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::Wrapping Cloth/Thread Modeling::

polycounter lvl 13
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CT007 polycounter lvl 13
So how could one make this(without using some weird zbrush tool)?




  • Em.
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    Em. polycounter lvl 17
    Without? Edge extrusion and then tweak the verts till it's right I guess, something like that wouldn't be hard to model by hand.
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    I wouldn't focus on keeping the wrapping one long strip, first off all, because the player isn't going to notice it.

    I'd build it out of loops. Pretty much grab an edgeloop around the horn, convert that to a editable spline, turn that into a rectangular extrusion along the spline (make it renderable in max), and that'd be the basic strap. From there you can add the details, and move the verts around so it is crossed and start weaving other loops together.
  • Ott
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    Ott polycounter lvl 13
    Line, Sweep modifier, use custom shape. Add an edit poly / turbosmooth to the top and tweak it out looking back and forth with the final shape. Like Ghostscape said, don't focus on it actually physically connecting 100%...throw wraps under other wraps etc.

    Consider where your UV seams (on your low) are going to be as well when working with the high, and tuck/hide/cheat/steal as needed.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Ghostscape wrote: »
    I wouldn't focus on keeping the wrapping one long strip, first off all, because the player isn't going to notice it.

    I'd build it out of loops. Pretty much grab an edgeloop around the horn, convert that to a editable spline, turn that into a rectangular extrusion along the spline (make it renderable in max), and that'd be the basic strap. From there you can add the details, and move the verts around so it is crossed and start weaving other loops together.

    Like this, except instead of all that complex stuff just select a loop and clone it into a new object. Then either model your detail into that or use a displacement map or something. Clone it repeatedly, tweak each one's folds a bit so they dont all look the same. if necessary weld some together at the ends so it's contiguous.
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