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PTRD - Anti-tank rifle

polycounter lvl 10
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AlexJ polycounter lvl 10
Hello again polycount!

I would like to ask your help and feedback on a current side project I am working on for a friend at work: A WW2 Anti-tank Rifle (PTRD); inspired from the comic book Blanche the Baby Killer.

My intention is to use this as a high poly mesh to bake to a lower, game art mesh. Currently some of the softer objects such as the shoulder pad are fairly basic as I intended to sculpt those into shape using Zbrush as well as try use it to sculpt some welding details where pieces connect.

I'm specifically looking for feedback on the overall accuracy of the geometry to the reference and what areas don't seem to be working as well and what areas could use more detail. Also any good tutorials on making guns for games would be great as well.

Here is my current WIP and references used.



More reference images -

And an image of the gun from the comic (WARNING NSFW) -

Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!


  • pyromania
    Offline / Send Message
    pyromania polycounter lvl 18
    You won't be able to mount the scope like that because the breech is on the top of the gun. You won't be able to get a cartridge between the scope mounts. It probably needs to be mounted like in the comic book. Your model has a extra cylinder sticking out of the bolt end but looking at some other references I don't see that cylinder on the real gun.
  • AlexJ
    Offline / Send Message
    AlexJ polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for the feedback pyromania. I fixed the extra cylinder - I was misinterpreting the indentation.

    I'm not sure If I am understanding how the scope is being mounted in the comic book though. It appears that it attaches over the top of where you load cartridge and rotates to the side when you reload it? In any case I need to reposition it.
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