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Portfolio- Matt Strutton, Environment Artist

I just got done making my first website. I would like to hear any all suggestions on just about anything. Still a work in progress (Have more work to put in) just want to see if I'm going in the right direction....Peace




  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    looks like a decent start man. I would suggest having the site load directly to the environments/props menu page with all the work, 1st impression was that screen was your only piece on the front page, when i clicked the menu it made a much better impression.
  • OldKid
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    Ha good idea.. was thinking the same thing. Tried it a couple different ways but didnt know what to do ..Thanx
  • snake85027
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    snake85027 polycounter lvl 18
    I am really impressed with your character art. Why aren't you pushing for that?
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    I REALLY love that scene! I feel like their needs to be a pool table or something hehe.

    To that, i think your not using you UV space very wisely. I see a lot of black on the texture maps. You can get a few more details into to use it better.
  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    If you save those images in the menu with any compression one more time I am going to kick the living shit out of you.. It makes decent images look like first year student crap!

    Also, when making the site graphics, especially if you use black stuff on a light background, make sure the edges are clean and smooth, so no aliasing (that's also the reason why; when you save the menu images with compression, they get extra jagged edges which equals ugly)

    The work is good, but the presentation needs allot of work to stop making peoples eyes bleed. Avoid designs with a high contrast, so black/white.

    my 2 cents!
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    the work you've got here looks good but does seam wastefull, biggest culprits are your UVs alot space and duplicates, you could probably nearly halve alot of them. also your normals dont appear to be doing enough, rather they look like the diffuse just run through CB, personally that would put me off.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Presenting your work on such a light/white background isn't helping your textures at all. I would darken things up a little immediately.

    Modelling looks solid. Your textures are little muddy and the final scene lacks any focus or centralized message. As others said, your UVs need work.

    Looks like a good start. Environment artists need more than one environment, so get crackin! Looking forward to your next piece.
  • OldKid
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    Thanx for all the tips... I'm working on another environment right now and should be done in a couple days. I will definitely work on spacing UV's better, and will change the site up with all the suggestions.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    its not just the spacing of UV elements, if you managed the elements better you could save space from duplicate or near duplicate sections.
  • OldKid
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    It's a good version 1 I think. Making the page load straight into work would be cooler. Also simplifying everything a bit might not be a bad idea.

    The work on the site is super clean textures and echoing what everyone else said a tad wasteful. Also work on defining a color palette a bit. The colors seem not well thought out. If you need help on it just ask someone on here or use a color palette website. Lighting can definitely help you define it easier.
  • StrangeFate
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    StrangeFate polycounter lvl 18
    I don't quite understand the purpose of the scene

    Its composed of ridiculously high polygon models that would never work ingame from which you don't seem to know how to extract normalmaps properly for the ingame versions, giving the impression that you don't know the main purpose for normalmaps. Instead you grace them with some rather exaggerated normalmaps of wood.

    I didn't look at the UVs much but it's rather impressive that you had the patience to UV map it all (that's a compliment).
    I would have used those models to bake normalmaps into lower poly versions, which is the main purpose of normalmaps. Normalmapped bevels, lines, details and shapes will always look better ingame than the same modeled details (smoother, soft shading and rounded edges > polygonal detail).
    Normalmaps contain angle information, while bumpmaps contain height information. Your scene makes no use at all of normalmaps, you could have just thrown some grayscale bumps on it and have it look the same.

    As it is now, having modeled all the detail into the chairs, you could have almost used a tiling wood tetxure on them, there wouldn't be much difference. Besides some painted ornament on the wood there's nothing else to justify a custom texture. The feet of the chairs, the area you sit on etc would normally have some detereoration from use which you'd expect to see if you give them the custom texture.

    The textures are rather simple with a very strong saturation (rather overkill) and often to asexual... I can tell the wood is wood, but most materials don't seem to resemble anything specific, they just have different colors, not properties.

    Personally, i would have left normalmaps out of the scene, their use works against you, and i would figure out how to bake them properly into useable models before doing another scene.
    Recapping the same mistakes wont work in your favor either.

    Try to make your work look good, even if it means that you need to leave normalmaps and fancy tech out until you figure it our properly.
  • OldKid
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    Bingo Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.
  • OldKid
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    I took some of your critiques and made some of the easy changes to the site. Hopefully it makes it a little easier to look at. Everything is WIP and I'm doing the low poly version of The Saloon (Using the high poly normal map on low poly work) as well as modeling the Zu Garden Concept. Thanx for the suggestions.
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