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Games/Modeling Courses which is the BEST (UK)

I'm 17, It's getting to that time when I'm seriously considering going to University or not - I want to, but I've heard so many bad things and the last three years of my life I've been doing courses at college that havn't taught me anything remotely relevant to 3D/games. I've checked out bournemouth university courses to-do with 3D which are 'suppose' to be quite good, though I've also heard bad things about those.

I've 1 1/2 years experience with 3D modeling and texturing (3 yrs when Igo to uni, Self Taught) but I can't seem to find a university that fits what I want to do and has good reviews/ industry supported.

I have received info about Teeside and Dundee, Please give me feedback from you're own experiences, I understand that a degree may be important when helping me land my first job (Character/environment artist), but Instead of just paperwork I'd also like to learn something from the education system for a change.

Thanks as always.


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