bit of that on your site. I miss a clear struture and profile of your skills meant in a construtive way of critics. :)

    I often see portfolios and the guys tell: My name is XX i'm specialised on doing YY and would like to work in ZZ. Here's my resume! There are my work samples!

    The site itself looks decent and clear. But the green plat looks a bit streched hehe. To give google a chance for indexing your site, text is always better then just a .jpg for information holders like contact.
  • bommel
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    @damageINC, michi.be: Yeah you're right, maybe a bit confusing. I could structure it in game- and nongame relevant stuff.
    I did these vehicles (the tank and the jet) in an internship a few years ago. All the beauty renders are not game relevant, I know, I was more interested in lighting/rendering and somekind of realstic images in that time. Maybe I should give more background to the pieces of work.

    I'm most interested in doing characters, therefore I did the rocker and office guy for my portfolio.

    Thx for this help so far
  • damageINC
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    Hey Bommel,

    If you're in it to do characters, I would stick with characters only. I've been working on a folio site for a while now and reading lots of posts here and that was a big one: clearly state what you want to do as an artist (in your site title) and only use relevant and your best work. So I would definitely get rid of all the environments and vehicles.....more is definitely not better (I just removed a couple pieces from my site due to good crits from folks). Good luck. : )
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    surely when you apply for a job, that job has a title so the company already knows what youre aiming for without you tailoring your entire website around that one job application? Sure it would help if your art work reflects that job title but I dont think you have to get rid of all the other stuff you can do, just put it in a different category to your game art/ character art, thats my logic anyway. Then you can show companys just the page they need to see first and they can look at your other work if that interests them.

    The way I see it, its a difficult climate for jobs at the moment so if you decide you might want to apply at non game related 3d companies too you could still use the same website just refer people to the non game art section instead?

    by the way I like the rocker :)
  • bommel
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    @Ged: I think, I'll do a new section today with game art, to structure the site for companies. Unfortunatly there are not too much job offers in canada at the moment, thats right. I also thought about applying in film/vfx companies, but my interest is at the moment really more in the games branch. So I think I'll give first applications in british game companies a try before I start applying in VFX firms.
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